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(1964) [MARC] Author: Walter E. Harlock - Tema: Dictionaries
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mencing from to-day, from this day forth;
det »kulle rara färdigt till i m . . by to-day
(A 2 e) god m[, god m]! good morning (ei.
evening)! av. how do you do? nej se, god m på
dig! hallo [old man (&c)], how’s the world
treating you? hälsa god m pd ngn say how
[do you] do to . pass the time of day with
..; ge ngn, ngt en god m give .. the slip, bid
good-bye to ..; ge.. en god dag F av. not care
a fig for . . (B 1) men föll sparsamt in but
little daylight penetrated; det är klart som
men it is as clear as daylight (noonday); hon
satt vänd från men . . with her back to the
light; en hemlighet som ej tål men, mens ljus . .
will not bear the light of day (B 2) bringa ..
i men bring . . to light; komma i men a) eg.
come to the surface, crop out; b) Midi, come
(be brought) to light; jfr [♦] öppen lägga
. . i men se ådagalägga; det är fadern upp i
men he is (&c) the very image of his father
dag||a [gammal kasusform ar dag], taga . . av m put
. . to death -a|karl dayman, day labourer
-arbete day-work(-labour) -as dep aiim. dawn
jfr ex.; eg. bet. ar. get (ibi. grow) light; om
morgonen innan det [ännu] -ats .. before the day
has [yet] dawned,.. before daylight has
appeared, . . before it has got light; nu m det!
now day is dawning! now it is day! det
börjar m för dem things are brightening for them
-avlöning day wages Pi.; officers daily pay -befäl
kou. officers (pi.) of the day -biljett day ticket
-blad, Lunds m the Lund Daily Gazette
dagbok [keep a föra] diary; journal; hand,
day–book; kiientbok appointment-book; på
skjutsstation post-book -s|anteckning memorandum [iat.]
(entry) in a (one’s) diary (journal); hans mar
his diary (journal) -sjform, i m in [the] diary
form -s|författare diarist
dagllbrytning gruv. surface-quarrying -bräckning
dawn, daybreak; t, vid men at dawn (&c),
ar. at break of day -cirkel astron, diurnal circle
dagdriv||ande a idling, loafing -are idler, loafer
•ar|liv, föra ett m lead a regular idle (dolce
far niente it.) life -eri [/x/cr] loafing

dag|er -ern [-rar] 1 utan pl. a) eg. [dags]ijus
daylight, light; 6) biidi. (: ljusning) ray of light,
bright spot; (: belysning) [a favourable en
fördelaktig (in its right i dess ratta)] light — innan det
blev m before it got (grew) light; medan det
är m ar. while the light lasts (serves); i full,
halv, skarp, svag m in a full (half, sharp,
feeble) light; hålla ngt mot mn hold a th.
up to the light; gå ur mn [for mig~$ get out
of the (my) light! ata vid m . . by daylight;
jag ser ingen m i aiit detta I see no ray of
light (no bright spot) . . 2 oftast i pi., konst,
light; skuggor och -rar lights and shades
dagerrotyp -en -er fotogr. daguerrotype -i ~[e]«

9 daguerrotypy, daguerrotype process
dagllfart day service -fjärilar pl., *ool. butterflies
1 dagg -en -ar »jo. rope’s end; aum. (F) tawse,

cat-o’-nine-tails; få m, få smaka men have
the cat-o’-nine-tails [laid across one’s back];
have a taste of the rope’s end
2 dagg -en 0 dew ar. Midi.; stark, ymnig m a
heavy dew[fall]; när men faller when the
dew is falling (falls); av. at dewfall -a itr, det
mr the dew is falling (falls), there is a [fall
of] dew -bildning formation of dew, dewfall,
dewing -droppe dewdrop, dew-bead -drypande
a dew-drenched -frisk a dew-cold; dew-sprent
jfr -stänkt -ig a dewy -kåpa bot. lady’s mantle,
dew-cup -mask earthworm, dewworm -punkt
naturv. dew-point -pärla dew-bead(-gem)
dag|gryning dawn, daybreak; i men at dawn (&c)
dagg||stänka tr bedew -stänkt a dew-sprinkled
(-drenched) -våt a dew-wet -ört bot. sundew
dag||havande a, ~ [officer] mil. o. d. [the]
officer of the day -hjälp day girl, F daily
dagjämning -en -ar equinox -s|llnje -sjstorm

equinoctial line (gale)
daglig a aiim. daily [paper tidning; bread bröd];
is. retensk. diurnal; ibi. everyday jfr ex.; i mt
bruk in daily (everyday) use; ♦ mt tal in
everyday parlance, colloquially -dags adv
every day [of the week F] -en adv every day;
ar. daily; ibi. diurnally; tre ganger ~ av... a day;
förläna 5 kr. ~ .. a (per) day -stuga living-room
daglllinne chemise; koii. day-linen -lön day[’s]
(daily) wages pi. -lönare aum. day-labourer; ar.
dayman -ning se -gryning -order mil. order of
the day -ordning a) aiim. bet. programme for
the day; Ö) pari. (o. friare) se ex.; men the [-or-der[s]-] {+or-
der[s]+} (business) of the day; . . hör till men
Midi, se ordning ex.; stå på, avföra . . från
men [av. biidi.] be on (remove .. from) the
order-paper -ordnings|debatt pari, procedure
debate-ort grur.adit, day-level, sough -rum
day room

dags adv, hur[u] m . .t [at] what time Earn I
to come f&r jag komma]? ibi. at what hour
(o’clock) . .? when . .? så [Åar, där] m på
dagen at this (ei. that) time of [the] day; sd
hår m pd året at this time of [the] year; är
det sd m? is it as låte as that? Midi, has it
come to that pass? i gir, i fjol så hår m [at]
this time . .; i morgon, nästa år sd här m [by]
this time . .; det år så m (. nr sent) nu! it is
just the right (a nice) time to say that nowl
-arbete Ethe (a)] day’s work -behov, sitt m one’s
requirements (&c) for one (ei. the) day -ens
[gammal kasusform ar dag], det är m sanning it is
gospel (the plain [and honest]) truth -fråga
question of the day -förtjänst g® -inkomst
ex. -gammal a day-old -göra [e,] day’s work
-hetta heat of the day -händelser Pi
occurrences of the day -inkomst daily income;
skänka en m . . one day’s income ([: .förtjänst]
takings (earnings) pl.) -kassa day’s takings pl.
dagllskift -skjorta day-shift (-shirt)
dagsllled se -marsch, -resa -ljus daylight; vid
m by daylight; sky met shun the light of

*si title-word 0 no pl. - pl. same as sing. F oolloquial

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