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bensin|driven 79 berg|bunden
gasoline, gas) storage tank; ~driven
petrol-(US gasoline-) powered (operated, driven);
~dunk petrol (US gasoline, gas) can; ~filter
petrol (US gas, gasoline) strainer; ~fordon
petrol (US gasoline) vehicles; ~förbrukning
petrol (US gasoline, gas) consumption; ~kort
petrol coupon; ~kök petrol (US gasoline,
gas) cooking-stove; ~lagringsanordning
petrol (US gasoline, gas) storage installation;
~ledning (bil etc.) petrol (US gas, gasoline)
lead; ~motor petrol (US gasoline) engine;
~mätare petrol (US gasoline, gas) gauge;
~ och oljeavdelning Petrol and Fuel Oil
Section; ~pump petrol (US gas, gasoline)
pump; ~ransonering petrol rationing; ~
skatt petrol duty (tax), excise tax on petrol;
(US) gasoline tax; ~slang petrol (US
gasoline) hose; ~station filling (petrol)
station, garage; (US äv.) gas station; ~tank
petrol (US gasoline, gas) tank;
~tankanläggning petrol (US gasoline, gas) tank
installation; ~tillförsel fuel supply; ~tratt petrol
(US gasoline, gas) funnel
ben|skada leg injury, injury to one’s leg;
~skydd (sport) shin-guard, leg-guard,
shin-pad, pad
bensoat benzoate; ammonium— ammonium
benzoate; natrium— sodium benzoate
bensoe|harts gum benzoin; ~syra benzoic acid;
~tinktur compound tincture of benzoin
bensol benzene; (ibl.) benzol[e]
bensoyl|klorid benzoyl chloride; ~peroxid
benzoyl peroxide
ben|struktur bone structure; ~svart bone
bensyl|alkohol benzyl alcohol; ~cellulosa
benzyl cellulose; ~klorid benzyl chloride
bentonit (min.) bentonite
benåd|a (förbrytare) to pardon; (dödsdömd) to
reprieve; (koll.) to amnesty; (begåva) to
favour (grace, endow) [with]; ~ning (av
förbrytare) pardon[ing], free pardon; (av
dödsdömd) reprieve; (förmildring av dom)
commutation [of sentence]; villkorlig ~ning
conditional pardon
benådnings|ansökan petition for mercy (a
reprieve); ~brev letter of pardon; ~grund
ground for the exercise of mercy;
~kommission board of pardon; ~rätt prerogative
of mercy, pardoning power; ~väg; i ~väg
by a free pardon
benäg|en inclined [to], willing [to]; prone [to],
given [to]; addicted [to]; (välvillig)
well-disposed, disposed, kind; vi avvakta Edert
~na svar we await your kind answer
benägenhet inclination [to], liking [for],
preference, taste [for], disposition [to], tendency
[to, towards], proneness [to], propensity [to,
for, towards], readiness, trend, partiality [for],
bent, natural disposition; ~ att spricka
tendency to split (crack); Gustaf Adolf med Guds
Nåde, Sveriges, Götes och Vendes Konung Vår
ynnest och nådiga ~ med Gud Allsmäktig! Gustaf
Adolf, by the Grace of God., King of Sweden,
the Goths, and the Wends, Our favour and
gracious disposition with God Almighty!
benägenhetskoefficient (nat.ehon.) propensity
benämn|a to name, to call, to designate; ~a
konto to designate an account; härnedan ~ d
"Kunden" (i kontrakt) herein (hereinafter)
referred to as the Customer
benämning name, description, designation,
denomination, appellation, style, epithet, term;
oriktig ~ misnomer
be|ordra to order, to instruct, to request, to
direct; (annons) to book (reserve) space;
~pansra to armour; ~prövad tried,
well-tried, tested; approved [remedy]; staunch
[friend]; ~prövad metod tested method; ~
pudra to dust; ~pudring dusting
bered|a (giva) to give, to grant, to afford, to
bestow; (trä.) to season; (förbereda) to
prepare; (tillverka) to make; (anskaffa) to
procure, to furnish; (förorsaka) to cause, to
give; ~a ngn stort besvär (~behag) to put s.o.
to great inconvenience; ~a tillträde för to
open the door to, to give access to; det vänliga
mottagande Ni ~de mig the cordial manner
(way) in which you received me; att göras ~
to be readied (alerted) for; ~i till förhandlingar
open to negotiation
beredning dressing, washing, preparation,
refining, separation, treatment, sorting, grading,
cleaning, processing, purification; (utskott,
kommitté) drafting committee (commission)
berednings|kostnader cost[s] of preparing,
preparation cost[s]; ~maskin (appr et ur
maskin ) finishing machine; ~process (text.)
finishing treatment; ~utskott drafting
committee, working party, council committee;
(äv.) steering committee, preparatory
commission; Allmänna B~utskottet the Standing
Committee on Miscellaneous Affairs; ~verk
(förädlingsanläggning) dressing (washing,
preparation, refining, separation, treatment,
sorting, grading, cleaning, processing,
purification) plant
beredskap [military] preparedness; fullständig ~
full preparedness; ha någonting i ~ to have
something up one’s sleeve; hålla i ~ to hold
in readiness (store); Riksnämnden för Kommunal
B~ the National [Swedish] Board for
Municipal War Emergency Planning
beredskaps|ammunition (sjö.) ammunition in
readiness; ~arbete (socialvård) emergency
public work, relief work; ~köp stockpiling
[purchase], reserve (stock) purchase; ~lager
stockpile, stock (inventory) reserve; ~nämnd;
Beredskapsnämnden för Psykologiskt Försvar the
National [Swedish] Psychological Defence
Planning Committee; ~program
preparedness program; ~styrka (mil.) emergency
troops; ~tillstånd state of preparedness;
~tjänst (mil.) emergency service duty;
~åtgärd emergency (preparedness) measure;
som en ~åtgärd as a stand-by [for an [-emergency],-]
in order to be (stand) ready
berg|bana mountain railway; ~blått
(färgpigment ) mountain blue; ~borr; ~borrar med
hårdmetallskär tungsten carbide tipped röck
drills; ~borrnings materiel röck drilling
equipment; ~borrslipmaskin röck drill
grinding machine; ~bunden (geol.) röck-
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