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dispositions|berättigad        159        distriktssköterskeskola

sions); tills krediternas ~ skett until the credits

have been utilized [or have expired]

dispositions|berättigad [to be] entitled to

dispose of [sth.]; (person) person entitled

(authorized, empowered) to dispose of [sth.]; sfond

special reserve fund, reserve for contingencies,

general reserves, general purpose fund, free

reserves, contingency (emergency, surplus)

fund, special capital reserve; ~inskränkning

restraint of power of disposing;

smöjligheter possibilities to dispose of; srätt right

(power) of disposal (disposing), right

(authority) to dispose of, right (power) of disposition,

right to make use of, power of alienation;

(konto) right to make withdrawals from an

account; power to operate on an account,

to empower a person to operate on an account;

they have been authorised to operate [on\ our

Company’s Banking Accounts; their powers to

operate our Company’s Banking Accounts have

been withdrawn; ensam ~rätt sole right of

disposal; sövningar composition exercises

dispositiv (jur.) optional, discretionary,

elective, nonobligatory, noncompulsory,

voluntary, not conditionally binding;

bestämmelser optional rules (provisions); en lag innehåller

tvingande eller ~a föreskrifter a law is

peremptory or optional

disput|ation disputation; doktors—ation oral

defence of a [doctor’s, doctoral] thesis, public

examination (discussion) of a doctor’s

(doctoral) thesis (dissertation); sera (debattera)

to debate, to argue, to dispute; (försvara en

doktorsavhandling) to defend a thesis

dispyt (äv. sjö.) dispute; (äv.) argument,

controversy; altercation

dissek|era to dissect; stion dissection; stor

(TV, Br) dissector tube, (US) image


dissoci|ation; termisk nation thermal

dissociation ; ~ativ; ~ativ jonisering dissociative

ionization; sera to dissociate;

seringsproduk-ter dissociation products

dissousgas dissolved acetylene; sanläggning

dissolved acetylene plant; ~seation dissolved

acetylene station

distans distance; ~betalning out-of-town

payment; sbricka (tekn.) spacer; scheck

out-of-town cheque (US check), out-of-town

draft; sera to out-distance; to leave behind;

to outrun; to beat; to outstrip; to out-Johnson

Johnson; ~era en konkurrent to beat

(outdistance) a competitor; ~flygning

longdistance flight; sfrakt (sjö.) distance freight;

~hylsa spacer; sinkasso out-of-town

collection; (US äv.) transit business [i.e. collection

of checks on points other than the home

city]; skappsegling distance racing (race);

~ring (tekn.) spacer [ring]; srör spacing

collar; ~seång (mätningstekn.) stadia rod;

ster mo meter distance thermometer; ~ växel

out-of-town bill

disten (kem.) disthene, cyanite

distorsion distortion; geometrisk ~ (TV)

geometric distortion; optisk ~ optical (light)


distribu|era to distribute; stion distribution

distributions|agent distributor, distributing

agent; sarrangemang marketing

arrangement; savdelning (tidn. etc.) dispatch room,

circulation department; (varor) marketing

department; ~avtal marketing agreement

(contract); ~behov distribution requirements;

~chef (försäljn.) marketing (distribution)

manager; (tidn.) circulation manager;

seffek-tivitet marketing efficiency; sekonomi

marketing [efficiency]; sekonomisk;

~ekonomisk forskning marketing research; Institutet

för D~ekonomisk och Administrativ Forskning

the Institute for Marketing and Management

Research; ~ erfar enhet marketing experience;

sexpert marketing expert; sfläska (mjölk-)

milk can; sforskning marketing research;

~förening marketing association; sföretag

marketing company (US corporation),

distributive enterprise; ~förhållanden marketing

conditions; skampanj marketing campaign

(drive); skonsult marketing consultant;

skontingent marketing quota; ~kostnader

distribution (marketing) costs (expenses), costs

of distribution (marketing) ; ~kostnadsanalys

distribution cost[s] analysis; skörning; de är

väl lämpade för lättare s,körningar they are well

suited for lighter distribution runs; slager

stock to be distributed, stock for distribution;

(nederlag) warehouse, depot; slista mailing

list; sman marketing man; ~maskineri

marketing machinery; ~metod distribution

(marketing) method, method of distribution

(marketing); snämnd marketing board;

sområde marketing area (territory);

~organisation marketing organization; spersonal

marketing personnel; sräkning (rekl.) census

of distribution; ~siffror circulation figures;

~struktur marketing (distribution) structure,

structure of marketing (distribution);

~sys-tem distribution (marketing) system, system

of distribution (marketing); steknisk; från

en rent steknisk synpunkt purely from the

point of view of distribution; steori

distribution theory, theory of distribution; sterm

distribution term; ster minologi marketing

terminology; stäthet density of distribution;

~utredning; Föreningen för

Marknadsundersökningar och D~utredningar (M-gruppen) the

[Swedish] Association for Marketing and

Management Research; sväg channel of

distribution; sväsende distributive trades ’

distributör distributor

distrikt district, region, area; (brevbärares)

round; sanalys (rekl.) district analysis

distrikts|chef district superintendent (manager,

supervisor); ~förman district foreman;

~-försäljning district sales; ~förvaltning

district administration (service); ~guvernör

district governor; singenjör district

engineer; sinspektör district inspector;

sjägmästare district forester (forest officer);

~-kamrer district accountant; skassör

district cashier; skongress district congress;

~kontor district office; sledare district

manager (supervisor); släkare district

medical officer; smästare (sport) district

champion; smöte district meeting; srevisor

district auditor; ~råd district council;

~skö-terska district (public health) nurse; ~skö-

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