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byråkrat|språk 1315 bättrevetlare
totalitarian bureaucratic regimentation;
~-språk bureaucratese, bureaucratic (official)
jargon, officialese, governmentese;
byrå|man (rekl.) agency representative;
~sekreterare; förste byråsekreterare (ung.) first
section secretary
byta; ~ in en bil to trade-in (part-exchange) a car
byte subst, (bitgrupp, dataord om åtta bitar) byte;
position; change-over; (kap) haul; (äv.)
bytes|avtal barter agreement; ~balans (äv.)
current balance (account), balance of visible
and invisible items; obalansens netto net
balance on current account; överskott
(underskott) i obalans surplus (deficit) balance on
current account; ~ekonomi barter economy;
~ekvation; kvantitetsteoriens ~ekvation
quantity equation of exchange; ~handel barter
[trade]; (företagsek. äv.; US) trade relations,
TR; (Br) reciprocal trading, RT; (äv.)
bartering, trucking; ~kärnminne; 64.000 ~
kärnminne (data) 64,000 bytes core storage; ~medel
medium of exchange; ~objekt trade-in;
(äv.) bargaining counter; ~pall (lastpall)
pool pallet; europeisk ~pall (lastpall) European
pool-pallet; ~pallbox interchange box pallet;
~pallscentral (bytescentral för lastpallar)
pallet pool; ~teori theory of exchange
byx|dräkt (Br) trouser-suit; (US) pantsuit;
~kjol divided skirt; culottes; ~or; utställda
(utsvängda) ~or flared trousers (pants), flares;
~skräddare trouser maker
båg|parentes parenthesis [pl. -ses];
~skyttehandskar shooting (drawing) gloves;
~svets-aggregat arc welding equipment
bångad; ~ försäljning (restaurang) sales against
check-tapes, check-tape sales
båt jell (hotell med småbåtshamn) boatel, botel;
~försäkring yacht (boat) insurance; ~grav
(arkeol.) ship-burial; ~industriförening;
Svenska Bomdustriföreningen, SWEBOAT the
Swedish Boating Industries Association,
båtnadsberäkning calculation (estimation,
appraisal) of advantages
båt|union; Svenska Bounionen, SB U~the Swedish
Boating Union; ~uthyrning boats for hire
bäckröding (bröding) brook (speckled) trout
bädda; ~ för to pave (clear, open, prepare, ready)
the way for, to make ready (way, preparations)
for, to ready for, to open the door to, to smooth
the path (road) for, to prepare (arrange) for,
to prepare the ground for, to facilitate, to lay
the groundwork (foundation) for; to head
(aim) for, to lay the course for; to condition . .
BÄF (Byggnadsämnesförbundet) the Employers’
Association of Swedish Building Material
bägare (kem.) [glass, porcelain] beaker
bältdäck (radialdäck, gördeldäck) radial (belted)
tyre (US tire), radial-ply (braced-tread) tyre
(US tire), radial; (äv.) belt tyre (US tire);
(diagonalbältdäck) bias-belted (belted bias) tyre
(US tire)
bältes|system (skogs.) strip system; ~taxering
(skogs.) strip survey
bänk|arbetare (äv.) bench worker;
~diskmaskin table-top dishwasher; ~lock desk
bära; ~ kostnaderna för to bear (pay, meet,
defray) the costs of; ~ ut (tidningar etc.) to
deliver (distribute) [newspapers]
bärande (bygg.) [load]bearing, weight-carrying,
load-carrying; supporting; ~ element (bygg.)
load-bearing (structural) panel; ~
konstruktion [loadbearing] structure; ~ kraft (fig.)
prime mover; ~ väggelement structural wall
element, load-bearing wall component; icke
~ (bygg.) non[load]bearing, nonload-carrying,
nonweight-carrying, nonsupporting
bärar|skikt (för timnfilmsminne etc.) substrate;
~täthet; ~täthet i egenledare (elektron.)
intrinsic carrier concentration (density);
upplagring (halvledare) carrier (hole) storage
bärfarkost (rymd) carrier (launch, launcher,
launching) vehicle; launcher, space vehicle
booster; (bärplansbåt) [high-speed] hydrofoil
[craft, boat, ship, vessel], jet (jet-powered)
[twin-hull] hydrofoil; (svävfarkost) hovercraft,
cusioncraft, air-cushion vehicle (craft, ship)
bärgnings|dykare salvage diver; ~fordon
(flyg.) crash tender; (mil. etc.) recovery
vehicle ; ~hangarfartyg (rymd) recovery carrier;
~helikopter (rymd) recovery helicopter;
~tjänst breakdown service; (mil. etc.)
recovery service; ~värde salvage value
bärighetsvärde; ~ enligt CBR ( Kalifornien-?
netoden) (väg) California bearing ratio, CBR
bär|kasse carrier bag; ~kraft (flyg.) lifting
capacity; (fartygs) buoyancy; ~lag (bygg.)
structural floor; (av betong etc.) slab [and
girder] floor; concrete floor slab; ~lager
(tekn.) supporting bearing; (väg) base [course];
foundation; (US äv.) telford base
bärlags|element precast floor slab; ~form
(bygg.) floor shuttering, slab form, form work
for floor slab; ~krän (bygg.) swing (revolving)
crane; ~stomme (bygg.) floor
bär|plan supporting surface; aerofoil, airfoil;
(sjö.) hydrofoil; ~plansfarkost [er] hydrofoil
craft; ~raket (äv.) rocket-booster (-carrier),
launcher; ~verk (bygg.) framework; ~vinge
aerofoil; ~våg carrier wave, CW; carrier
bäst I. adj. best; excellent, first-rate, prime;
optimal; optimum; ~a bankränta (ung.)
prime interest rate, prime rate of interest;
~a möjliga optimal, [the] best possible; ~ 2.
subst, det (de) ~a the elite; det (de) ~a [av ngt]
the cream of the crop; det ~a vore att the bes i
policy would be to; det ~a är det godas fiende
the best is the enemy of the good; för det
allmännas ~a for the public good, for the welfare
of society (the community, the public); (lat.)
pro bono publico; ~boll (golf) best-ball;
~säljande best-selling; ~säljare (boksuccé)
best seller
bättrevet|ande subst, overbearing (know-all,
know-it-all, I-know-better) manner (attitude);
~are subst, wiseacre, overbearing person;
know-all, know-it-all; kibitzer
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