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framgång 235 framställning
this is shown in (illustrated in, seen from)
framgång success; det finns alla utsikter till ~
there is every prospect of success; jfr framsteg
fram|hjul front wheel; ~hjulsdrift front wheel
drive; ~hjulsinställning alignment of front
wheels; ~hov front hoof; ~hålla (betona)
to stress, to lay stress on, to emphasize, to
accentuate, to give prominence to, to cail
attention to [the fact that]; (försäkra) to
assert; (jörklara) to declare, to say; Y&’J
to voice, to give voice (utterance) to; (rekl.
äv.) to feature; ~härda to persevere [in];
~häva se framhålla; ~hävd sats (typ.) lead off
framkallja (jörorsaka) to cause; (frambringa)
to call forth, to provoke, to evoke; (foto.)
to develop; ~a frågan to raise the question;
~a jörväxling hos konsumenten to create
confusion in the mind of the consumer ; ~a
likviditetsknapphet to cause a shortage of liquid
funds; ~ning (joto.) developing,
development; ~ningspapper developing paper;
~ningstid development time; ~ningsvätska
fram|kant (flygvinge) leading edge; ~kasta to
mention, to bring up, to put forward; to
suggest [an idea], to drop [a word], to make
[a charge against]; ~komma (visa sig) to
appear, to come out, to turn up, to come to
light; (bli offentliggjord) to be published, to
appear [in public]; (bli till) to be produced;
(som resultat) to result; (om försändelse etc.)
to arrive, to reach [its destination]; det har
~kommit önskemål om att vi skall ... wishes
have been expressed that we should ... ;
~kropp (robot) forebody
framlägga (dokument etc.) to produce, to hand
(put) in, to lodge, to present; (jör bedömning)
to submit; (utställa) to exhibit; (offentliggöra)
to publish; (äv.) to raise [a question], to
make [a proposal], to state [reasons why
(for)]; ~ för to produce (place) before, to
submit to; att den av styrelsen jramlagda
balansräkningen fastställes that the Balance Sheet
presented by the Board be passed; ~ bevis
(jur.) to introduce (produce) evidence, to
furnish proof; ~ budgeten to present
(introduce, submit) the budget; ~ en jråga to raise
a question; ~ en proposition to present
(submit) a Government bill [for], to bring
in a bill [for], to lay a measure before the
House [for]; ~s för nästa riksdag to be laid
before the next session of the Riksdag; ~ för
undertecknande och antagande (dipl.) to open for
signature and acceptance; ~ ett förslag to
submit (make) a proposal; (pari.) to move a
motion; ~ ett lagförslag (pari.) to introduce
(bring in) a bill; ~ ett lån för teckning
to offer a loan for subscription; ~ ett problem
to pose a problem; ~ nationalbudgeten to
publish the national budget; ~ teckningslista
to open a subscription list
fram|länges; åka ~ länges to sit facing the
engine; ~makningsugn (tekn.) push heating
furnace; ~mana to visualize, to contemplate,
to envisage, to evoke, to conjure up; ~
marsch (fig.) progress, advance, onward
march, rapid headway, momentum; ~mat-
ning feed; (anordning) feeding mechanism;
invändig (utvändig) remaining regular (outside)
feed; ~matningshylsa feeding finger;
~motor front engine; ~motorbil front-engine car;
~ och återgående; ~ och återgående rörelse
reciprocating action; ~plåt (tekn.) apron;
~sida (fasad etc.) front; (check, aktie, sedel)
face; (mynt) obverse; (tidn.) front page,
(äv.) recto; (på maskin etc. äv.) fore side;
(på ~ als trän) entering side; angiva på ~sidan
to enface, to state on the face of [a document,
cheque, etc.]; stämpla på ~sidan to enface;
~skjutande projecting, protruding, pushed
forward; prominent; ~skjuten; ~skjuten
post (mil.) advanced post; (fig.) prominent
position; ~skrivning (stat.) projection;
~skärm front mudguard (US fender); ~snitt
(på bok) fore-edge, face; ~spelning (fotb.)
pass, delivery
framsteg progress, advancement, advance; (äv.
i pl.) improvement, step forward, step in
the right direction; to make giant forward strides
in science; detta betecknar ett stort ~ this
implies a considerable advance, this signifies
(signals) a great step forward, this marks
(represents) a great step forward, this
constitutes a great improvement; ett avgjort ~a
marked advance; göra ~ to make progress
(headway), to progress, to advance, to go
ahead; (äv.) to profit [by sth.]; arbetet gör
goda ~ the work is progressing satisfactorily
framstegs|fientlig anti-progressive; (äv.)
reactionary; ~man [a] progressive; (äv.) [a]
progressionist; ~parti progressive (reform)
party; ~rapport progress report, report on
progress; ~takt rate of progress (advance);
ekonomisk ~takt rate of economic
development; ~union progressive union
framställ|a (beskriva) to describe, to render,
to recount, to give an account of, to set
forth, to explain, to state, to narrate, to
outline; (avbilda) to represent, to depict;
(tolka) to interpret, to render, to portray,
to play, to act; (tillverka) to make, to produce,
to turn out, to manufacture, to prepare;
(utvinna) to extract, to produce, to make,
to obtain; börja ~a to put in hand; ~a en
fråga to ask (advance, put, raise) a question;
~a ett problem to pose a problem; invändning
har ~ ts (patent) an opposition has been
entered; ~are impersonator [of a character],
render er, reproducer; (av för slag) proposer;
(tolkare) interpreter; (exponent) exponent
framställning (beskrivning) description,
rendering, account, explanation, statement,
exposition, exposé, (kort) outline, survey, summary,
(muntl.) narration; (i bild etc.) representation,
picture, depiction; (i bestämt ljus) presentation,
representation, rendering; (tolkning)
rendering, interpretation, portrayal; (stil) style [of
writing], diction; (tillverkning) production,
manufacture, preparation, making; (utvinning)
extraction, production, making, obtaining;
(förslag) proposal, proposition; (hemställan)
petition, request; a statement of [the] facts, a
presentation of facts, a representation of one’s
views; detaljerad ~ detailed account;
fabriksmässig ~ large-scale production (manufac-
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