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dechiffrer|ing 148 deklarations|ändamål
a code; ~ing deciphering, decoding;
~ings-utrustning decoding equipment
decibar (mått) decibar
decibel, dB (fys.) decibel, (förk.) db; ~mätare
decibel meter
deciderad (börs.) decided, pronounced, distinct
decil (stat.) decile
decimal decimal; binär representation av ~a
siffror a binary representation of decimal
figures; a decimal coded binary; ~t system
decimal system; kodad ~ siffra (databehandl.)
coded decimal digit; ~bråk decimal fraction,
decimal; ~klassifikation; Deweys
~klassifikation (ämnesindelningssystem för litteratur) the
Dewey Decimal Classification; universell ~
klassifikation, UDK Universal Decimal
Classification, UDC; ~kodad; ~kodat binärt tal
(databehandl.) [a] decimal coded binary; (äv.)
a binary representation of decimal figures;
~komma [decimal] point; ~maskin
(databehandl.) decimal computer; ~system
decimal system; Föreningen för ~ systemet (Br) the
Decimal Association; ~tal decimal number;
~våg decimal balance
decimeter decimetre; ~vågfrekvens (radio.)
ultrahigh frequency, (förk.) UHF
deckare (roman) detective story, (fam.)
whodunit, thriller; (person) detective, police
detective, criminal investigator, plain-clothes man,
(fam.) sleuth, tec, dick, cop, copper
deckel se däckel
deck|er (text.) dicker; ~garn (text.) face yarn;
~kam (text.) narrowing comb; ~nål
narrowing point; ~skena narrowing rod
defekt subst, deficiency; adj. defective;
~reservstil (typ.) incomplete reserve type; ~bord
(apotek) dispensing bench
defibrfator (papperstillv.) pulper, pulping
engine; (slipverk) grinding mill; (äv.)
edge-runner, disintegrator, kneader, cone-breaker;
~era (papperstillv.) to break [in, up]; (äv.)
to defiber; ~ör se defibrator
deficit deficit
definitiv definite, definitive, final; (äv.) exact,
precise, clear; vara ~ to be definite (an
accomplished fact); när mina planer är ~t
bestämda when my plans are definitely set; ~t
beslut final decision; ~t svar definite reply
(answer); ~ upplaga final (authoritative,
complete) edition; ~ överenskommelse final
deflation deflation; ~istisk deflationary,
disinflationary; få oistisk verkan to have a
deflationary (disinflationary) effect; ~s|politik
deflationary (disinflationary) policy
deflektor deflector
deflockulation deflocculation
deformation (tekn. etc.) deformation,
distortion, buckling, (kastning) warping, (bot. etc.)
damage, injury, disease [on trees]
deformations|diagram (geol.) stress-strain
diagram; ~härdning strain hardening; ~modul
modulus of deformation; ~prov (äv. tennis)
deformation test; ~ åldra (metallbehandl.) to
deformer|a to deform, to distort, to warp, to
disfigure, to buckle; ~ing se deformation
defosforera to dephosphorize
deg paste, dough; ~delningsmaskin dough
dividing (portioning) machine
degel crucible, melting-pot, pot; ~stål crucible
steel; ~temperugn (glastillv.) pot arch;
~tång crucible pliers; ~ugn crucible (pot)
furnace, pot smelter
deg|ig pasty, doughy; ~knådningsmaskin
dough kneading machine
degradation (geol.) degradation; ~era to
degrade, to demote; ~erad svartjord (chernozem)
degraded chernozem
dehydr|atisering dehydration;
~atiserings-centrifug dehydrating centrifuge; ~ering
dejonisera to deionize
dekad decade, decad; ~isk; ~iskt system
(databehandl.; numera hellre decimalt system)
decadic (decimal) system
dekal (dekalkomani) decal, decalcomania, transfer
[front], transparancy; (för bilar etc.) holiday
sticker (label); ~färg decalcomania ink;
~komani[papper] (för överföringsbilder)
transfer paper, decalcomania
dekanus (univ.) dean [of a faculty, of a college];
(i brev) Dean Arthur R. Upgren, Dean
Up-gren; Dear Dean Upgren, Dear Dr. Upgren,
(fam.) Dear Mr. Upgren
dekaper|a; ~adplåt pickled plate; ~ing;
elektrolytisk ~ing electro-chemical pickling
dekapitera; ~d (geol.) truncated
dekartelliser|a to decartelize; ~ing
dekarter|a (postv.) to check, (äv.) to open
(turn out) the mail; ~ing checking
dekater|ing (text.) steaming, blowing, decating,
decatizing; ~[ings] maskin steaming machine
deklarant person making a declaration, person
filing (submitting, handing in) an income-tax
deklaration declaration, statement; (själv-) tax
(income-tax) return, fiscal declaration,
declaration for income-tax purposes; to sign one’s
return without checking it; insända ~ to file one’s
[1963] income tax return in a tax collector’s
office; to file income tax returns with the Internal
Revenue collector in Wilmington, Del.; upprätta ~
(själv-) to fill in (to make [out], to complete)
one’s income-tax return; (annars) to make a
declaration [in support of claims for
exemption from U. K. Income Tax]; jfr själv~,
tull~, varu~
deklarations|adress domicile for tax returns;
~blankett tax return form, property and
income-tax return form; ~kurs the price
(rate, quotation) on the 31st December; the
price (rate, quotation) to be stated in one’s
income and capital (property) tax return;
(äv.) security value for tax assessment; ~plikt
(försäkr.) obligation to disclose (give
information); ~skyldighet liability to file (make)
an income tax return; ~uppgift (för
utdelningar) Statement of Dividends [on Swedish
shares], income-tax statement [in respect of
dividends received]; ~värde (värdepapper)
the rate on the 31st December; the rate to
be stated in one’s income and capital (property)
tax te.tutn; (tull) value at point of entry;
~ändamål; för ~ändamål for purposes of
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