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tillfart        1054        tillträde

tillfart (äv.) intersection approach

tillfarts|bank (till bro) approach embankment;

~fack (bro) approach span; ~väg (äv.)

service (frontage) road; (motorväg äv.) slip road

tillfällig; ~t anställda temporary staff

(employees), temporaries, temps; ~ anställning

temporary (chance) employment

(appointment); ~ belastning (bygg.) live load;

bestrålning accidental exposure; ~t förband (tekn.)

temporary joint; ~ hjälpaktion bridging

operation; ~ införsel (korttidsimport) temporary

importation; ~ inlärning incidental

(concomitant) learning; ~a intäkter och kostnader

nön-permanent receipts and costs; ~ postadress

accommodation (temporary mailing) address

tillfällighets|krig (krig uppkommet av misstag)

accidental war; ~tjuv (ung.) sneak thief

tillförlitlighet reliability, dependability;

trustworthiness ; beräknad (uppskattad) ~ estimated

reliability; dators ~ computer reliability;

förutsedd ~ predicted reliability; förväntad ~

expected reliability; inneboende ~ inherent

reliability; ~ i drift operational reliability

tillförlitlighets|grad [degree of] dependability;

~kontroll reliability control; ~matematik

reliability mathematics; ~nivå; acceptabel

~nivå acceptable reliability level, ARL;

~acceptabel ~nivå unacceptable reliability level,

URL; ~prov reliability test (trial);

~provning reliability testing; ~teknik reliability

engineering (technology, technique); ~teori

reliability theory; ~tävling (bil) reliability


tillförsel; ~ till en industri (hand, stat.) ~apparent

consumption; ~kris supply crisis

tillgodokupong trading (bonus) stamp

tillgripa; ~ rättsliga (lagliga) åtgärder mot ngn

to take legal proceedings (steps, measures)

against sby, to institute (initiate, commence,

start, begin) legal proceedings against sby, to

proceed against sby [by law], to go to law

against sby, to institute (resort to) legal

(judicial) measures against sby

tillgång; fasta ~ar (äv.) land, buildings, plant

and machinery; fri ~ (arkiv.) right of access;

fri ~ till offentliga handlingar free access to

public documents; immateriell ~ intangible

asset; osynliga ~ar intangible assets; ~tillräcklig

~ short supply

tillgångskonto (bal.räkn.) assets account; (pl.

äv.) real (permanent) accounts

tillgänglig; ej— not available, NA; ~ maskintid

available machine time; vara allmänt ~ (patent

etc.) to be available (accessible) to the public;

to which the public has access

tillgänglighet; [fri] ~ (arkiv.) right of access

tillgänglighetsfaktor availability factor

tillhörighet; politisk ~ political affiliation

tillits|princip; ~princip i avtalsrätt principle of

protecting reasonable expectations; ~teori

doctrine of reliance

tillkännage se tillkännagiva [i huvudbok]

tillrinningsområde catchment area

tillsats (kem. äv.) addition agent; (apparat äv.)

adapter; extra ~ additional attachment;

utanfrämmande (konstgjorda) ~fr unadulterated;

~agg*egat (äv.) additional set (attachment);

~apparat (äv.) additional set; ancillary; ~

apparatur ancillary equipment; ~dön

additional attachment; ~legering filler [metal]

alloy; ~metall additional (reviver) metal;

~ämne (additiv) additive; (äv.) dope;


tillskottsbetalning supplementary (additional,

fresh) payment; (aktier; US) stock assessment;

additional cover (margin)

tillskottsplikt (finans.) reserve liability, liability

to further call; call for additional cover;

bolag med begränsad ~ (Br) company limited by

guarantee; ~ig contributory; ~f’ga äktier

(US) assessable stock; icke ~iga aktier

nonassessable stock

tillskärarakademi; AB Stockholms T~ the

Stockholm Academy of Tailors and Cutters

tillspetsning sharpening; (fig.) accentuation,

intensification; aggravation, escalation; coming

to a head, approaching a critical stage; (äv.)

punch line; arbetskraftsbristens ~ the

intensification of the labour shortage; krisartad ~

straining to the point of crisis; lägets ~ the

critical development of the situation

tillstånd $ fast [a] ~[et], FT (fys.) solid state, SS;

jfr fasttillstånds~, FT-; fastkropps-; fasta ~ets

fysik (fasttillståndsfysik, FT-fysik; fast

kroppsfysik) solid-state physics; supraledande ~

superconductive (superconducting) state;

vilande ~ (vilo~y vila) static (quiescent) state

tillstånds|bevis (för viss yrkesutövning)

concession; (särsk. US) franchise; (äv. ibl.)

certificate of consent; ~diagram (fasdiagram)

[metallurgical] phase (equilibrium) diagram,

constitution (state) diagram, diagram of state,

thermodynamic [phase] diagram; (äv.) phase

pattern; spectrum-luminosity relation;

~ekvation equation of state; ~havare licensee,

permit (licence) holder, holder of a permit

(concession), concessionaire; jfr [-koncessions-[inne]-]

havare [i huvudbok]; ~myndighet

licensing authority; ~prövning (äv.)

processing of applications; ~rapport situation

report, sitrep

tillställning arrangement, entertainment, party,

[gala] affair; gathering, social gathering

(evening, function); get-together; reception;

meeting; convention; (fam.) do, wingding,

blowout, shindig, shindy, whoop-dedö[o]

tillsvidarebeslut interim (temporary, provisional,

preliminary) decision

tillsyns|lärare (ung.) administrative assistant [to

headmaster]; (Br äv.) deputy head teacher [i

primary school]; second (senior) master (mistress)

[i secondary school]; ~projekt pl. (stall.)

supervision projects, projects for supervision of

internal auditing offices

tilltal; ställas under ~ to be placed under


tillträda; ha tillträtt ett fördrag to be adherent to

a treaty

tillträde; fritt ~ till hyllorna (bibliot.) open (free)

access; med ~ ~medelbart with immediate


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