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Jag har intet o. med honom, I have no
dealings with him. [made.
obäddady adj, O. säng, bed not yet
obfikligy a<y, bulky, unwieldy.
obändig, adj. indomitable, untameable,
refractory, stubborn, obstinate, wilful,
-het, /. stubbornness, obstinacy.
oböj-dy adj. unbent, -lig, adf. inflex-
ible, -lighet, /. inflexibility, inflexible-
ness, obstinacy.
och, konj. and.
ocean, m. ocean.
ock, konj. also, too, likewise.
ock-er, n. usury, -ra, v. n. to lend up-
on usury, to practise usury, -rare, m.
ockra, /. ochre. [usurer.
ockaa, ae ook.
ockup-ation, /. occupation, -era, v. a.
to occupate, to occupy.
odal, ac0. allodial, -bonde, m. franklin,
yeoman, freeholder, -gods, n., -Jord, /.
allodium, free [allodial] land, -man, m.
ode, n. ode.
odel-ad, adj. undivided; whole, -bar,
adj. indivisible, individable. -barhet, /.
odensvala, /. black stork.
odjur, n. monster.
odla, V. a. to cultivate, to grow; to till,
-are, m. cultivator, -ing, /. cultivation,
culture; civilization, -ing^grad, /. in-
tellectual standing. — odelbar, adj.
odoga, /. naughty wretch, good for no-
odon, n. crackberry.
odryg, adj. thin, soon spent, soon gone.
odräglig, adj. insupportable, intolerable,
odng-lig, adj. disqualified ("for), good
for nothing, useless; incapable (of), unfit
(for). Göra o., to disqualify, -lighet,
/. uselessness, incapacity, uiifitness, dis-
qualification, -ling, m. good for nothing
odygd, /. vice, wickedness; naughtiness.
-as, V. d. to be naughty. Jmf. skalkas.
-ig, adj. vicious, wicked, naughty.
odäckad, adj. without deck.
odödlig, adj. immortal, everlasting, -bet,
/. inunortality.
odöpt, adj. not baptized, nnchristened.
odört, /. hendock.
oefter-fiSljelig, adj. inimitable, -gif-
lig, adj. indispensable, peremptory, ab-
solute, -bärmlig, adj. inimitable, un-
ique, -rattlig, adj. incorrigible, -ratt-
lighet, /. incorrigibleness. -tanksam,
ee obetlb:iksam.
oegennjrtt-a, /. disinterestedness, -ig,
adj. disinterested.
oegentlig, adj. improper, -bet, /. im-
oenig (oens, adv.)^ adj. at variance, at
discord. Vara o., to ^sagree (med =
with; om = about), to be at variance,
to be at discord. Blifva oens, to &11 out
(with), -bet, /. variance, discord, dis-
agreement, dissension.
oerfaren, adj. inexperienced (in), un-
skilled (in), -bet, /. inexperience, un-
skilfulness. [digions.
oerhörd, adj. unheard o^ enormous, pro-
oersättlig, adj. irreparable, -bet, /.
irreparableness. [fortune.
olall, n. ruin, disaster, mischance, mis-
ofantlig, adj. enormous, huge, excessive,
-bet, /. hugeness, enormity.
ofarbar, adj. impracticable, impassable.
oCatt, adj. bulky, awkward.
Otf Attlig, se obegriplig. [ibility.
ofelbar, adj. infallible, -bet, /. infall-
offentlig, adj. public, -en, adv. public-
ly, -bet, /. public; publicity, notorious-
offer, n. sacrifice, offering, oblation, -al-
tar, n. offering-altar, -blod, n. blood of
victims, -bön, /. offertory, -djnr, n.
victim, -fest, m. sacrificial feast, -ka-
ka, /. oblation-bread, -knif, m. sacri-
ficial knife, -kärl, n. sacrificial vessel.
-plats, m. place for offering, -prest, m.
sacrificing priest, sacrificer. -redskap, n.
sacrificial vessels, -skål, /. offering cup.
-tjänst, /. offering. — offira, v. a. to
sacrifice, to offer, -re, m. sacrificer.
officer, m. ofGcer.
oMciel, adj. of&cial.
oMcin, /. printing office.
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