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makro|näringsämne 1471 marginal|skatt
programmed instruction, macrocode; macro;
~näringsämne macronutrient, macroelement,
major element; ~partikel macroparticle;
lufttransporterade ~partiklar pl. airborne
particulates ; ~produktionsfunktioner
aggregate production functions; ~program
macro-program; ~programmering
macroprogramming; ~provstycke (svetsn.) specimen
for macrographic (macroscopic) examination;
~teori (ekon.) macrotheory; ~tillstånd
makt|anspråk claim to power; ~apparat
machinery of power; ~bas power base, base
of power; ~block (pol.) power bloc; ~
centrum power centre; ~elit (pol.) power
elite; ~kamp struggle (fight) for powrer,
power struggle; ~politiker power politician;
~position position of power (dominance,
control); (äv.) driver’s seat; ~resurser power
resources, resources of power; ~spel (pol.)
power game (play); ~språk fiat, dictate,
command, forcible (dictatorial, imperious,
peremptory, authoritative) language, language
of force (the strong arm), domineering wTords;
authority; /äv.) official (bureaucratic) language
(jargon), officialese, bureaucratese,
governmentese; ~utövning exercise of power;
~övertagande seizure of power
makuler|a (underklistra vid tapetsering) to line;
~ing (underkli string vid tapetsering) lining
makuta s. pl. (sing, likuta) myntenhet i Zaire
malaria|bekämpning malaria control, fight
against malaria; ~forskningsinstitut malaria
research institute; (WHO) anti-malaria
experimental centre; ~plasmodium malariall]
parasite, plasmodium; ~terapi malarial
therapy, malariatherapy, malarialization
Malawi (tidig.: Nyasaland) [the Republic of]
Malawi; m—er Malawian; m—sk Malawian
Malaysia Malaysia [Peninsular Malaysia; Sabah
and Sarawak]
malfinhet grinding fineness
malign (elakartad) malignant; ~ (elakartad)
tumör malignant tumour (growth, neoplasm),
Mallorca Majorca
mallorklin (person) Majorcan; ~insk adj.
Majorcan; ~inska (språk) Majorcan
malm|indikering ore indication; ~noduler
ore nodules, nodules of ore; ~slig [ore]
concentrate [s], dressed ore; ~tankfartyg
mineral tanker
malus s. (försäkr.: ?notsats till bonus) penalty for
bad loss experience
mammuttanker (supertanker med kapacitet över
200.000 ton) mammoth tanker
Man; ön ~ the Isle of Man
mandat|makt mandatory power; ~område
mandated territory (area), territory (area)
being under mandate; ~regering mandatory
government; ~system mandates system
månd at ärmakt mandatory power
mangan|noduler manganese nodules; (på
havsbottnen) manganese-rich pellets; ocean-floor
manganese nodules; ~nodulsfyndighet
nodular manganese deposit; ~stål; ~stål med låg
kolhalt loman steel
mangl|a; ~z fram ett avtal to hammer out an
agreement; ~ing (konkr.) mangling; (fig.)
hammering out [an agreement]; protracted
and difficult negotiations
Manhattan-projektet (kärntekn.) the Manhattan
Project [1942—46 varvid den första atombomben
manick subst, (fam.) gadget, gimmick, widgit;
contrivance, contraption, stuff, device,
manifest; kommunistiskt ~ Communist
Manifesto; revolutionärt ~ revolutionary manifesto;
manipulering; genetisk ~ genetic manipulation
manisk manic, maniacal; ~-depressiv psykos
manic-depressive (alternating) psychosis
manko subst. (spill) wastage
manlig; ~ chauvinist male chauvinist; (äv.)
sexist; ~hetsdyrkan machismo
manssamhälle male-governed society, man’s
mantissa (matem.) mantissa [of a logarithm] ;
(data: vid flyttalsrepresentation) fractional (fixed
point) part, coefficient
mantlad; skärmad och ~ kobel shielded and
sheathed cable
mantra (meditationsord; helig formel inom hinduism
och buddism) mantra
manuell; ~ betjäning (butik) counter service;
~ databehandling manual data processing;
~ privattelefonväxel private manual branch
exchange, PMBX; private manual exchange,
PMX; ~ rutin (data) manual routine; ~
styrning (kontroll) (data) manual control
manår man year
manöver|arm actuator (actuating) arm; ~bord
control desk (console), operator console
(control panel), operator’s console, operating
panel; graphic panel; ~bord för datastation
data station console; ~bordför programändringar
patch [ing] panel; ~brygga (sjö.) conning
bridge; poop; ~cylinder actuator [cylinder];
servo mechanism cylinder; ~del operating
(actuating, activating) mechanism (device),
control unit, controller; ~dön actuator;
~enhet control unit; ~fel pilot’s error;
~kolv actuator (actuating) shaft; ~konsol se
manöverbord; ~raket maneuvering rocket;
~spole actuator winding; solenoid; ~ställare
actuating switch; ~ventil actuator valve
manövreringsraket maneuvering rocket
m.a.o. (med andra ord) in other words
MAO-hämmare (farm.) MAO (monoamine
oxidase) inhibitor
maoism Maoism
maoist (China) Maoist, follower of Mao Tse-tung
and his doctrines; indisk ~ (naxalit) Naxalite
maratontalande (pari.) talkathon; filibuster
marginal|avkastning marginal profit (revenue);
~begrepp marginal concept; ~inlärning
incidental (concomitant) learning; ~intäkt
marginal revenue; ~skatt marginal rate of
tax (direct taxation on personal income);
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