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pieņemt — piepušķot
pieņemllt 1. (piem., apmeklētāju) to
receive; 2. (darbā) to take* on, to
engage; 3. (davanu, priekšlikumu) to
accept; 4. (rezolūciju u. tml.) to
adopt, to pass, to carry; p. likumu —
to pass a law; p. lēmumu — to
take* (carry, make*) a decision;
5. (pavalstniecību) to become*
naturalized; 6. to presume, to suppose;
(pieļaut) to assume; — sim, ka...—
let us assume that...
pieņemties (apmērā) to increase;
(stiprumā) to intensify; to grow*, to
augment; p. svarā — to put* on
pieņemtlls accepted; adopted; assumed;
—ā kārtība — accepted order; — ie
apzīmējumi — conventional signs; p.
bērns — adopted child*; tā nav
p. — it is not done
pieņēmums presumption, supposition;
(pieļāvums) assumption
pieņi (zivju) milt vsk.; soft roe vsk.
piepampt to swell*
piepampums swelling
piepe tree-fungus*; tinder-fungus*
piepēdot (gridu) to track up (the
piepeldēt to swim* up (to); (par
priekšmetu) to drift (to), to float
up (to)
piepelnīties to earn on the side, to
earn a little* extra
piepildīšanās fulfilment
piepildīt 1. to fill; p. ar_ ūdeni — to
fill with water; p. ar gāzi — to gas,
to inflate; 2. (vēlēšanos) to fulfil
piepildīties 1. (kļūt pilnam) to fill, to
be* filled; 2. (par vēlēšanos) to
come* true
piepilināt (klāt) to add some drops
piepilsētlla suburb, outskirts of a
town; —as rajoni — suburban
districts; — as satiksme — shuttle
service; —as vilciens — local train
piepīpēt to fill with [tobacco] smoke
piepirkšana additional purchase
piepirkt (klāt) to buy* some more
piepīt to weave* (a quantity of); (no
klūgām) to wattle (a quantity of)
pieplakt to press close (to), to cling*
close (to)
pieplēst to tear* (a quantity of);
(skalus) to chip (a quantity of)
pieplūde: gaisa p: — inflow of air
piepludums 1. influx; flow; enerģijas
p. — surge of energy; 2. afflux;
rush; asins p. galvā — rush of blood
to the head
pieplūst 1. to flow (to); 2. (par asi-
nim) to rush (to)
piepļaut 1. to mow* (a quantity of);
2. (klāt) to mow* some more
piepogājamlls: —a apkaklīte —
detachable collar
piepogāt to button (to)
piepost to tidy up; p. istabu — to do*
a room
pieprasījumi 1. demand; request;
inquiry; (uz tiesibu pamata) claim;
pēc kāda —a — at smb.’s request;
pēc tiesas —a — by order of the
court; iesniegt — u (kādai
iestādei) — to make* an inquiry; pietura
pēc —a — request stop; sūtīt vēstuli
pēc —a — to send* a letter poste
restante, to send* a letter to be
called for at the post office; 2.
(dokuments) requisition; 3. ek. demand;
requirement; apmierināt — u — to
meet* the requirement; p. un
piedāvājums — demand and supply
pieprasllīt to demand; to require; (uz
tiesibu pamata) to claim; p. ziņas —
to demand information; p.
paskaidrojumus no kāda — to demand an
explanation from smb.; šīs preces
daudz —a — there is great demand
for these goods
piepūllle exertion, effort;
(sasprindzinājums) strain; gribas p. — effort
of will; tas prasa —i — it requires
piepūlēt 1. (samocit) to tire, to weary;
2. (sasprindzināt) to strain; p.
redzi — to strain (tire) one’s eyes
piepūlēties to brace oneself, to exert
piepūst to inflate; to blow* up;
(vaigus — ari) to puff up; p. buras —
to fill out the sails
piepūsties 1. to distend; (par burām)
to fill (swell*) out, to belly [out];
2. pārn. to pout
piepūšamlls inflatable; p. spilvens —
air-cushion; — ā laiva — rubber boat
piepušķo jum ||s (piem., stāstot)
embellishment, embroidery; bez — iem —
without any embroidery
piepušķot (piem., stāstot) to embellish,
to embroider
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