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(1982) [MARC] Author: Eizenija Turkina - Tema: Dictionaries, Latvia
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aptrūkt — apvienoties

aptrūkllt 1. (aprauties) to be*
interrupted; to break* off; 2. (izbeigties)
to run* out (of), to be* (fall*) short
(of); man ~a laika — I was short
of time; viņam ~a naudas —
he ran out of money
aptumsums astr. eclipse; saules a. —
solar eclipse; mēness a. — lunar
eclipse; daļējs a. — partial eclipse;
gredzenveida a. — annular eclipse;
pilnīgs a. — total eclipse
aptumšojums mil. black-out
aptumšot 1. to darken; mil. to black
out; 2. pārn. to darken, to cloud; a.
kāda prieku — to cloud smb.’s joy
aptumšoties 1. to grow* (get*,
become*) dark; 2. pārn. to darken
apturēšana 1. stopping, checking;
bringing to a stop (halt); 2.
(automobiļa) pulling up; (zirga) reining in
apturēt 1. to stop, to check, to bring*
to a stop (halt); 2. a. asiņošanu —
to stop the bleeding; (automobili) to
pull up; (zirgu) to rein in
aptuvens approximate; rough
aptvarste round-up

aptvere 1. mil. (patronu) charger,
cartridge clip; 2. tehn. holder
aptvert 1. (ar rokām) to clasp; to put*
one’s arms round; 2. (ietvert) to
take* in; to embrace; 3. (apjēgt) to
apprehend, to conceive; to grasp
apūdeņošan||a irrigation, watering;
— as kanāls — irrigation canal; ~as
sistēma — irrigation system
apūdeņllot to irrigate; to water;

~ojamās zemes — irrigable areas
apustulis apostle

apvaicāties to inquire (about, after),
to make* inquiries (about, after), to
ask (about, after)
apvainojums insult, offence
apvainot to insult, to offend
apvainotājs insulter, offender
apvainoties to take* offence, to feel*

apvāks [book-] jacket, wrapper, [dust-]

apvaldīt to restrain; to control; to
check; to hold* in check; (asaras) to
suppress, to choke down; (jūtas —
ari) to keep* in
apvaldīties to restrain (to control, to

check) oneself
apvalkāt to wear* out
apvalkāties to wear* out

apvalkāts worn, shabby; (nodilis)

apvalks 1. cover; envelope; 2. bot.
pericarp; sēklas a. — seed-coat; 3. tehn.
casing, jacket; 4. anat. membrane
apvalstīt to roll (in)
apvārdot 1. (pierunāt) to talk (smb.)
into (smth.); 2. etn. to charm away;
<C> a. zobus — to tell* the tale, to
talk round
apvārsn||is 1. horizon; skyline; 2.
(plašu iespēju kopums) horizons; 3.
outlook, range of vision; cilvēks ar
plašu (šauru) gara — person
with a broad (narrow) outlook
apvārtīt 1. (miltos u. tml.) to roll

(in); 2. (padarit netiru) to soil
apvazāt 1. (nosmērēt) to dirty; 2.
(nonēsāt) to wear* out
ap vazāties 1. (nosmērēties) to soil, to
get* dirty (soiled); 2. (nonēsāties)
to wear* out
apveids outline; contours dsk.
apvelt to roll round (over)
apvelties to roll round (over)
apveltīt to endow; to present (with);
a. ar izcilām spējām — to endow
with outstanding abilities
apvērst to overturn; to turn over
apvērsums 1. revolution; upheaval;
sociāls a. — social upheaval; galma
a. — court (palace) revolution;
valsts a. — coup d’etat; 2.
(būtiskas pārmaiņas) radical change; a.
zinātnē — revolution in science
apvest to lead* round; to take* round;
& a. ap stūri — to lead* up the
garden path
apvidus 1. locality; country; terrain;

2. (administratīva vieniba) district;

3. region; sirds a. — cardiac region;
vēdera a. — — abdominal region

apvidvārds dialect word
apvienība association; union
apvienllot to unite; to combine; to
pool; (uzņēmumus) to amalgamate;
a. spēkus — to combine efforts; a.
līdzekļus — to pool resources; šos
jautājumus nevar a. — these
questions are not compatible; strādāt,
~ojot amatus — to pluralize;
Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācija (ANO) —
United Nations Organization (UNO)
apvienoties to unite; to consolidate;
(par uzņēmumiem) to amalgamate

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