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trassent 1026 tredje
trassent (växelutställare) drawer; utan regressrätt
mot ~en without recourse to drawer
trasser|a to draw [on a bank]; ~a ett belopp på
en person to draw [for] an amount on a person;
vilket belopp vi har ~at på Eder pr sikt for
which amount we have drawn on you at
sight; ~ing drawing, draft; utbetalningar och
~ingår (mellan banker) [money] transfers and
drawings; ~ingsavi advice of drawing;
~ingskredit acceptance (bills) credit
tratt funnel; (matnings- etc.) [feeding] hopper;
(bensin-) petrol funnel; (olje-) oil funnel;
(slask-) drainbowl; (gjutform) sprue cup;
(gjut. äv.) tundish; (trattformig fördjupning)
V-shaped hollow; (h’ogtalar-) horn; (på
mikro-telefon) mouthpiece; (på hörlur) ear trumpet;
kon och ~ bell and hopper; konisk ~
bell-shaped funnel
tratt|a draft, [unaccepted] bill [of exchange];
a draft for £9 jo, drawn at 90 days’ sight; acceptera
en tre månaders —0 på £j.~oo to accept a three
months’ draft for £5,000; acceptering av ~or
under remburs [the] acceptance of drawings
under a documentary [letter of] credit;
aviseering av en ~a advice of a draft; en ~a å a
draft for; negociera —ør to negotiate drafts;
rembursen gäller för negociering av -or the [-[documentary]-]
credit is available by negotiation of
drafts; ~ans belopp the draft amount; ~a med
[avlastnings]dokument documentary draft (bill);
1—a utan [vidhäftade] dokument clean draft (item);
under en remburs dragna ~or drafts drawn under
a [documentary] credit; utställa en ~a to make
out a draft; vi be Eder godhetsfullt inlösa vår ~a
vid uppvisandet we ask you please to pay
(honour) our draft on presentation
tratt|antenn inverted cone aerial (U S~antenna);
~formig tapering, funnel-shaped;
~högtalare horn-type loudspeaker; ~kvarn cone
mill; ~matningsapparat hopper feeder;
~munstycke funnel-shaped mouthpiece
nozzle); ~rundmaskin funnel bending
machine ; ~strålare horn[-type] radiator,
funnel-shaped aerial; (äv.) flare
trauma (med.) trauma; ~tisk traumatic; ~tisk
chock traumatic shock
trava (virke etc.) to pile, to stack; ~t virke
piled (stacked) wood, (US) cord wood
travbana trotting track (course); (US äv.)
harness track
trav|bar ~bara stolar [a] nest of chairs, nestable
chairs; ~e pile [of books]; stack [of wood];
(äv.) pack
travers (tekn.) overhead crane, overhead
travelling (US traveling) crane, travelling (US
traveling ; traversing) overhead crane, shop traveller
(US traveler), travelling crab (trolley, hoist),
remote-controlled (self-contained) travelling
crab, travelling crab complete with driver’s
platform, crab, [crane] trolley; gantry crane;
(tvärbjälke) cross member, transom; (mil.)
traverse; ~ med tralla med svängbar ut liggare
overhead underhung jib crane; jfr
insättnings~, rälbane~, skrotgårds~, skänk~,
standard~, telfer~, tvåbalks—; ~bord
transfer, travelling table; ~brygga [-[suspension-track]-]
crane bridge; ~förare [overhead] crane
operator(driver) ; jfr ~; ~konstruktör
overhead crane designer; ~korg overhead crane
car (carriage); ~krän [overhead] travelling
crane, overhead (traversing) crane, travelling
winch; ~räler rails for overhead cranes, rails
for traverses; ~skötare se ~förare; ~tralla
travertin (min.) travertine
trav|häst trotter, trotting horse; ~kusk sulky
driver; ~sele trotting harness; ~sulky
trotting sulky; ~sällskap trotting
association ; Skånska T~sällskapet the Scanian
Trotting Association; Stockholms T~sällskap
the Stockholm Trotting Association;
Västsvenska T~fy sällskapet the West-Swedish
Trotting Association; ~tränare horse trainer
tre three; arbeta i ~ skift to work in three
shifts; i ~ exemplar in triplicate, in three
[identical] copies; lanterna med ~ färger [a]
tri-coloured lantern; om antalet icke är delbart
med ~ should the number [of members] not
be a multiple of three; ß-D; se
~dimensioneli; ~a three; förra året var Mexico ~a
bland världens kajjeproducenter last year Mexico
was the world’s third largest producer of
coffee; ~adressystem (databehandl.)
three-address system; ~ aktare (teat.) three-act
play; ~atomig (kem.) triatomic
treaxl|ad se ~ig; ~ad långtradare six-wheeler
lorry (US truck) for long-distance haulage
(transport, transportation); ~ig triaxial;
three-axle; (äv.) six-wheeler; ~ig lastbil three-axle
truck; ~ig skär ~apparat triaxial shear
equipment; ~igt tryckförsök triaxial compression
tre|backschuck three-jaw chuck; ~basisk
(kem.) tribasic; ~bent three-legged;
~betygskurs [a] course of three units of academic
work, [a] course of three academic units;
~betygs studerande [a] student working
toward three units of academic credit
Trebizond Trebizond; (numera) Trabzon
tre|bladig; ~bladig propeller three-bladed
propeller; ~cylindrig three-cylinder; ~dela to
divide by (into) three; (geom.) to trisect;
~delad tripartite; divided into three parts;
~delig; ~delig växel (järnv.) double turnout
tredimensionell three-dimensional, 3-D, stereo;
~ bild three-dimensional (3-D, stereoscopic,
stereo) picture (image, view), stereogram;
~ film three-dimensional (3-D, stereoscopic)
film; (fam.) deepie, depthie, roundie; ~
fotografering three-dimensional (3-D, stereoscopic,
stereo) photography, stereography; ~t intryck
three-dimensional (3-D) impression, stereo*
scopic effect, pseudoscopic stereo; ~
konsolidering threedimensional consolidation; ~
polymer space (cross-linked) polymer;
samman-tryckbarhet volume compressibility; ~t seende
stereoscopic vision
tredje third, (förk.) 3rd; ~ graden (jur.) third
degree; ~ klass third class; (äv.) tourist class;
~ klassens (kvalitet) third-rate; ~ man third
party (parties, person[s]); försäkring av ~ mans
intresse insurance in favour of a third party;
vara försäkrad mot skada å ~ man eller ~ mans
egendom to be insured against third party risks
(liability); ~partisk ~ man (bank) escrow agent;
shall anses ha kommit till ~ mans kännedom
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