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vinstandels|fond        1158        vinter|fällning

rangemen t); ~fond profit-sharing fund;

~givare profit-sharer; ~kommitté profit-sharing

committee; ~plan profit-sharing scheme

(plan); avsättning för ~plan profit-sharing

contributions; ~procent rate of bonus;

~projekt se ~plan; ~rätt participating

(profit-sharing) right; ~system profit-sharing

scheme (plan, system), profit-sharing; (äv.)

industrial partnership, (US) labor

copartnership ; ~tagare [a] beneficiary under a

profit-sharing scheme

vinst|belopp amount of profit; ~beräkning

profit calculation, calculation of profit[s];

~berättigad (försäkr.) with profits, entitled

to [a] bonus; ~berättigadförsäkring with profits

insurance (assurance); ej ~berättigadförsäkring

without profits insurance (assurance);

bringande profitable, lucrative, remunerative,

gainful, yielding profit; a paying proposition;

~bringande kapitalplacering productive

(profitable) investment, earning asset;

~delaktighetsbevis compensation share; ~delning

profit sharing; ~disposition profit allocation

(distribution), allocation (distribution) of

profits (surplus); reconcilement of undivided

profits|poster: balance at beginning of year,

net addition to undivided profits from

earnings, released from reserves, transferred to

capital stock dividend, transferred to surplus,

balance at end of year]; övrig ~disposition other

applications of profits, other dispositions out

of profits

vinsten [cream of] tartar; (kem.) potassium


vinst|fördelning distribution (allocation) of

profits; ~fördelningsplan bonus scheme;

~förhållande profit ratio; ~förlust loss of

profit; ~försäkring profits insurance;

~förteckning [lottery] prize-list; ~givande

profitable, remunerative, lucrative, paying; ~grupp

bonus group; ~hemtagning (börs.)

profit-taking; equity shares remained firm yesterday,

though end-Account profit-taking brought some

prices back in the afternoon; ~hemtagning i

slutet avräkningsperioden (börs.) end-Account

profit-taking; a little end-Account profit-taking

caused some of the leading industrial equities to sag;

~inflation profit inflation; ~intresse;

försäkring av ~intresse insurance of anticipated profit;

~kalkyl se ~beräkning; ~konjunktur trend

of business profitability; ~konto; ~ o.

förlustkonto Profit and Loss Account; (äv.)

[the report and] accounts; ~kontroll profit

control; ~kupong (aktie-) dividend warrant;

~källa source of profit; ~läge profit position

(situation); ~marginal margin of profit,

profit margin; (handelsmarginal) mark-up, per

cent of mark-up, mark-up rate on selling

price, retail mark-up, mark-up on retail [price],

mark-on, [gross] margin; en sammanpressning

av ~marginalerna a contraction of profit

margins; vara beredd att göra affärer med en

mycket liten ~marginal to be prepared to do

business on a very narrow margin of profit

vinstmedel profit[s] [at the disposal of the

annual meeting], proceeds, return[s];

balanserade (besparade, disponibla, fonderade) ~

undivided (unallocated, unappropriated,

distributed, retained) profit[s] (surplus,

reserve), earned surplus unappropriated, surplus

(balance of profit) brought forward from

(carried forward to), surplus available, carry

forward, carry-forward; binda vinstmedlen inom

företaget to retain the profits within the

business ; to plough back the profits; disponibla ~s

konto Undivided (Undistributed) Profits

Account; outdelade ~ undistributed (undivided)

profits; reserverade ~ appropriated surplus,

reservation of earned surplus, profits put to


vinst|motiv profit motive; ~möjlighet profit

opportunity (chance); ~nedgång drop

(decrease, decline, fall) in profits; ~nummer

winning number; ~ och förlustkonto Profit

and Loss Account; (äv.) [the report and]

accounts; ~ och förlusträkning profit and

(&) loss account; (särsk. US) statement of

income and expenditure [for the year ending

December 31, 1979]; ~ och förlusträkning för

koncernbolag consolidated profit and loss

account; ~procent; självkostnad plus ~procent

cost plus; ~provision profit (contingent)

commission; ~reglering profit equalization;

equalization of dividends; ~regleringsfond

(ung.) profit equalization reserve, profit

adjustment fund (account), dividend equalization

(reserve) fund; ~regleringskonto

appropriation account; ~rekord profits record;

~saldo profit balance, balance of profit[s],

balance of profit[s] c/f (carried forward);

~siffror profit figures; ~skatt profits tax;

(äv.) excess-profits tax; lagen om —.skat ~ the

Profits Tax Act; ~utdelning profit

distribution, distribution (division) of profits,

dividend[s] [paid]; (äv.) bonus; bolagsstämmas

rätt att genom ~utdelning eller eljest förfoga över

bolagets egendom the right of a general meeting

to dispose of the company’s property by

paying dividends or otherwise; ~utdelning till

aktieägare dividends paid to shareholders;

distribution out of profits made to

shareholders; profit distribution to shareholders;

~utsikter profit prospects (outlook),

prospects of earnings, chances of [making] a profit;

försämrade ~utsikter deteriorated prospects of

earnings; ~utveckling profit trend; ~värde

value of a lottery prize, prize value; ~ökning

profit increase (rise), increase (rise) in profit[s];

~överskott surplus profit[s]

vin|syra tartaric (dihydroxisuccinic) acid; ~säck


vinter|arbete winter work; ~avverkning winter

cutting[s]; ~bad winter bathing; ~badare

(ung.) winter swimmer, polar bear;

~badar-klubb (ung.) polar bear swimming club;

~bete winter grazing; ~bruk; för ~bruk

for winter use; (om tyg wear); ~bränsle

winter fuel; ~bygge construction in winter;

~dag winter[’s] day; (äv.) [a] wintry day;

~dvala winter sleep, hibernation; ~däck

(bil) winter tyre (US tire); ~fiske winter

fishing; ~foder winter fodder (feed);

~fotografering winter photography; ~fribord

winter freeboard, (förk.) W.; ~fribord för

Nordatlanten Winter North Atlantic Freeboard,

(förk.) WNA; ~frukt winter fruit,- ~fäll-

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