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betalnings|anmodan 87 betalningsställe
obligationen medför rätt till ~ ur bolagets
tillgångar närmast efter bolagets övriga skulder the
bond carries the right to payment out of the
assets of the Company immediately after the
other debts of the Company; protest av
växel för bristande ~ protest of a bill on
[account of] non-payment; växeln är protesterad
för bristande ~ the bill is protested for
non-payment; rembur sens bestämmelser om ~,
accep-tering eller negociering the provisions for
payment, acceptance or negotiation contained in
the [documentary] letter of credit; som ~
in payment (reimbursement, cover); ut~ar
mot dokument payments against documents;
utebliven ~ default [on a debt],
non-payment; vid (i händelse av) utebliven ~ in default
of payment, in case of (in the event of)
non-payment; verkställa ~ar to make (effect)
payments; it is not our general practice to effect
payments with back value
betalnings|anmodan request to pay;
~anstånd extension of time [for payment], respite
[for payment], delay of payment; indulgence;
days of grace; moratorium; ansökan om
~anstånd a request for respite; begära ~anstånd
to request an extension of time; bevilja
~an-stånd to extend the time for payment, to allow
(grant) a respite for payment, to allow time
to pay; få ~anstånd to obtain [a month’s]
respite; ~ansvar payment liability,
responsibility for payment; ~ansvar för reverser liability
to redeem promissory notes; ~ansvarig
(person) person liable for a payment, debtor;
~ansvarighet liability to pay, obligation to
pay, financial obligation; ~anvisning money
order, order to pay, order for the payment
of money; ~arrangemang; multilaterala ~
arrangemang multilateral payments
arrangements; ~avtal payments agreement;
Inomeuropeiska ~avtalet the Intra-European
Payments Agreement, IEPA; ~balans balance
of payments; (US äv.) balance of
international payments, international balance of
payments; försämringen av ~balansen the
deterioration in the balance of payments;
påfrestningarna för ~balansen strains on the
balance of payments; underskott i ~balansen [the]
balance of payments deficit [has widened
appreciably in the past year]; utrikes ~balans
foreign balance of payments;
~balansjämvikt balance of payments equilibrium;
~balansläge balance of payments position;
~balansskäl; av obalans skäl for
balance-of-payments reasons; ~balanssvårigheter
balance of payments difficulties;
~balansunderskott balance of payments deficit; ~bank;
Internationella ~banken the Bank for
International Settlements, BIS; ~barometer
payments barometer; ~bevis payment receipt;
(interimsbevis) scrip certificate; ~dag,
~datum date (da.) of payment, due date; (äv.)
settling-day; ~form mode (manner, method,
way) of payment; ~framställning payment[s]
application (petition); to make an application
for a payment; ~frist term (time, period) of
payment; (anstånd) extension of time [for
payment], respite [for payment], delay of
payment, indulgence; (växel) [days of] grace;
förlänga ~fristen to extend the time of
payment; förlängning av ~fristen extension of the
time of payment; ~förbindelse bond, note
of hand, promissory note, instrument of debt
(obligation), evidence (proof) of debt
(indebtedness), written acknowledgement of debt; (äv.)
liability (obligation) to pay, [financial]
obligation; (betalningstrafik) payments [traffic];
föreläggande injunction to pay; (äv.)
judgment by a court of law ordering a debtor to
pay; a judgment has been given (passed, pronounced)
against the debtor ordering him to pay; the debt
has been declared a judgment-debt by a court of
law; a judgment-debt exists against the Company i
ansökan om ~föreläggande a petition to a court
of law for an injunction to pay (for an
injunction ordering a debtor to pay, for a judgment
against a debtor ordering him to pay);
~förmedling payment[s] service (agency);
~förmåga solvency, ability to pay, capacity to
pay; ~förpliktelse payment liability,
obligation to pay; ~gap payments gap;
~garanti payment guarantee, guarantee of
payment; ~inställelse suspension of payments,
stoppage of payments, default; ~klausul
payment clause; (försäkr.) regularization
clause; ~kommitté; Inter europeis ka ~
kommittén the Intra-European Payments
Committee; ~läge payments situation (position);
det internationella ~läget the international
payments situation; dollar—låge dollar payments
situation; ~maskineri machinery of
payment; to consider a country’s possible ways of
improving its machinery of payment
betalningsmedel (medel att betala med) means
of payment; (ett lands) currency, circulating
medium, money of account, money or money
substitutes, money; (lagligt) legal tender, (US)
lawful money; (ej kontanter, äv.) credit
instruments; negotiable instruments; en högre
omsättningshastighet för ~a higher rate of velocity
for notes and coin in circulation; gängse ~
currency, ordinary currency; icke vara lagligt ~
to be non-legal tender
betalningsmedels|enhet monetary unit;
~försörjning currency supply, supply of currency
(money), money (monetary) supply;
~omlopp currency in circulation, circulation of
money, notes and coin (means of payment)
in circulation; ~volym volume of currency
(money, means of payment); the increase in
the volume of money
betalnings|mottagare payee, beneficiary;
möjlighet payability; ~ort place of payment;
~period term (time, period) of payment;
~plan payments plan; ~plats place of
payment; ~provision (remburs) payment
commission; ~relationer payments relations;
~skyldig; ~skyldig person person liable for
payment; ~stopp stop payment [order]; to
place a stop-payment order against a cheque
betalningsställe paying agent (agents, agency),
disbursing agent [for dividends on stock],
redemption agent [for retirement of bonds
and stocks], subscription agent [for
stockholders’ rights]; angiva som ~ to indicate as
paying agent; förteckning över ~ ~ List of
Paying Agents
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