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ägodelning        1222        äkthet

effects, belongings; (fig-) heritage; ~ning

partition of land

ägodelnings|do mare district court judge for

land-partition cases; ~process land-partition

case; ~protokoll land-partition record;

~rätt district court for land-partition cases;

~rättsutslag judgment (decision, award,

ruling) of a district court for land-partition


ägo|gräns boundary; ~slag; absolut raslag

absolute land use category; ~tvist (jur.)

real action

äkta verb to marry; adj. genuine, real; original;

(om text, konstverk etc.) genuine, authentic;

(~blandad) pure; (om färg) fast; (~förfalskad)

genuine; (verklig) real; substantial; (om barn)

legitimate; (uppriktig) genuine, sincere, true,

real; bestyrka (bevaka) testamente såsom ~ (vid

domstol) to prove a will; en ~ pärla a real

(genuine) pearl; garanterat ~ (vid kemisk

analys) warranted free from adulteration; ~

diamant real diamond; ~ japanlack Japanese

(Oriental) lacquer; ~ kristallglas genuine

crystal glass; ~ och falska sedlar genuine and

counterfeit banknotes; ~ par [married] couple,

husband and wife; ~ silke cultivated

(mulberry, real) silk; ~ silver [in Sweden usually]

82½ % silver; sterling silver [92½ %}\(äv.)

pure (real) silver; ~ vara genuine article

äktenskap marriage; (jur. äv.) wedlock; (äv.)

matrimony, alliance, married life; annullering

(återgång) av ~ annulment (nullity) of

marriage, decree of nullity; antal ingångna ~

number of marriages, marriage-rate; barn i ~

child born in wedlock; barn utom ~ child

born out of wedlock; borgerligt ~ civil

marriage, marriage before a registrar; dysgeniskt ~

dysgenic marriage; falskt föregivande av ~

jactitation of marriage; giltigt ~ valid

marriage; ingå nytt ~ to marry again, to remarry;

ingå ~ to enter into marriage, to contract a

marriage [with], to marry; medelbarnantalet i

~en (stat.) the average number of children

per marriage; ~giltigförklaring av ~ decree of

nullity, annulment of marriage; register över

ingångna ~ register of marriages; tidigare ~

previous (earlier) marriage; upplösa ett ~ to

dissolve a marriage; upplösning av ~ dissolution

of [a] marriage; upplöst ~ dissolved

marriage; ~ens fruktsamhet (stat.) fertility of

marriage marital fertility; ~ets fullbordan the

consummation of marriage; ~ med avslutad

fruktsamhetsperiod (stat.) marriage of

completed fertility; ~ets ordningsnummer [the] order

of marriage; ~ets ~upplöslighet the

indissolubility of marriage; ~ens upplösningstabell (stat.)

marriage dissolution table; ~ets varaktighet

the duration of the marriage

äktenskaplig conjugal, matrimonial, marital,

married, connubial; återupptagande av ~t

förhållande renewal of marital (conjugal) relations;

~ börd legitimate birth; den legala presumtionen

om ~ börd the legal presumption of legitimacy;

~ fruktsamhet marital fertility; ~t

fruktsamhetstal legitimate fertility rate; ~ födelse

(stat.) legitimate birth; ~t födelsetal legitimate.

birth rate; ~ hemvist marital domicile; oplikt

conjugal duty; rättigheter conjugal (marital)


äktenskaps|anbud proposal (offer) of marriage;

~annons matrimonial advertisement;

~bestånd; ~beståndets skilsmässotal (stat.) [the]

divorce rate of the married population;

~betyg certificate of marital (matrimonial) capacity

(eligibility), certificate of no [marital, [-matrimonial]-]

impediments; (uppnådd giftasålder)

certificate of nubility (marriageability); (äv.

ung.) registrar’s licence to marry, marriage

licence; ~bildning (demograf.) nuptiality;

~brott adultery; (jur.) criminal connexion

(conversation), (förk.) crim.con.; (äv.)

misconduct, illicit intercourse; ~brytare

adulterer; ~bryterska adulteress; ~byrå

matrimonial agency, marriage bureau; ocertif ikat

se obetyg; ~förbindelse matrimonial

alliance; ~förbud prohibition of marriage;

~förmedling se ~byrå; ~förord [deed of]

marriage articles (settlement); (äv.) antenuptial

contract; ~hinder impediment to marriage,

marital (matrimonial, diriment, nullifying) [-im-pediment[s]; -] {+im-

pediment[s]; +} ohindrande diriment;

~konsulent marriage guidance worker (officer,

consultant); ~kontrakt marriage contract

(settlement); ~lag marriage law; Marriage

Act; ~lagstiftning marriage (matrimonial)

legislation; oledig; ~ ledig befolkning

(demograf.) marriageable population; ~licens

marriage licence, registrar’s licence to marry;

olöfte promise of marriage, promise to marry;

(äv.) marriage vow; ~marknad marriage

market; omäklare matrimonial agent;

register marriage register; ~rådgivare

marriage counsellor; ~rådgivning marriage


äktenskapsrätt marriage (matrimonial) law[s],

law of husband and wife; ~s|lig of (under)

marriage law; ~s|liga förmögenhetsförhållanden

property ownership relations under marriage


äktenskapsskillnad divorce, decree absolute,

dissolution of marriage; begära ~ to file a

petition for divorce; dom å ~ decree (order)

absolute for dissolution of marriage, judgment

of divorce; döma till ~ to make a decree

absolute; slutgiltig (fullständig) ~ decree

absolute; ~ grund av söndring [a] divorce

(dissolution of marriage) on grounds of


äktenskaps|statistik marriage statistics pl.;

osvindel marriage swindle, obtaining money

fraudulently by the offer of marriage;

osvindlare marriage swindler, swindler who

fraudulently obtains money from women by the

offer of marriage; (bigamist) bigamist;

~upplösning dissolution of marriage; ovillkor

condition of marriage; ~vägledning se

~rådgivning; ~ålder marrying age

äkthet genuineness, authenticity, purity,

originality ; (färg-) fastness; (uppriktighet) sincerity;

bevisa ~en av to authenticate; dokumentens ~

the genuineness of the documents; granskning

av ett dokuments ~ scrutiny of a document;

en namntecknings (signaturs, underskrifts) ~ the

genuineness (authenticity) of a signature;

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