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tredje|del 1027 tre|partapparat
(jur.) shall be considered to have been brought
to the knowledge of a third party; ~ och
fjärde frihets trafik (flyg.) end-to-end traffic,
third and fourth freedom traffic;
omslagssida third (3rd) cover; ~ skiljedomare umpire,
third arbitrator; ~ steget (på raket) the third
tredje|del third [part], one-third; en ode|av
utrikeshandeln avräknas i pund one-third of the
foreign trade is done (transacted, contracted)
in sterling; två ~ delars majoritet a majority
of two-thirds; ~gradsförhör [the] third
degree; ~klassbiljett third-class ticket;
~-korrektur second revise; ~landsvaluta [the]
currency of a third country, [a] third-country
currency; ~mansansvar third-party liability;
~skena (strömskena) third (conductor, current
collecting, live, contact) rail
tredsk refractory, defiant, contumacious; ~a
refractoriness, defiance, obstinacy, contumacy;
av ~a eller uppenbar vårdslöshet because of
obstinacy or manifest carelessness; vid ~a
in case of contumacy (contumacious
behaviour); ~o]dom judgment by default;
~o j domsförfarande undefended proceedings,
proceedings when defendant neglects to
defend; ~o|vis; döma ~ o\vis to judge by default
tredubb|el threefold, triple, treble; in triplicate;
(text, etc.) three-ply, 3-ply; a threefold increase;
~et diod triple diode; oelt radavstånd triple
spacing; ~el|vävd; oel[vävd filt triplex felt;
~la to treble, to triple, to triplicate; ~ling
trebling, tripling, triplication
tre|däckare three-decker; ~elektrodrör triode,
three-electrode valve (tube);
T~faldighets-kyrkan the Church of the Holy Trinity
trefas three-phase, triphase; ~ växelström
three-phase alternating current, three-phase AC;
~anläggning three-phase plant;
~anslutning; enfas svetstransformator för oanslutning
three to single phase welding transformer;
~dynamo three-phase dynamo; ~-enfas;
~enfas svetsomformare three to single phase
rotary welding ~apparatus; ~-enfas
svetstransformator med dubblad enfasfrekvens welding
transformer with three phase input and single
phase double frequency output;
~fyrledar-system three-phase four-wire system;
~generator three-phase generator; ~ig three-phase;
oigt ansluten grupp av enfas svetstransformatorer
i gemensamt hölje three or multiples of three,
single operator transformer welding sets,
grouped in one casing; ~kabel three-phase
cable; ~lindning three-phase winding; ~
motor three-phase motor; (av kortsluten typ)
squirrel-cage motor; (av släpringad typ)
slipping (wound rotor) motor; ~mätare
three-phase meter; ~nät three-phase net;
~spänning three-phase voltage; ~ström
three-phase current; ~system; plusföljdskomponent
(minusföljds komponent) i ~system positive
(negative) sequence co-ordinate of a system of three
phase quantities; ~transformator three-phase
transformer; ~treledarsystem three-phase
three-wire system
tre|fot tripod; ~fotsborrställning boring
tripod; ~färgad three-coloured
trefärgs|foto three-colour (trichromatic) photo
[-graph]; ~fotografering three-colour
photography; ~förfarande three-colour
(trichromatic) process; ~projektionsapparat
trichromatic projector; ~rör (elektron.) tricolour
(US tricolor) valve (US tube); ~tryck
three-colour printing (konkr. print)
trehalos (kem.) trehalose
trehjuljig three-wheel[ed]; ~ig bit three-wheeled
motor-car; (äv.) bubble car; ~ig paketbil
three-wheel delivery van; ~ing three-wheeled
vehicle, three-wheeler; tricycle; tricar; (barn-)
[child’s] tricycle, (US) velocipede;
(paket-cykel) carrier tricycle
trehundra|grupp (tel.; i mångkanalsystem ) master
group; ~årig three hundred years old,
three-hundred-year-old, tercentenary; ~årsdag
tercentenary, tercentennial; three hundredth
anniversary; a ceremony marking the tercentenary of
treillage (ark.) lattice-work, trellis-work
trekanalsystem (färg-TV) simultaneous colour
trekant|fil three-square (three-cornered,
triangular, saw) file; ~ig triangular, three-cornered,
three-square; ~linjal triangular rule;
~par-tig; ~partig lina flattened strand rope;
~s|-affarer triangular transactions (business,
operations); ~skena triangle (triangular) bar
tre-kroppar-problemet (fys.) the three-body
trekvarts|lång three-quarter-length; ~lång jacka
three-quarter-length jacket; ~strumpa
three-quarter hose
treledar|e three-wire, triple wire; ~kabel
three-core cable; ~nät three-wire network;
~system three-wire (neutral wire) system
trelägesomkastare three-position key
tremakts|avtal tripartite agreement; ~förbund
triple alliance; ~fördrag tripartite treaty;
~kommission tripartite commission; ~paid:
tripartite pact
tre|mannadelegation three-man delegation;
~mansbridge three-handed bridge;
~mas-tad three-masted; ~mastare threemaster,
barque, bark; ~milsgränsen (sjö.) the
three-mile limit; to keep well outside the three-mile
limit; ~minuterssamtal (tel.) three-minute
call; ~molekylär trimolecular, termolecular
tremolit (min.) tremolite
tre|motorig three-engine[d]; ~myntsapparat
three-denominational coin box
tremånaders|medeltal; löpande
3-månadersmedeltal current 3-months’ average; ~rapport
three-month[ly] (quarterly) report; ~växel
three months’ bill [of exchange]
trenchcoat trench-coat
trend trend; the upward trend of commodity prices;
~förskjutning shift in the trend ; det är fråga
om en konjunkturmässig rörelse, icke en
grundläggande ~ för skjutning it is a question of a
temporary fluctuation in the trend, not a basic
change in its direction; ~mässig as far as
the trend is concerned, as to the trend, with
respect to the trend; ~tal trend number
trepaner|a to trephine, to trepan; ~ing
trephining, trepanning, trepanation; undersökning
med ~ing examination by trephining
tre|partapparat (tel.) triple multiplex ~apparatus;
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