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maserlteknik 523 maskin|glasyr
[a] beam of maser light; ~teknik maser
mask (allm.) mask, (av täcknings-) mask, frisket;
(fig.) mask, disguise, cloak; screen; jfr kylar~,
maska1 subst, (i nät) mesh, (virkad) stitch,
(trikå- äv.) loop, (på strumpa) ladder; tappa
en ~ (handarb.) to drop a stitch
maska2 verb to sham (feign) work, to pretend
to work; (organiserat) to work to rule, to go
slow [in one’s work], to adopt a ca’ canny
policy; purposely to reduce output of work;
~ av (illustration) to mask
maskara (kosmet.) mascara
Maskat; ~ och Oman [the Sultanate of] Muscat
and Oman; adj. of [the Sultanate of] Muscat
and Oman
masker|a to mask; (fig. äv.) to conceal, to
disguise; ~ad p.p. masked; (fig. äv.) concealed,
disguised, camouflaged, covert; mock, sham,
fictitious, feigned, ~apparent, dummy,
simulated, spurious, specious, seeming, ostensible;
pro forma; ~at skadeståndsavtal [a] sham
reparations agreement; ~ing masking,
(konkr.) mask; (på bil) [radiator] grillwork;
(fig.) masking, concealment, disguise,
camouflage; ~ingskonst (TV etc.) [the] art of
make-up; ~ingsmålning pattern painting
maskin machine, (koll.) machinery; (äv.)
apparatus, appliance, device; (motor) engine,
motor; databehandlade ~er data-processing
computers; en ~ med följande specifikationer a
machine with the following specifications; en
ökning av utgifterna för ser och utrustning an
increase in the expenditure on machinery and
equipment; explosionssäker ~
explosioner ~of machine; halvautomatiska ~er
semi-automatic machines; liggande ~ horizontal
engine; ~er och inventarier machinery and
equipment; sen är ännu icke körd i praktiskt
arbete the machine has not yet been field-tested
(been in practical operation); montera en ~
to set up a machine; pulvermetallurgisk ~
powder-metallurgical machine; roterande ~
rotary engine; serietillverkning av olika typer av
ser serial production of various types of
machinery; skriva på ~ to type; skrivet på ~
typewritten, typed; sätta igång en ~ to start
[up] an engine (a machine); jfr bl.a.
bokbinderi~, elektron~, emballage—er,
lumpskär~, monotype-~, omrullnings~,
pappers~, pappersskär~, prägel~, rundsil~,
rundvira~, silkepappers~, skär~, special~,
sätt~, tissue~, trycklufts~, upptagnings~,
maskin|affär machine supplier[s], machinery
trader[s]; ~anläggning plant, machinery;
~arbetare [engine] fitter, mechanic;
-arbetareförbund (Br) [the] Amalgamated
Engineering Union; [the] Iron and Steel Trades
Confederation; (US) International Association
of Machinists; United Automobile, Aircraft &
Agricultural Implement Workers; ~arbete
machine work; ~armatur machine fittings;
~avbrottsförsäkring machinery loss of profits
insurance; ~avdelning engineering
(machinery, machines) department; ~axel shaft;
~bearbetning machining; ~befäl (sjö.)
engine-room staff (officer[s]), engineer
officer [s] ; (örlog.) artificer-branch petty officer[s];
~befälselev apprentice engine-room officer;
~befälsförbund; Svenska M~befälsförbundet
the Swedish Engineer Officers’ Association;
~biträde engineer’s assistant; ~blandad;
sblandad betong machine-mixed concrete
maskinbokför|are machine accountant; ~ing
machine (mechanized) accounting
(bookkeeping, posting); elektronisk ~ing electronic
recording machine-accounting, (förk.) ERMA;
~ingskort card for bookkeeping machine;
~ingssystem machine accounting (posting,
bookkeeping) system
maskin|borste machine brush; ~bredd
(pappers.) deckle; ~broderad machine
embroidered; ~broderi machine embroidery;
brännare (svetsn.) mechanical blowpipe (US
torch); ~byggare engine-builder (-fitter);
~bädd engine-seating, foundation-plate, bed
[of a machine]; ~chef (sjö.) chief engineer;
~chefsexamen chief engineer’s
examination; ~dagbok (sjö.) engine-room log;
~del, ~detalj machine (machinery) part,
part of machinery, component; vår
kontroll av de färdiga sdetaljerna our inspection
of the finished machine parts; ~direktör
(järnv. ung.) Superintendent Engineer;
~driven power-driven, mechanically operated;
~drivet fartyg power-driven (full-powered)
vessel; ~driven plåtsax power-driven plate
shears; ~driven vedsåg power-driven fire-wood
saw; ~duk (vira) endless wire cloth; ~durk
engine-room floor[ing]; ~element machine
part (element); ~elev engineer’s apprentice;
~ell mechanical; sella hjälpmedel machine
aids; sell utrustning machinery, machine[ry]
installation, mechanical equipment,
(hålkortset c.) punched-card [machine] installation,
automation (tabulating) installation; ~enhet
machinery unit
maskineri machinery, plant, mechanism;
(system etc.) machinery, machine, mechanism;
dieselelektriskt ~ diesel-electric machinery;
~jör linbanedrift ropeway driving gear
maskin|export machinery export[s]; ~fabril
engineering (engine, machine) works, machint
factory; ~fabrikant machine- (engine-)maker
(manufacturer); ~fel (databehandl.)
malfunction; ~filt machine felt; ~firma
machine-suppliers, machine-supplying firm;
~formning machine-moulding; ~fundament
base-plate, [engine] foundation, engine bed,
bedplate; ~färg se maskinglasyr; ~förare
(pappers. etc.) machine-man, machine operator,
(US) machine tender; ~förhyrning
equipment hire (hiring); ~förnödenhet;
däcks-och ~förnödenheter (sjö.) deck and engine
stores; ~förnödenhetsimportör; Föreningen
Sveriges M~förnödenhetsimportörer the
Association of Swedish Importers of Mill Supplies;
~försäkring machinery [breakdown]
insurance; ~gevär machine-gun; ~gjord
machine-made, machine-manufactured; sgjort papper
machine paper; ~gjutgods machinery
castings; ~gjutjärn engineering cast iron; ~glas
machine glass; ~glasyr spirit enamel for
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