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— 72
~ med liten rapport (väv), bird’s eye
gälb|gjutare, brass founder, brazier
-gjute, yellow brass, ~ copper
-gjuteri, brass-foundery, red copper-foundry
(abstr), brass-founding
gäng, gang
gänga, thread (fillet), thread of screw, spiral
dubbel-, double thread
enkel-, single thread
flat-, square thread
flerfaldig multiplex thread
gas-, gas thread
invändig female thread
metrisk metric thread
rund round thread
skarp-, (tri)angular thread
trapets-, trapezoidal thread
whit worth-, Whitworth thread
-ns djup, depth of the thread
-ns bredd, width of the thread
-ns stigning, the lead of the thread
gäng la, to thread, to tap, to cut screws
-a om, to rethread
-ad, threaded
-ad bult, threaded bolt
förse med nya -or, to rethread
skära -or, to cut screws
-back, screw die, cutting chaser (amer),
threading die, screw plate
-backar, screw stocks, die head
-borr, tap
-djup, depth of thread
-fräs, thread milling cutter
-huvud, screwing chuck, die head
avgängning av -huvudet, threading-off
pågäng ning av -huvudet, threading-on
-höjd, se gängstigning
-kloppa, screw stock, die screw plate,
stock and die(s), re threading die
-maskin, tapper
-mätare, screw pitch gauge, thread(ed)
-ning, thread cutting
-ring, screw thread ring gauge
-rullningsback, screw rolling cheek
-rullningsmaskin, thread bulging
-skiva, screw stock, die plate, screw
screwing die, ring ^
-skärning, screw cutting, thread tapping
(med tapp); (med chaser), chasing
-skärningsdon (automat), threading
-skärningsmaskin, tapping machine,
screwing screw cutting ^
-skärningssvarv, threading lathe
-skärningsverktyg, threading tool
-snitt, se gängskiva
-stift, threaded pin, headless screw, grub
-stigning, (screw) pitch
-stigningsmätare, screw pitch gauge
-stål, chaser, chasing tool (gängkam);
threading tool
-tapp, (screw) tap, pilot tap
-tappshuvud, tang
-tolk, (internal), thread gauge
-tolk för medeldiameter, screw thread
micrometer caliber
-verktyg, screw-cutting tool
-vinkel, angle of thread, screw tool gauge,
chasing tool ~
göra, to make, to manufacture, to produce
~ en kurva, to curve
gös, pig (gruv); jack (sjö)
göt, ingot, bloom, casting(s), block
-borrmaskin, billet boring machine
ihåligt -e, hollow block (met)
göteborgsstandard, Gothenburg standard
(180 eng kbft löst mått — brukas för
göt i huvud, runner, feeding head
-it (gruv), needle iron-ore
-järn, soft steel, ingot iron
-järnsugn, flowing furnace
-press (mask), block press
-sax, slab shears, billet ^
-stål, (ingot), steel
-vagn (met), ingot charging truck
-valsverk, ingot rolling mill, blooming
mill, cogging billet ^
hack, hack, jag, notch
-a, hack, pick
-a, to pick, to hack, to chop, to hew; (om
motor), to falter
-ad, chopped
-bult, ragged bolt
-else, chaff
-elsekniv, chopping blade
-elsemaskin, straw cutter, chaff ~
-kam (väv), comb blade
-kniv, chopping knife
hagel I bössa, shotgun
-moln, hail clouds
-patron, shot cartridge
-spridning (gevär), shot dispersion
hak, notch, nick, hack
haka, to hook
^ av, to unhook
fast, to hitch
hak I block, shoulder block
-bult (skeppsb), T-headed bolt, throat
bolt; (järnv), cramp
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