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undersöknings|anstalt        1068        undertryck|a

investigations; en ingående ~a close

(exhaustive) examination (investigation); enligt Svenska

Bankföreningens sedvanliga ~ o?n krediternas

fördelning näringsgrenar according to the Swedish

Banks Association’s customary analysis of the

distribution of credits by industries; en ~ av

de ekonomiska förhållandena a study of the

economic conditions; empiriska ~ar empirical

investigations; filosofiska ~ar philosophical

researches; fortsätta ~ar to continue

researches; inleda en ~ to institute an inquiry

(investigation), to set an investigation on foot;

to order an inquiry [into]; offentlig ~ public

inquiry; periodiska ~ar routine tests; regler

för ~ rules of investigation; rättslig ~

judicial (legal) inquiry (investigation);

inquisition; (av dödsfall) inquest; inleda rättslig ~

to institute a judicial (legal) inquiry; statistisk

~ statistical testing (survey, study); ~ av

rättstitel title search; ~ ort och ställe [an]

on-the-spot investigation, (US) [a] field study;

U~en (felbyrå) the Fault Complaint Service;

vi har gjort ~ar hos våra olika avdelningar we

have circularized our various departments

undersöknings|anstalt research institute,

institute of research; U~ och Försöksanstalten för

Havsfisket the National [Swedish] Institute of

Marine Research; (Havsfiskelaboratoriet) the

Marine Fisheries Laboratory; 17~- och

Försöksanstalten för Sötvattensfisket the National

[Swedish] Institute of Freshwater Research;

(Sötvattenslaboratoriet) the Freshwater Fisheries

Laboratory; ~apparat testing ~apparatus;

~arbete research (investigational) work;

~bord (med.) examination (examining) table;

(tel.) test board (US desk), (US äv.) wire

chief’s desk; (äv.) exchange testing position,

trunk test, (US äv.) trouble position;

~borrning prospection drilling; ~central

investigation (examination) centre; ~datum date

of examination; ~domare examining

magistrate; (vid dödsfall) coroner; ~domstol court

of inquiry; ~fartyg (sjömätningsfartyg) [-surveying]-]

ship; ~förfarande inquiry procedure;

~grupp research (investigation, survey, audit)

group; ~häkte preventive custody;

~kommission commission (committee, court) of

inquiry (enquiry), inquiry (enquiry,

fact-finding) commission (committee), fact-finding

body (panel); the Government appointed a

committee to investigate the matter; a fact-finding

body has opened hearings; jfr ~utskott; finansiell

~kommission [a] financial fact-finding mission;

~kostnader inspection fees; ~ledare officer

in charge of an investigation, investigator;

(äv.) supervisor, inspector; ~låda (tel.) test

box, testing set; ~läkare medical examiner;

~material material [to be] investigated;

~nämnd se ~utskott; U~ och

Bestraffningsnämnderna för Handelsflottan, UBN the Swedish

Merchant Navy Disciplinary Boards; ~objekt

test specimen; ~område field of inquiry;

~organ investigative body; ~period period

of investigation; ~plan specification of

survey; ~plats (tel.) testing position; ~resultat

findings of an investigation; ~rum

examination room; ~utskott investigating

(examining) committee, commission (board) of

inquiry (enquiry); (Br äv.) Royal Commission;

(äv.) visiting committee; jfr ~kommission;

Fria Juristernas U~utskott (Berlin) the

Investigating Committee of Free Jurists;

parlamentariskt ~utsko 11 Parliamentary (Royal)

Commission; ~år year of investigation

under|tak suspended ceiling; (äv.) underroof;

~tariffera to under-rate; ~tariffering


underteckna to sign; (jur. äv.) to subscribe

[one’s name]; (kontrasignera) to countersign;

(pol.) to ratify; de stater som ha ~t och anslutit

sig the signatory and acceding States;

egenhändigt ~ to sign by one’s own hand; regering

som icke ~t [detta protokoll] non-signatory

Government; ~ enligt fullmakt to sign by

procuration; ~ in blanko to sign in blank;

~d subst, (lämnas ofta ~översatt) I, the

undersigned,; (äv.) the [present] writer; ~ d

intygar härmed att I, the undersigned, hereby

certify that; mellan ~de between the

undersigned; adresserad till ~d Björkman addressed

to the undersigned Björkman; till bekräftelse

härav hava ~de befullmäktigade ~t detta protokoll

(dipl.) in witness whereof the undersigned

Plenipotentiaries, duly empowered (, being

duly authorized to that effect), have signed

the present Protocol; II adj., p.p. signed;

the document is signed by ; ~d faktura över följande

varor signed invoice covering the following

goods; ~nde signing, signature; dagen för

~ndet av fördraget the day of signing the

treaty; framlägga för ~nde och antagande (dipl.)

to open for signature and acceptance; genom

~nde utan förbehåll för ratifikation by signature

without reservation as to ratification; hållas

tillgänglig för ~nde (dipl.) to be open for

signature; protokollet skall träda i kraft vid

tiden för ~ndet eller vid ratifikationen the Protocol

shall enter into force upon signature or

ratification; vid ~ndet when (upon) signing, on

signature, at the time of signing (signature),

in connection with the signing [of the treaty],

upon (on the date of) its signature; when

signing the contract; vid Edert ~nde och

återställande av detta avtal upon your execution of

this Agreement; vid ~ndey ratifikation eller

anslutning at the time of signature, ratification

or accession; ~re [the] signer (undersigned),

(stat. etc.) signatory; sådan ansvarighet skall ej

åvila ~~na such liability shall not be valid

against the signers; till bestyrkande varav ~~na

satt sina namn och sigill as witness the hands

and seals of [us,] the undersigned

xmàet\téin (i fisknät) foot-rope; (äv.) lead-line;

~titel subtitle; (äv.) subhead; ~ton (mots.

till överton) subharmonic; (fig.) undertone,

underlying tone; the undertone of the industria

market was as firm as ever; stram ~’ton (börs.)

stringent undertone; ~trissa (tekn.) lower


undertryck partial vacuum, low pressure;

(valsn.) overdraft; (äv.) depression; ~a to

suppress; (slå ned äv.) to put down, to quell,

to crush, to smash, to stifle, to repress;

(underkuva) to oppress, to crush [down], to

subjugate; (äv.) to keep (hold, fight) back,

to keep down, to strangle; ~a ett patent to

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