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moderator|styrning 547 molekyl|struktur
moderator; ~or|styrning moderator control
moder|bolag parent company, (äv.) holding
company; ~cell (biol.) mother-cell
moderera to moderate, to restrain; ~d
moderated ; jfr grafit—d
moder|fas (tekn.) continuous phase, matrix;
~företag parent company (enterprise); ~
kloster parent convent; ~kyrka
mother-church; ~land mother-country, motherland,
home (old) country; (i motsats till kolonier etc.)
metropolitan country (territory), Metropolitan
[France]; organisationen skall vara en juridisk
person inom varje medlemsstats ~land the
Organization shall have legal personality in the
metropolitan territory of each Member State;
~landsdelegation Motherland delegation;
~lut (tekn.) mother liquor; ~massa (stat.)
population, universe, total field under survey;
~modell (gjut.) master pattern
modern (nutida) modern, contemporary, of
to-day; (fullt modern) [quite] up-to-date; (pä
modet) fashionable, (fam.) all the rage, modish,
pred. äv. in vogue (fashion); (äv.) advanced,
modernist, progressive; bli ~ to come into
fashion; ~ affischkonst modern poster art,
[the art of] modern poster design; ~ dans
ballroom dancing; ~ femkamp modern
pentathlon; ~ krigföring modern warfare; ~ stil
modern style (typ. type); ~ utrustning
up-to-date equipment; ~t utrustad fabrik modernly
equipped factory; M~a Museet the Museum
of Modern Art; Riksföreningen för Lärare i
M~a Språk the Modern Language Teachers’
Association of Sweden; vara ~ to be modern,
to be in fashion (vogue), to be up-to-date
modernisjera to modernize, to make modern,
to bring up-to-date; to renovate; ~ering
modernization; renovation; it has been decided
to proceed at once with the complete modernisation
of the existing buildings; ~eringsbehov
modernization requirements; ~eringsplan
modernization plan; ~eringsprogram
modernization program; the modernisation program will
include air conditioning,, high-speed elevators and
improved lighting; ~m modernism; ~t
modernist; ~tisk modernist[ic]
modernitet modernity
moder|nuklid parent nuclide, precursor;
~näring principal (main, chief, primary, most
important, basic, staple) industry (trade);
(lantbruk) agriculture; ~organisation parent
organization; ~plåt (typ.) pattern plate
modersfixering (psyk.) mother fixation
moderskaps|bidrag, ~ersättning maternity
benefit (allowance); ~försäkring maternity
insurance; ~hjälp, ~penning, ~understöd
se ~bidrag
modersmål mother tongue; (äv.) Swedish,
English, etc.\ ~et: svensk skrivning (i betyg)
Swedish: composition
moders måls|lärare teacher of Swedish (the
mother-tongue), Swedish master (kvinnlig
mistress); lärarnas Förening the Association
of Teachers of Swedish; (Br motsv. ung.) the
English Association; ~undervisning
teaching of Swedish (the mother-tongue)
moder|språk (grundspråk) parent language;
~stat parent State
mode|råd; Nordiska M~rädet the Nordic
Fashion Council; ~rådgivare stylist; ~sak
vogue, fashion; ~salong fashion house;
~sjukdom fashionable complaint; ~skapare
stylist; ~skapelse creation; ~sko fashion
shoe; ~språk fashionable language;
~sömmerska milliner; ~tecknare fashion designer
(artist), dress designer, stylist; ~tecknerska
[woman] fashion designer (artist), dress
designer, stylist; ~teckning fashion drawing
(design, plate); ~tidnings ~journal; ~tyg
fashion fabric; ~uppvisning fashion show
(parade, display, showing), style show, dress
(mannequin) parade; ~uttryck fashionable
(vogue) expression; ~utveckling fashion
trend, trend in fashion; ~vara se ~artikel;
~världen the world of fashion, the fashion
world; ~växlingar changes in fashion (style),
fashion changes; ~ändring change of fashion
modifier|a (ändra) to modify, to alter, to adapt;
(dämpa) to moderate, to temper; (inskränka)
to qualify; ~ad accept qualified (conditional,
partial, local) acceptance ; ~at aminharts
modified aminoplastic; ~at fenolharts modified
phenolic resin; ~ing se modifikation
modifikation (ändring) modification, alteration,
adaption; (dämpning) moderation, tempering;
(inskränkning) qualification; detta innebär
åtskilliga ~er i principen om this signifies several
modifications on the principle of
modifikator modifying agent
modist milliner, modiste; ~varor millinery
modul module, modulus, diametrical pitch; jfr
deformations~, elasticitets—; ~ation
modulation; ~ationsfrekvens modulating
frequency; ~ationsgrad degree of modulation;
~ator modulator; ~era to modulate; ~ering
modulation; negativ (positiv) ~ering (TV)
negative (positive) modulation; ~eringsgrad
modulation percentage; ~spindel pitch screw
modus (gram.) mood
Mogadiscio, Mogadisju Mogadishu
mogenhets|examen matriculation [-[examination],-]
final [secondary school] examination,
final (leaving) examination [at a secondary
school], higher school certificate examination;
~grad degree of maturity; ~ålder (skogs.)
age of maturity
mogn|a to ripen, to mature; (särsk. fig.) to
come to a head; ~ingstid maturing (ripening)
mohair (mohär) mohair; ~garn mohair yarn
Mohammed; ~ Ali-orden (egypt.) the Order
of Mohammed Ali; m—an Mohammedan,
Moslem; m—anism Mohammedanism, Islam;
m—ansk Moslem, Mohammedan
mol (grammolekyl) molé, gramme molecule;
~arkoncentration (—aritet) molecular
(equivalent) concentration; ~bråk (kärntekn.)
mole fraction
Moldav|ien Moldavia; m—isk Moldavian;
reiska Socialistiska Sovjetrepubliken the
Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, the
Moldavian S. S. R.
molekyl molecule; ~ar- molecular;
~ar|attraktion molecular attraction; ~förening
molecular compound; ~spektroskopi molecular
spectroscopy; ~struktur molecular structure;
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