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förlängnings|box 267 förmån
växel) allonge; ~box (gjut.) riser (feeder,
pouring) bush; ~bult extension bolt;
~klausul prolongation clause; ~rör extension pipe;
~sladd extension flex (US cord),
förmal|a to grind, to mill; ~ning grinding,
milling; ~ningsmaskin mill;
~ningspro-cent rate of extraction; ~ningstvång
compulsory quota, obligation to mix a certain
percentage of home-grown (other type of)
förman foreman, supervisor; (äv.) leading hand,
charge-hand; (jackjör.repr.) shop steward;
(videndossering) preceding endorser; (gruv. äv.)
overman; kvinnlig ~ forewoman; jfr brand~,
distrikts~, flottnings~, skift~, skogs~,
stuvar~, tally~, verkstads—
förmedla to mediate, to act as [an] intermediary
(mediator) in (between), to be an agent [for
the marketing of goods], to be a go-between
(conciliator); (åvägabringa) to bring about,
to procure, to get, to obtain, to arrange,
(nyheter etc.) to supply; (lån) to negotiate
[a loan]; (tel.samtal) to connect, to put
through, to repeat [a message]; (äv.) to
intervene; banken ~s alla slag av bankaffärer
the bank conducts every form of banking
business; every form of banking business is
at the disposal of customers; ~ en affär
to act as [an] intermediary in a transaction;
~ ett lån to negotiate a loan [on behalf
of s.o.]; ~ försäljningar to act as [an]
intermediary (agent) for the sale [of shares];
~ köp, jörsäljning och belåning av fastigheter
to act as [an] agent in connection with the
purchase and sale of real property and in
advancing money on the security of such
property; ~ obligationslån to negotiate
bond loans [on behalf of ...]; ~ trafiken
mellan to ply between; ~ utgivningen av boken
to be in charge of the publication of the book
förmedl|ande adj. intermediary, vehicular [-[language]; -] {+[lan-
guage]; +} ~ande bank intermediary bank; (på
jormulär äv. t. ex.) shares deposited with: . ..;
by the instrumentality ~, the Midland Bank;
~ande period [a] transitional (transitionary)
period; ~are intermediary, mediator, agent,
go-between, negotiator, intercessor, third
party; (överlåtare) transferor; (fig. äv.) vehicle;
we shall be pleased to act as intermediary; a vehicle
of (for) new ideas
förmedling mediation, agency, instrumentality,
intermedium, medium, services, good offices;
(anskaffning) procurement, arrangement;
(kontor) office, bureau, agency, service; genom
~ av through the agency (intermediary,
instrumentality) of; genom Eder ~ through
you, through your agency (mediation,
intervention, assistance, help, aid), with you as
an intermediary; jfr arbets~, betalnings~,
blomster~, bostads~, sjömans-
förmedlings] kontor; arbets~ kontor
Employment Office, Labour Exchange; ~provision
agent’s commission, brokerage; ~utskott
mediation group
för|mena; det ~menas att it is said that, it may
be believed that; ~menande; enligt vårt
~menande in our opinion; ~mildrande;
~mildrande omständigheter extenuating
(attenuating, mitigating) circumstances, mitigations
förminsk|a to decrease, to reduce, to diminish,
to lessen, to cut, to scale down; (utgifter etc.)
to cut down, to curtail; (sänka äv.) to lower;
(hastighet etc.) to decelerate, to slow down;
(joto.) to reduce; (äv.) to impair; ~ning
decrease, reduction, diminution, falling off,
scaling down; (avtagande) decrease, abatement,
falling off, drop; (av tryck etc.) fall; (av
hastighet etc.) deceleration, slowing down;
(foto.) reduction; ~ningsapparat reducing
apparatus, photographic reducer;
~nings-sockel reducing-hose coupler
förmod|a to suppose, to imagine, to think;
(t a för givet) to assume; (med ganska stor
säkerhet) to presume; (jörvänta) to expect;
(gissa) to guess, to surmise, to conjecture;
~ad totalförlust (sjö.) presumed total loss
förmontage pre-assembly
förmyndar|arvode guardian’s fee
(remuneration); ~avdelning Guardianship Section [of
a Municipal Court]; (Br äv.) Chancery
Division; ~domstol (Br) [the] Chancery
Division of the High Court of Justice
förmyndare [legal] guardian; (ibl.) tutor,
curator, conservator, protector; (fader, och efter
dennes död moder) guardian by nature, natural
guardian; lagligen förordnad ~ legally appointed
guardian; stå under ~ to be under
guardianship (the care of a guardian); ställa under ~
to place under [the care of] a guardian; utse ~
to appoint (name) a guardian; (äv.) to grant
Letters of Guardianship; jfr över~
förmyndar|ersättning guardian’s allowance;
~kammare Guardianship Court; (Br)
Chancery Division (Office), Court of Chancery,
Wards and Liveries; (US) Probate (Orphans’)
Court; ~lag [the] Guardianship of Infants
Act; ~medel trust money; money (property)
held in trust for a ward; ~papper trustee
security (stock, investment), pl. trustee
securities (stocks, investments), trust investments;
(äv.) gilt-edged securities (stocks,
investments); the stock is a trustee security; anses som
epapper to rank as trustee stock (trust
investments; gilt-edged securities); jörteckning över
~papper trustee list; the authorised list of
investments för trustees; ~pappersmarknad
trustee security market; (äv.) gilt-edged
market; ~redovisning guardianship account,
account of one’s guardianship; ~regering
regency [council]; ~skap guardianship;
skapsavdelning guardianship department;
(jör bouppteckningsärenden) probate department;
~skapsförordnande Letter of Guardianship
förmån advantage, benefit, favour, privilege;
(äv.) good point, merit; extra ~ (i
anställn-kontrakt) fringe benefit; särskild ~ special
privilege; jörbehålla sig särskilda ~er och
rättigheter to reserve to oneself special privileges
or rights; till ~ för in favour of, for the
benefit of; till Eder ~ in your favour, in
favour of [your Company]; vilket belopp vi
använt till ~ för ... which amount we have
applied in favour of ...; åtnjuta samma ~ er
som to enjoy the same favours and privileges as
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