Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - Second part - VI. Agriculture and Cattle-Breeding - 1. Agriculture. Partly after information from P. Lundell, Ebbetorp, Member of the Riksdag - The Cultivation of Cereals
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Table 67. Average Crops. By Läns.
Total value.
Average crop, in thousands of quintals.’
In 1896 1900.
Graina. Other planta.’ Wheat. Bye. Barley. Oats. Mixed Corn. [-Legn-mlnnee.-] {+Legn- mlnnee.+} Potato*».
Stockholm.............. 8-80 8-82 108 298 76 353 112 85 4691
Uppsala................. 898 659 108 263 174 296 111 51 302
Södermanland......... 9-41 8-28 115 294 49 485 81 50 2911
Östergötland........... 1607 12-89 122 491 177 520 438 88 631,
Jönköping.............. 857 9-21 10 278 60 657 9 6 6381
Kronoberg.............. 689 787 1 204 114 441 2 1 715
Kalmar.............. 9 64 888 50 434 147 434 9 17 626
Gotland................ 4’48 328 55 164 150 18 16 4 2611
Blekinge................ 487 484 21 192 41 177 16 12 635
Kristianstad........... 1448 10-88 80 504 229 541 262 30 1,339
Malmöhus............... 2817 1500 812 587 809 830 668 67 1,0911
Halland.................. 8-81 672 40 272 52 578 47 15 4441
Göteborg och Bohus.. 7-99 618 12 138 67 442 13 49 4731
Elfsborg................. 12-79 1216 23 311 20 1,053 15 17 1,142
Skaraborg.............. 1609 12-70 84 556 46 1,237 22 53 957
Vermland............... 886 11-82 9 365 9 650 4 6 686,
Örebro................... 758 8-20 54 215 28 545 14 20 467|
Vestmanland.......... 796 802 88 213 38 486 44 31 248,
Kopparberg............ Gefleborg................ 6-97 7 92 7 156 39 373 50 6 353!
3-81 766 1 47 168 238 12 6 406;
Vesternorrland........ 268 662 . 23 224 57 7 2 318!
Jemtland ............... 1-69 692 10 96 9 2 7 1271
Vesterbotten........... 209 517 6 189 8 2 218
Norrbotten.............. 286 5-Ö8 7 159 6 . 93
Total 20778 108-61 1,300 0,017 3,141 10,434 1,040 •23 12,»*
That the produce per hectare has increased in no unimportant
degree in Sweden during the present century is beyond all doubt, and
is confirmed by the following figures, which give the estimated crops
per hectare, in quintals:4
\teaT AD,?r- Barley. Oats. »g? Pease
1801/20 ............... 11-86 11-60 1306 11-00 11-70 1385
1871/80 ............... 13 96 13-72 14-70 13-06 14-29 14-95
1881/90 ............... 13-89 13-85 14-89 13-11 14-68 13-88
1891/00 ............... 15 78 14-64 14-86 13-18 15-05 14-27
These figures are, certainly, in themselves very unsafe, but it can
scarcely be doubted that the direction they indicate is the right one.
Some slight testimony to their probability is also found in the feet
that less improvement is marked in barley than in the other chief
kinds of cereals — a fact which usually happens when a rational system
of farming is carried on.
1 According to calculations by E. Sidenbladh; the figures are averages for 1878 87.
A krona = MO shilling = 0 268 dollar. — 1 Roots, fodder-plants, straw, etc. — * A quintal
= 1’97 cwts. — 4 a quintal per hectare = 0 8 cwt. per acre.
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