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tal 1642 tandfyllnadsmaterial
enställigt ~ digit; helt ~; mängd av hela ~ set
of integers; irrationellt ~ irrational number,
surd; komplext ~; rot av komplext ~ root of
complex number; kvadrera ett ~ to square a
number, to raise a number to the second power;
mängd av ~ set of numbers; naturligt ~ whole
(natural) number; negativt ~ negative number;
rationellt ~; mängd av rationella ~ set of
rational numbers; reellt ~; mängd av reella ~ set of
real numbers; rot av ~ root of number;
~ med fast komma (data) fixed-point number;
~ med flytande komma (data) floating-point
number; transfinita ~ pl. transfinite numbers;
udda ~ pl. odd numbers; ändligt ~ finite
talan; fullföl|a ~ (jur.) to prosecute a suit (an
action), to prosecute the proceedings; föra ~
to bring an action; grund för ~ (jur.) cause
(gist) of action, ground of a legal action;
kollektiv ~ class action; negatorisk ~ action for
an injunction; rätt att föra ~ niot ett heslut
locus standi to challenge a decision; som ej
(icke) kan göras gällande genom ~ unenforceable;
~ ä alla berörda skadelidandes vägnar class action
talang|flykt, ~emigration brain drain; ~scout,
~värvare talent scout (spotter): ~vinst,
~immigration brain gain; ~värvning talent
talare; Fria T~s Tribun (ung.) Speakers’ Corner;
vara en god ~ to be a good speaker, to be most
eloquent; (fam.) to have the gift of the gab
talar|konst rhetoric, elocution, eloquence,
oratory, delivery; offentlig ~ konst public speaking;
~lista list of speakers
tal|begrepp number concept, concept (notion)
of number; ~centrum speech centre;
~detektor speech detector; ~ekvation numerical
talerätt (rätt att föra talan mot ett beslut) locus
standi to challenge a decision
talesman (äv.) intercessor, interceder;
mouthpiece; advocate, champion; protagonist
talesätt locution, set (stock; proverbial) phrase;
figure of speech; parlance; idiomatic expression
talfel speech defect (error), defect of speech
talfelsbehandling speech training (correction);
remedial speech
talfyr (flyg.) voice rotating beacon, VRB
talföljd number sequence, sequence [of numbers];
aritmetisk ~ arithmetic progression; geometrisk
~ geometric progression; gränsvärde för ~
limit of a sequence (series)
tal|förståelse speech intelligibility; ~garnityr
(för telefonist) operator’s telephone set,
speaking set, headset; ~geometri geometry
of numbers; ~klass (matem.) number class;
(pedagog.) speech class; ~klinik speech (voice)
talko subst, (fi.: arbetsgille, skördegille, grannhjälp
vid skörd etc., grannträff) harvest (haymaking
etc.) bee; local gathering for work or
amusement; (särsk. Br äv.) harvest home
tal|komma radix point; ~konstruktion number
construction; algebraisk typ av ~konstruktion
algebraic type of number construction;
~kontinuum continuum of numbers;
~krets (tel.) speech circuit; ~kropp (matem.)
number field (domain); algebraisk ~kropp
algebraic number field; ~kryptering (tel.
etc.) speech scrambling; ~kvadrat number
square; ~linje (matem.) number scale
(axis); ~melodi intonation; ~modul number
talmud (judisk skriftsamling) the Talmud
tal|mängd (matem.) set (assemblage) of numbers,
number set; ~par (matem.) pair of numbers,
number couple; ~patolog speech pathologist;
~pedagog (logoped) logopedist; ~plan
(matem.) number plane, plane of complex numbers;
~polygon number polygon; ~registrerare
(flyg.) voice recorder
talrepresentation (data) number representation;
~ med fast komma fixed-point representation;
~ med flytande komma floating-point
tal|roll (teat.) speaking part; ~rubbning
speech defect; ~serie number series
talspråk spoken (colloquial) language
talspråksuttryck colloquialism
tal|svårighet speech impediment; ~symbol
number symbol; ~symbolik number
symbolism (lore); ~syntax speech syntax;
~syntes speech synthesis
talsystem (äv.) number (numerical) notation,
numeral system, numerical positional notation;
binärt ~ binary notation (numeration system,
number system); decitnalt ~ decimal notation
(numeration system, number system); oktalt
~ octal notation (numeration system, number
system); sedecimalt ~ hexadecimal notation
(numeration system); ändligt ~ finite number
tal|tydlighet speech intelligibility; ~vård
speech improvement; ~värde (matem.)
numerical value
tamburmajor 1. (mil. etc.) drum major; (kvinnlig
tamburmajor; medlem av flickgarde) drum
majorette; (äv.) baton twirler; 2. (klädhängare)
hall (hat, clothes) tree, hatstand, costumer
tamilkyrka; Evangelisk-Lutherska T~n the Tamil
Evangelical-Lutheran Church
tamponad subst. (med.) tamponade, tamponage,
tamponing, tamponment; (äv.) plugging;
hjärt~ cardiac (heart) tamponade; ~material
(med.) packing (plugging) material
tampongpincett dressing forceps
tanato|fobi subst, (sjuklig skräck för döden)
thanatophobia; ~logi (vetenskapen om döden)
tand; laga sina tänder to have one’s teeth filled
(stopped; capped); tändernas kalcifikation
calcification of teeth
tanda|d; ~d låsbricka toothed lock washer;
tre-sidigt ~t frimärke stamp with perforation on
three sides
tand|borste; elektrisk ~borste electric
toothbrush; ~emalj; ~emaljens dekalcifikation
enamel decalcification; ~formel dental
tandfyllnadsmaterial tooth filling (stopping,
capping) material
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