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ekonomi|byggnad        176        ektodynamomorf

of the Royal Household; ~byggnad office;

( lantgård) farm building, annex; ~byrå

finance (financial, economic; accounting and

supply) section (division, department, office);

~chef (—direktör) financial manager

(director), director of finance, chief financial officer,

controller, comptroller, treasurer;

~departement Ministry of Economics, Economics

Ministry; ~deputerad; Riksdagens

E~deputerade (ung.) the [Swedish] Riksdag Economic


ekonomie; ~ doktor Doctor of Economics,

(förk.) D. Ec., D. Econ., D. Oec.;

~studerande student of economics

ekonomi|förvaltare steward; ~förvaltare vid

Hovmarskalksämbetet (ung.) First Clerk to the

Comptroller of the Royal Household;

~ingenjör (ung.) economics (industrial)

engineer; ~klass (flyg.) economy class; ~köp

(avbetalningsköp) hire purchase, purchase on

the instalment system, instalment purchase,

time payment purchase; ~minister Minister

of Economics, Economics Minister;

~personal (sjö.) catering staff

ekonomiser (värmetekn.) economizer; ~a to

economize; ~ing economizing,


ekonomisk economic, financial; (sparsam)

economical; aktier med ~företrädesrätt shares

which are preferential as to dividend,

preference shares; ansträngt ~t läge [a] strained

economic situation; excessive (very large)

demands are being made on the economy; there is a

great (an undue) strain on the economy; the

economy is being overtaxed; bolagets ~a ställning

är god the Company’s financial position is

good; central för ~ utveckling Centre for

Economic Development; de ~a sammanhangen

the interplay of economic factors; de

myndigheter, som handhar den ~a politiken the monetary

authorities; ~ aktivitet economic activity;

~a bekymmer economic (financial) worries;

~ bojkott [to organize an] economic boycott

[against a country]; ~ efterkrigshjälp

postwar economic assistance (aid); ~ fart

economic speed; ~ framstegstakt rate of economic

development; ~t framåtskridande economic

progress; ~ fråga economic question;

förening incorporated association (society),

association working for profit, [an] association

under legal obligation to keep books,

economic (co-operative) association (union); the

Association of Fur Traders, Inc.; the Incorporated

Society of British Advertisers; the Fairbridge

Society (Incorporated) ; ~ geografi economic

geography; E~a Kommissionen för Asien och

Fjärran Östern the Economic Commission for

Asia and the Far East, ECAFE; E~a

Kommissionen för Europa the Economic Commission

for Europe, ECE; E~a Kommissionen för

Latinamerika the Economic Commission for

Latin America, ECLA; E~a Kommissionen för

Mellersta Östern the Economic Commission

for the Middle East, ECME; E~a

Kommissionen för Afrika the Economic Commission for

Africa, ECA; ~ månadsöversikt monthly

economic review; ~a möjligheter economic

(financial) possibilities, potential wealth; E~a och

Sociala Rådet (FN) the Economic and Social

Council of the United Nations, ECOSOC; E~

Revy (publ.) [the] Economic Review;

rådgivare economic advisor (adviser);

samarbetslag economic cooperation act; ~t sekretariat

economic research (information, intelligence;

statistics) department; ~ stabiliseringsplan

economic stabilization plan (project, scheme);

~ ställning financial status (standing,

position); ~a svårigheter economic (financial)

difficulties (troubles); ~a ting economic

matters, matters of economy (finance); en

utredning om de ~a förhållandena a study of the

economic conditions; ett anmärkningsvärt drag

i den ~a utvecklingen a noteworthy feature of

the economic development; fastlåsa den ~a

politiken to peg the economic policy [to];

föra en antiinflationistisk ~ politik to pursue an

anti-inflationary (a disinflationary) economic

policy; hög ~ aktivitet [a] high degree of

economic activity; det ~a området in the

economic field (sphere); regeringens ~a politik

the economic policy of the Government, the

Government ([our] Government’s) economic

policy; Styrelsen för E~ Stabilisering (US)

Economic Stabilization Agency; till ett ~t pris at

an economical price; Under kommissionen för E~

Utveckling the Sub-Commission on Economic

Development; ur ~ synvinkel from an

economic point of view; vara ~ i drift to be

economical in operation; åtstramande ~ politik

[a] restraining economic policy, [an] economic

policy of restraint, [a] tightened economic

policy; ~ attaché economic attaché, attaché

for (in charge of) economic affairs; ~t

planeringsråd economic planning council; ~t

vederhäftig financially responsible (sound, solvent);

E~a och Sociala Kommittén (i Europeiska

Ekonomiska Gemenskapen) the Economic and Social

Committee [of the European [Economic]

Community]; Organisationen för Europeiskt E~t

Samarbete (hist.) the Organization for

European Economic Co-operation, (förk.) OEEC;

Organisationen för E~t Samarbete och Utveckling

the Organization for Economic Co-operation

and Development, (förk.) OECD;

Överstyrelsen för E~t Försvar the National [Swedish]

Board of Economic Defence (US Defense);

Priset i E~ Vetenskap till Alfred Nobels Minne

(Nobelpriset i Ekonomi) the Alfred Nobel

Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

ekonomisk|-politisk; den ~-politiska

administrationen the administration (management) of

economic policy; den reella innebörden av olika

~-politiska åtgärder the actual (true, real)

implications of the various measures of

economic policy; en ~-politisk diskussion an

economico-political discussion; i den

~-politiska debatten in the public discussion on

economic policy; ~teoretisk; ~-teoretiska

frågor questions of economic theory

eko|radio (numera: radar) radar; ~spärr (tel.)

echo suppressor

ekpanel wainscot, ~ak panel [ling]

eksem (med.) eczema

eksportråd (no.); Norges E~ the Norwegian

Export Council

ektodynamomorf (geol.) ectodynamomorphic

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