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var|a1 1127 var|a1
the price of the goods; förlora på en ta to
lose on an article; försäljning av brandskadade
tor fire sale; försörjningsviktiga tor essential
goods; förtjäna på en ta to make a profit on
an article; förädlade tor processed
(manufactured) goods, processed materials; gångbara
tor saleable (marketable) products
(merchandise, goods); göra reklam för en ta to advertise
an article; ha en ta på hand to have the [first]
refusal of goods, to have an option on an
article; ha tor i kommission to have goods
on commission; halvfärdiga och färdiga tor
work in progress (process) and finished goods;
hyvlade tor planed [, dressed and ended]
timber (lumber); icke beständiga (varaktiga)
tor non-durable goods; icke nödvändiga tor
inessentials; import a ~ ~or, cif import of
goods, c.i.f.; importera tor till ett land to
import goods into a country ; dessa tor får
importeras vid privata kompensationsaffärer these
goods may be imported in connection with
private barter transactions (business);
importerade tor imports, imported goods, goods
imported; importförbjudna tor prohibited
imports; the importation of these goods is prohibited;
importreglerade tor goods (commodities,
merchandise, products) subject to import licence;
inhemska tor domestic goods; inlägga tor på
magasin to warehouse, to store; introducera en
ta på marknaden to introduce (launch) an
article on the market; intyg från speditör att
tan ~ åt er kalle ligen avsänts certificate from
forwarding agents showing that the goods have
been irrevocably dispatched; keramiska ~or
pottery; klausuler som icke uttryckligen ånge att
tan eller emballaget är ~tillfredsställande
(av-sändn. dokument) clauses which do not
expressly state that the goods or packaging are
unsatisfactory; konst för tor art for
commodities ; kontingenterade tor quota goods;
kontrakterade (kontraktsenliga) tor goods
contracted for, goods bought on contract, goods
as per contract, contract (contracted,
contractual) goods; korta tor haberdashery,
haberdasher’s goods, small-wares; (äv.)
dry-goods; kostnader som åvilar tan charges to
be paid on the merchandise; kupongpliktiga
tor coupon goods; köpa (sälja) en ta enligt
prov to buy (sell) an article by (on, as per,
according to) [a] sample; licensbelagda tor
goods (products, commodities, merchandise)
subject to licence; licensfria tor free-listed
commodities (products, goods), commodities
on the free list, commodities with unlimited
allocations, goods which may be imported
without a licence; no licence is required for such
imports; lata tan lagra sig to allow the goods
to pile up; lättsåld ~a article selling readily,
article finding a ready market, easily sold
article; (äv.) article in great demand;
mindervärdig ta inferior article; mindre hållbara tor
perishable (non-durable) goods; modebetonade
tor articles strongly influenced by fashion;
mottaga tor i konsignation to receive goods on
consignment; mottagaren av tan the consignee
of the goods; nedan specificerade tor the articles
specified below; nedan uppräknade tor [the]
articles enumerated (listed) below; nedlägga
största omsorg på urvalet av tor to take the
greatest care in selecting the goods; okuranta
tor non-merchantable goods; om Ni beslutar
Er för en speciell ta if you decide to order
a special line; ombesör|a (ordna med) försäkring
av tor to cover (effect, provide for, arrange
for) the insurance on (of) goods; ~sålda tor
unsold goods, goods left on hand; ~säl|bara
tor unsalable (unmarketable,
unmerchantable) goods, goods for which there is no sale
(market); (äv.) [a] drug in the market;
oumbärliga tor essential goods (products,
merchandise, commodities), vital necessities, goods
that cannot be dispensed with, goods one
cannot do without; patentskyddad ta patented
article; patentsökt ta product for which a
patent has been applied; placera tor to place
(find a market for, dispose of) goods; prima
~or first-quality goods; priskontrollerad ~ a
price-controlled article; ransonerade tor
rationed goods; refusera en ta to refuse (reject)
an article; reklamationer skola göras inom 8 dagar
efter tans mottagande claims should be made
within eight days after receipt of the goods;
returnerade tor returned goods, returns;
rullande tor goods in transit, goods on rail,
goods to arrive; rundstickad ta tubular
hosiery; sekunda tor second-quality
(second-rate, second-grade, second-class, inferior,
substandard, medium) merchandise (goods),
seconds, 2nds; sjötransport av tor carriage of
goods by sea; sända toma med fartyg to send
the goods by ship, to ship the goods; skadade
tor damaged goods; (demonstrationsvaror etc.)
shop-soiled goods; skattepliktiga ~or goods
subject to tax, taxable goods; skrymmande tor
bulky goods; skärpa kontrollen av toma to
tighten up the inspection of the goods; sortera
tor to sort (grade) goods; stickade tor
hosiery, knitted goods, knit-wear; (äv.) knits;
strategiska tor strategic goods (materials),
goods of strategic[al] importance; sända ngn
tor i konsignation to send s.o. goods on
consignment, to consign goods to s.o.; sända tor
med järnväg to send goods by train, (US) to
ship goods by rail; ta prover av en ta to sample
a merchandise; tillhandahålla tor to furnish
goods; tryckta tor printed goods (textiles),
prints; tullbehandlade ~or goods examined
and cleared; fullbelagda (tullpliktiga) tor
dutiable goods (commodities, products,
articles) ; tullen är hög för dessa tor these artides
are subject to high duties; tullfria tor
duty-free goods; tullklarerade tor duty-paid goods;
umbär liga tor unessential goods (products,
merchandise, commodities), goods that can
be dispensed with, goods one can do without;
undersöka tor to inspect (examine) goods;
undertecknad faktura över följande tor signed
invoice covering the following goods;
utmönstrade (utsorterade) tor discarded goods,
rejects; vara välsorterad i en ta to be
well-stocked in an article, to have a large
assortment of an article; varaktiga ~or durable
goods; tans användbarhet the utility of the
product; tans beteckning the description of
the goods; tans förpackning the packing of
the goods; tans goda skick the good order
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