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död|a 170 döv|skola
been made over the account; ~ räkning (sjö.;
bestickräkning) dead reckoning
död|a verb to kill; (inteckning etc.) to cancel;
(konto) to close [an account]; (motbok) to
cancel [a pass book]; (check äv.) to stop;
förklara aktierna ~ade to give public notice
of the cancellation of the shares; roande av
inteckning [the] cancellation of a mortgage
Dödahavsrullarna (handskriftsfynd) the Dead
Sea Scrolls
död|bok Records of Deaths, Register of
Deceases; ~ och begravningsboken the Records
of Deaths and Burials, the Register ofDeceases
and Burials; ~frakt dead freight, (förk.)
D/f; ~förklaring declaration of [legal] death;
~gång backlash, play, engine off; ~kvistar
(trä.) dead knots; ~lig fatal, lethal, deadly,
causing death
dödlighet mortality [rate], death-rate; sannolik ~
(försäkr.) expected mortality; ~ efter kön och
ålder (stat.) sex-age-specific death rate; ~ efter
yrke occupational mortality; ~ hos vuxna adult
dödlighets|procent mortality rate; ~statistik
mortality statistics; ~tabell (stat. etc.)
mortality (life) table
död|ning (inteckning etc.) cancellation; ~punkt;
nedre ~punkt (motor.) bottom dead centre,
(förk.) BDC; övre ~punkt top dead centre,
(förk.) TDC
döds|annons death (obituary) notice; ~attest
death certificate, certificate of death; (äv.)
proof of death
dödsbo estate [of a deceased person];
(bouppteckning) [deed of] estate inventory; Estate
of Stanley White, Deceased; the Stanley White
Estate; andel i ~ share in an Estate;
behållning i ~ (före legat etc.) net assets [of an
estate], estate balance; (efter legat etc.) residue,
[the] residuum of an estate; delat ~
distributed (partitioned) estate; den avlidnes ~ the
deceased’s Estate, (US) the decedent’s Estate;
the Estate (property) of (left by) John Smith,
Deceased; i ett svenskt ~ in the case of the
estate of a Swedish deceased person; odelat ~
undistributed (unpartitioned) estate; styrka sin
behörighet att företräda ~to prove one’s
authority (qualification, competence, right)
to represent the Estate; to prove one’s
authority (right) to act as the [legal, legally
appointed, legally confirmed] representative
(Administrator, Executor) of the Estate
dödsbo|delägare [a] party to an estate;
(arvtagare äv.) heir, inheritor; (medarvinge) coheir,
coinheritor; (äv.) beneficiary [of an Estate];
~förvaltare Estate administrator (executor),
trustee; ~förvaltning estate administration;
~handlingar Estate deeds (documents);
~utredning; inleda ~utredning to institute
administration of the estate of a deceased person
döds|bricka identification (identity) disc (tag);
-dorn death sentence (warrant)
dödsfall death; (tidn.rubrik) obituary [notice,
notices]\för ~ (försäkr.) to be paid at death;
(försäkr.,stat.) reversions; kapitalförsäkring för
~ assurance payable in case of death; notis
om ~ obituary [notice]; vid tidigare inträffat ~
on previous death; ~s|ersättning death
benefit; ~s|försäkring assurance payable at
death, assurance involving death riskY; (på
livstid) whole life assurance; (äv.) insurance
(assurance) against death; ~s|statistik
statistics of deaths
döds|olycka fatal accident, accidental death;
~orsak cause of death; ~straff capital
punishment, death penalty, [to be forbidden
on] pain of death; ~stråle death ray; (mil.;
strålriktat energivapen) beam-directed energy
weapon, (förk.) BEW; ~tal mortality [rate],
death-rate; ~tillfälle; vid ~tillfället at the
time of [his, her] death, when the death
occurred; ~ålder; vanligaste ~ålder (stat.)
normal (modal) age at death
död|säsong off-season, seasonal lull, slack period
(season); ~tid off-season; ~varv (på fjäder)
dead turns; ~vikt deadweight, (förk.) d.w.;
öppen (sluten) ~vikt (eg. öppet [slutet’]
shelter-däcksfartyg) open (closed) deadweight;
viktsskala deadweight scale; ~viktstonnage
deadweight tonnage
döma (bedöma etc.) to judge, to form a
judgment of; (jur.: civilmål) to judge, to deliver
(pass) judgment, (brottmål) to sentence, to
pass sentence on, to condemn, to convict;
(fotb.) to referee, (US) to umpire, (boxn.)
to referee, (tennis etc.) to umpire, (rodd etc.)
to act as judge; av allt att ~ to all
appearances, so far as can be judged, all things
considered, taking everything into account;
taking all this into consideration, considering
the circumstances, judging (to judge) from
circumstances (by appearances), everything
being equal, other things being equal, this
being so, on the whole; ~ någon till 100 kronors
böter to fine a person 100 crowns; om han har
dömts för brottet if he has been convicted and
sentenced for the offence; villkorligt dömd
person probationer
dorr door; begära förhandlingar inför lyckta (slutna)
~ar (jur.) to demand the exclusion of the
public to the proceedings; to demand that
the proceedings be conducted behind closed
doors; spontad ~ match-joined (ploughed and
tongued) door
dörr|foder doorcase; ~fyllning door panel;
~gångjärn lift-off hinge; ~handtag door
handle; ~hållare door fastener; ~karm
door-frame; ~klinka door latch; ~klocka
door-bell; ~knackarkampanj (vid val)
canvassing; to make a door-to-door canvass ; ~knopp
door knob; ~kontakt (el) door contact;
~list; ~-, fönster- och nischlister (foder)
architraves; ~lås door lock; ~panel door
panel; the panels of a door; ~post door-frame;
~press door press; ~regel door bolt;
~skoningar finger-plates for doors; ~spegel
door panel; ~stoppare doorstop, base knob;
~stängare; automatisk ~stängare automatic
door closer; ~vaktmästare (biograf etc.)
[cinema] attendant, ticket collector, (Br äv.)
[cinema] commissionaire, (US äv.) porter
döv deaf; De D~as Världsförbund the World’
Federation of the Deaf, (förk.) WFD; ~lärare
teacher of the deaf, teacher of deaf children
(adults); ~skola school for the deaf, school
for deaf children (adults)
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