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sannolikhet 1577 sats|fläta
sannolikhet probability, likelihood, chance,
odds; en till visshet gränsande ~a probability
amounting almost to certainty; funktions—
operational reliability; matematisk (statistisk)
~ mathematical (statistical) probability;
sammansatt ~ (försäkr.) compound probability;
~ noll zero probability; ~ens lagar the laws
of chance
sannolikhets|analys probability analysis;
begrepp concept of probability; ~beräkning
probability estimate; ~bestämning
determination of probability; ~faktor probability
factor; ~funktion probability function;
~fördelning probability distribution;
~-gräns probability limit; ~integral probability
integral; ~lag probability law, law of
probability; ~lära calculus (theory) of probability
(probabilities); probability calculus, methods
of probability; ~mönster probability pattern;
~simulering probabilistic simulation; ~
teori probability theory; ~tolkning
probability interpretation; ~värde probable
(expectation) value, mathematical expectation
Sansibar Zanzibar; (numera del av) [the United
Republic of] Tanzania
SAOB (Svenska Akademiens Ordbok) the Swedish
Academy Dictionary; SAOL (Svenska
Akademiens Ordlista) the Swedish Academy
Glossary; SAP (Sveriges Socialdemokratiska
Arbetarparti) the Swedish Social-Democratic
Labour Party; SAPA (Skandinaviska
Aluminium Profiler AB) the Scandinavian Aluminium
Profiles, Ltd
saprob (biol.) saprobic
saprobiesystem (vattenvård) saprobic system
SAR (Svenska Arkitekters Riksförbund) the
National Association of Swedish Architects;
SARF (Sveriges Aktiesparares Riksförbund) the
Swedish Association of Share Investors;
(Sveriges Annons- och Reklambyråers Förbund)
the Swedish Association of Advertising
Agencies and Consultants
sarg (ishockey) fence, sideboard
SAR-kommittén (KF: Systemutvecklings- och
Administrativa Rationaliseringskommittén) the
Committee on Systems Development and
Administrative Rationalization
Sark-parlamentet (den engelska kanalön Sarks
lokala styrelse) [Court of] Chief Pleas, CP, CCP
s.a.s. (så att säga) so to speak
SAT (SACO:s Allmänna Tjänstemannaförbund)
the SACO General Association of Salaried
Employees; the General Association of
Salaried Employees of the Swedish Confederation
of Professional Associations
satellit; aktiv ~ active satellite (repeater);
flyg~ aeronautical satellie, AEROSAT;
forsknings~ research satellite; försvars— defence
satellite; geostationär ~ geostationary satellite;
jord—; bemannadjord~ manned earth satellite;
kommunikations ~ communications satellite;
konstgjord (artificiell) ~ artificial (man-made)
satellite; meteorologisk~, met ~at meteorological
(weather) satellite, metsat; miljöforsknings—
environmental research satellite, ERS; miljön
environmental satellite, ES; obemannad ~
unmanned satellite; passiv ~ passive satellite;
~ för registrering av kärnexplosioner nuclear
detection satellite, NDS; ~ i omloppsbana
orbital satellite; tele~ telecommunication
satellite; TV-sändning via ~ satellite TV
satellitban|a satellite orbit trajectory; beräkning
av ~ or computation of satellite orbit
trajectories ; färdas i <i>~a</b> to orbit
satellit|buren satellite-borne; ~buren elektronik
satellite-borne electronics; ~dator satellite
processor (computer); ~flygning; bemannad
~flygning manned orbital space flight;
~följande; ~följande laser satellite tracking laser;
~följare satellite tracker; ~kanal satellite
channel; ~kommunikationsnät satellite
communications network; ~linje satellite line;
~länk satellite link; ~maskin (data)
satellite processor (computer); ~meteorologi
satellite meteorology; ~modell satellite
model ; ~radiostation satellite radio station,
SRS; ~raket satellite rocket; ~spårande;
~,spårande laser satellite tracking laser;
~spårningsfartyg satellite tracking ship; ~system
satellite system; (data äv.) master/slave system;
~sändning satellite transmission;
~teknologi satellite technology; ~-TV TV by satellite;
~uppskjutningsraket satellite-launching
rocket; ~överföring satellite transmission;
~övervakning satellite surveillance
satemspråk (språkvet.) ~at em language
SATF (Sveriges Allmänna
Tulltjänstemannaförening) the Swedish Association of Customs
satisfiera (matem.) to satisfy; roten sägs ~
ekvationen the root is said to satisfy the equation
sats (lärosats) proposition, theorem, thesis, law,
lemma; (utsaga) sentence, proposition;
(matem. äv.) theorem; propositional form,
statement; (data: instruktion på källspråk)
statement; (äv.) setup; Fermats lilla ~ (matem.)
Fermat’s theorem; Fermats stora ~ (matem.)
Fermat’s last theorem; sammansatt ~
compound sentence; styrande ~ (data) control
statement; tom ~ (data) null statement;
underordnad ~ subordinate (embedded)
sats|accent sentence stress; ~analys sentence
(grammatical) analysis, parsing;
~analyserande; ~analyserande grammatik
sentence-interpreting grammar; ~atom sentence atom;
~avsnitt phrase; ~bearbetning (data) batch
(stacked job) processing, batching;
~betoning sentence intonation, sentence (syntactic)
stress; ~betydelse sentence meaning (sense);
~bildning sentence construction;
~bindning compound sentence, sentence
connection ; ~bitar (data) punctuation bits;
~blan-dare (tekn.) batch [-type] mixer; ~byggnad
sentence structure (construction); (äv.) clause
(phrase) structure; ~definition sentence
definition; ~del sentence component (part,
constituent), constituent, [component] part of
a sentence; ta ut ~delarna [/ en mening\ to
analyze a sentence; ~delning sentence
division; ~fläta (språkvet.) involuted sen-
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