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patent|beslut        659        paternoster|ugn

tion), specification (description) [of patent];

provisorisk ~beskrivning provisional

specification, (US) caveat; ~beslut patent decision;

~bestämmelser patents rules (regulations);

~block patent block; ~brev patent letter,

letters patent, [printed] patent specification,

patent drawing and specification; ~brev skall

utfärdas genom ~myndighetens försorg Letters

Patent shall be issued by the Patent Office;

~byrà patent agency (agent[s], agent’s office,

US äv. law firm); innehavare av ~byrä patent

agent (attorney, solicitor), proprietor of a

patent agency; ~domstol Patent Court

patenter|a to patent, to take out a patent for;

icke ~ ad unpatented, not patented; ~ade

byggnadsställningar patented scaffolding; ~ad i

Sverige och utlandet patented in Sweden and abroad;

obar patentable; ~bar uppfinning patentable

invention; ~ing patenting; ~ingsugn

patenting furnace

patent|exploatör patent broker; ~föremål

subject matter of a patent, object for which a

patent is applied, object patented;

~förlängning extension of term of patent, renewal of

patent; ~förordning patent decree

(ordinance, rules, regulations), patent law, law of

patents; (författning) Patents Act; ~givare

patentor; ~glasögon pair of rimless

spectacles; ~granskningsnämnd patents

examination committee (board);

~gummiskär-maskin cut-sheet sawing machine; ~havare

se ~innehavare; ~ingenjör patent engineer

(agent); Svenska Industrins P~ingenjörers

Förening the Society of Patent Engineers of the

Swedish Industry; ~innehav patent

ownership; ~innehavare patent owner (holder),

owner (holder) of a patent, patentee;

~intrång patent infringement (interference),

infringement of a patent; anklaga ngn för ~intrång

to accuse a p. of infringing (infringement of)

one’s patent [rights]; ~intrångs mål patent

infringement proceedings, action for

infringement of a patent; ~intäkter royalties on

patents ; ~invändning [to file an] opposition

[against a patent application]; notification

(application) to a Patent Office pointing out

interference with a patent;

oinvändnings-mål patent interference suit; ojurist patent

attorney (lawyer, solicitor); ~klass patent

class (classification); ~klassificering

classification of patents [for inventions];

internationell ~klassificering international classification

of patents for inventions; ~kommission

patent commission; ~kork patent [bottle]

stopper, snap-fastener; ~korksring ring for

patent stopper; ~kränkning se ~intrång;

skadeståndsprocess grund av ~kränkning

infringement suit; ~lag patent law, law of

patents; (författning) Patents Act;

~lagstiftning patent legislation; olivsmedel

proprietary (patent) foods; ~lod patent lead; ~logg

patent log; ~lås safety lock; (äv.) Yale

(snap, patent) lock, spring (night) latch, rim

latch (lock); ~lösning ready-made

(made-to-order) solution; ~medicin proprietary

(patent) medicine; (äv.) quack medicine;

~myndighet patent authority (office); ~myndigheten

skall företaga ärendet till avgörande the Patent

Office shall decide on the application; ~

myndigheten äger förklara ansökningen förfallen the

Patent Office may declare the application void;

~ mål patent action (infringement suit,

interference case), suit for infringement of a patent;

avsluta ~ mål to terminate [patent] interference

proceedings; invändare i ~mål party to an

interference, plaintiff in a patent infringement

suit, person lodging an objection against a

patent, objector (contestant) in a patent suit;

utslag i ~ mål judgment (decision) in an

interference [case]; omäklare patent broker;

~nummer number of patent; ~nämnd

Patents Board; ~objekt se ~föremål; ~ och

registreringsverk se under ~verk; ~ombud

patent agent (broker); (US) patent attorney

(solicitor); vederbörligen befullmäktigat ~ ombud

duly authorized patent agent;

00mbudsför-ening Patent Agents’ Society ; (Br) Chartered

Institute of Patent Agents; ~ombuds

mannaförbund; Finlands P~ombudsmannaförbund r.f.

the Patent Agents’ Association in Finland;

mråde country covered by a patent; (fig.)

field covered by a patent; ~process patent

action; ~register register of patents, patent

rolls; avföra ur ~registret to cause a patent

to be expunged from the Patent Rolls;

ore-klam patent advertising; oritning patent

drawing; ~rätt (lag) patent law; (rättighet)

patent right[s]; ~rättsråd Legal Adviser to

the Board of Appeals [of the National Swedish

Patent and Registration Office]; (Br motsv.)

Superintending Examiner; (US motsv.)

Ex-aminer-in-Chief, Patent Examiner; ~skrift se

~brev; ~skydd patent protection, protection

by patent, protection of a patented invention;

~skyddad patented, protected by patent;

~ skyddatförfarande patented process; ~

skyddad vara patented article; upplåta ~skyddat

alster to lease a product protected by a patent;

~specifikation patent specification;

~sökande applicant for a patent; ~sökt patent

applied for, patent pending; ~sokt vara [a]

product for which a patent has been applied;

~tid patent term, term (period) of a patent;

~tillslutning se ~kork; ~tvist patent

dispute (litigation); ~utbyte exchange of

patents; ~utbytesavtal patent exchange

agreement; ~utövning patent exploitation

(working); ~verk Patent Office; Kungl. Po. och

Registreringsverket the National [Swedish]

Patent and Registration Office; Generaldirektör

och Chef för Kungl, Po- och Registreringsverket

Director-General of the National [Swedish]

Patent and Registration Office; (Br motsv.)

Comptroller-General of Patents; (US motsv.)

Commissioner of Patents; ~verksutredning

patent office review board; ~värde patent

value; ~värdering valuation of a patent;

~väsende patent system; ~år patent year;

oärende patent matter (application), patent[s]

business; ~överlåtare patent assignee,

assignee of a patent; ~överlåtelse assignment

of a patent

paternoster (tekn.) bucket chain; ~hiss

continuous lift, paternoster lift (hoist); ~hiss för

styckegods swing tray elevator; ~kätting

endless chain conveyor; ~ugn [bucket-]conveyor

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