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hög|vattenstabell 339 hövändare
mark, tide-mark, flood-mark; ~vattenstabell
tide table; ~värdig; ~värdigt gagnvirke
high- quality timber; ~värdig malm high-grade ore
höja to raise, to elevate, to up; to heighten;
(stegra) to intensify; (fig.) to enhance; (kapital
etc.) to increase; (hastighet) to accelerate;
(pris) to advance, to increase, to raise, to up,
to put up, (US äv.) to lift; (kredit) to extend;
(öka värde) to improve; (lov, pris) to extol,
to boost; the face value of the shares was raised
to £2; ; to push the index into higher ground;
he boosted the sales by yo %; ~ kursläget to
raise (lift) the level of prices; ~
levnadsstandarden to raise the standard of living; ~ priset
på to raise (increase) the price of, to mark up;
~ priset frän 6j6d. to j\6d. to raise (increase)
the price from 6/6d. to 7/6d.; ~ priset med 2s.
to raise (increase) the price by 2s.; ~ tullarna
to raise (increase) the tariffs (duties)
höjbar; höj- och sänkbar vertically adjustable
höjd height, elevation, (bergs- äv.) hill,
eminence; top, summit; (över havet) altitude;
(musik) pitch; driva i ~en to intensify, to
force (step, screw) up; (pådriva) to actuate;
fri ~ free head room, overhead clearance,
headway; ~ över skrovet height above the hull;
största ~ overall (maximum) height
höjdjangivelse indication of height; ~flygning
altitude flight; ~format (typ.) high size;
~förhållande (geol.) elevation; ~mätare
altimeter, altitude indicator; (äv.) radar
altimeter; ~mätning height measuring,
measuring of altitudes, altimetry; (geod.) levelling;
~platå plateau, table-land; ~rekord altitude
record; ~ritsmått height gauge marker;
~roder (flyg.) elevator; ~skillnad difference
of height, difference in altitude; ~skjutmått
vernier height gauge; ~strålning cosmic
höjning elevation; (ökning) increase; (av löner)
rise, (US) raise; (värdeförbättring)
improvement; (av priser) advance, rise, increase, (äv.)
[a] boost [in], [a] hike; jfr diskonto~, hyres~,
prishöns|barn-yard] fowl[s], poultry, hens; (kok.)
chicken [s]; ~avel poultry-keeping, poultry
farming; ~bur hen-coop; ~eri poultry-farm,
chicken-farm; ~eriapparater poultry-farm
equipment; ~eriägare poultry-farmer,
poultry-keeper; ~foder chicken-feed; ~gård
chicken run; ~gårdsredskap poultry-farm
utensil; ~gödsel hen-droppings, chicken
manure, poultry dung; ~handlare poulterer;
~nät chicken-wire; ~skötsel
poultry-keeping, poultry farming
höpress hay-baling press
hör|ande (förhör) hearing, examination,
interrogation, trial; (till-) belonging (pertaining,
appertaining) to; därtill ~ande bihang (jur.)
the Annexes thereto; obligationer jämte därtill
frände kuponger [to deliver] bonds [together]
with the coupons relating thereto; [to deliver]
bonds with the appurtenant coupons; [to
deliver] bonds due 31.12.1965 cum coupons
per 31.12.1965 et seq. (31.12.1965 and s. c. a.[:
subsequent coupons attached]); ~apparat
hearing-aid; ~barhet audibility; (äv.) limit[s]
of audition; ~barhetsområde range of
audibility, audible range [of mechanical [-vibrations],-]
audibility, limits of audition; ~fel [a]
mis-hearing, [anj auditory error; ~glasögon
hearing-aid (hearing) spectacles (glasses),
eyeglass hearing aid; (äv.) magic ear
hörn|flagga corner flag; ~fog corner joint;
~hylla corner shelf; ~järn corner iron;
~klippningsmaskin corner cutting machine;
~skydd (på koffert) corner protector; ~sten
corner-stone; ~tegel corner (quoin) brick;
~tomt corner site; ~vattenmärke (på
papper) cornermark
hörsal lecture hall (theatre), auditorium
hörsam obedient; ~het obedience; ~ligen;
det alla som vederbör hava sig sligen att efterrätta
(jur.) by this all whom it may concern shall
obediently abide
hörsel hearing; ~ben auditory bones (ossicles);
~glasögon se hörglasögon; ~klass (skol.)
hearing-handicapped class, class (form) for
hearing-handicapped children, class (form) for
children with defective (impaired, poor)
hearing; ~klinik hearing (audiological) clinic;
~tröskel auditory threshold, threshold of
audibility (aural perception)
hör|spel radio play (drama); ~telefon telephone
(hand) receiver, ear-phone
höst autumn, (US) fall; ~dag autumn day,
day in autumn; ~dagjämning autumnal
equinox; ~konvent autumn (US fall)
convention; ~mod[e] autumn (US fall) fashion
(style[s], vogue [for]); ~mässa autumn fair;
~plöjning autumn ploughing; ~raps winter
rape; ~realisation autumn sale; ~riksdag;
1964 års ~riksdag the 1964 Autumn Session
of the Riksdag (of the Swedish Parliament,
of the Swedish Diet); ~termin autumn term;
~vete winter wheat
hötork grass drier
hövlighet politeness, courteousness, courtesy;
internationell ~ comity of nations; ~s|bevis
[mark of] courtesy; ~s|fras polite phrase;
~s|visit courtesy (formal) call
hövändare hay] tedder, tedding-machine
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