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försäljnings|agent 279 försäljnings|politik
tion (retention) of title clause; ha till ~
to have for sale; kontant ~ cash sale; köp
och ~ purchase and sale, buying and selling;
livlig ~ briskY sale[s]; matt ~ dull sale[s];
till ~ for (on) sale; utbjuda till ~ to offer for
sale; vid ~ av värdepapper upon the sale of
securities; vinst ä ~ av aktier och obligationer
profit made on the realization (sale) of shares
and bonds; vår fakturerade ~ under 1964 our
invoiced sales in 1964; åtgärder för ökning av ~
sales promotion; ~ med åter köpsrätt sale with
option of repurchase; åtaga sig ~en to attend
to (to take charge of) the sale; jfr
avbetalnings~, brutto~, direkt~, extra~,
fastighets~, koncern~, konsignations~,
kontrakts~, lösnummer~, netto~, reklam~,
rekord~, spekulations~, termins~, ut~,
försälj nings|agent selling (sales) agent; factor;
(äv.) representative; (handelsresande)
commercial traveller, (US) traveling salesman;
to be a selling agent for Swedish mines; ~agentur
sales agency; ~analys sales (marketing)
analysis; ~anbud sales offer, offer for sale;
~anmälan sales application; declaration of sale,
sales declaration; ~annons for-sale
advertisement (ad); ~ansträngningar sales promotion
efforts; ~apparat selling arrangements,
marketing machinery (organization); ~arbete
sales promotion (work); ~argument sales
(selling) argument (point, appeal, angle,
approach); emotionellt ~argument emotional sales
argument; ~automat [automatic] vending
machine, [automatic] vendor, mechanical seller,
slot (coin) machine; ~avdelning Sales
Department; ~avtal contract (deed) of sale,
sales contract, contract to sell; sales
agreement; alla ~avtal äro avslutade all orders and
contracts are entered into [on the understanding
that]; ~befogenhet authority to sell;
~bekräftelse confirmation of [a] sale;
~benägenhet propensity (disposition, inclination) to sell;
~bestämmelser terms (conditions) of sale,
sales terms (conditions), purchase conditions;
~bevis sales certificate (slip, record, ticket);
~bolag sales (selling) company; ~budget
sales budget; ~chef Sales Manager, General
Sales Manager, (äv.) Marketing (Distribution)
Manager, (US äv.) Vice President for (in
charge of) Sales; assistent till ~chefen Sales
Manager’s Assistant; biträdande ~chef
Assistant Sales Manager; teknisk ~chef Technical
Sales Manager; ~datum date of sale, date
sold; ~diagram sales curve (chart);
~direktör Sales Manager; (US äv.) Vice President
for Sales; ~distrikt sales territory;
~effektivitet sales effectiveness (efficiency);
~erbjudande offer [to sell]; ~filial sales branch;
~främjande; ~främjande åtgärder sales
promotion, merchandising; ~fullmakt authority
to sell, power of attorney to effect a sale;
~förbud ban on sales (the sale [of]);
~förbund; Svenska F~ och Reklamförbundet the
Swedish Sales and Advertising Federation;
~fördelning; utan förskjutning av ~fördelningen
without shifting the distribution of sales;
~förening sales (marketing) association
(organization); (äv.) [producers’] marketing
board; Finlands F~ och Reklamförening the
Sales and Advertising Association of Finland;
~förfarande sales process; ~förhållande
[the] ratio of sales [for perfumes as compared
to cologne]; ~förlopp sales process
(operation, transaction); ~förmedling sales agency;
~förmåga sales (selling) ability (capability,
capacity, qualification; talent, faculty, gift;
fitness), sales know-how; ~garanti (garantitid)
sales guarantee (US guaranty); (för fullgod vara)
sales warranty; ~handbok sales manual; ~idé
sales (marketing, merchandising) idea (angle,
approach); ~ingenjör sales engineer;
~inkomster income (revenue) from sales;
~inriktad sales-minded; ~inspektör sales
inspector (supervisor), (i varuhus äv.) floor walker;
~journal sales-book, sales ledger (day book);
~kampanj sales (selling, marketing) drive
(campaign), promotion programme
(campaign); ~kartell marketing (sales) syndicate
(combine, cartel, trust, ring); ~kiosk [-[newspaper]-]
kiosk (stall), newsstand;
~kommission marketing (sales) commission;
~konferens sales convention; ~konjunktur sales
conditions (äv. boom); ~konst salesmanship;
~konto sales account; tillverknings- och ~konto
trading account; kombinerat tillverknings- och
~-konto för koncern Consolidated Trading
(Operating, Plant, Management) Account;
~kontor sales office; Svenska F- och Reklamkontoret
the Swedish Sales and Advertising Office;
~kontrakt sales contract, contract of sale;
~kontrakt för trämassa (Br) Standard Form
of Contract for Wood Pulp; (US) Wood
Pulp Contract, Contract Note for Wood Pulp;
~kontroll sales control; ~kostnader sales
(selling, distribution, marketing, trading) costs
(expenses), cost of sales (distribution,
marketing, trading); ~kostnadsredovisning cost
of sales reporting; ~kulmen peak of sales;
~kurva sales curve (chart); ~kvot sales
quota; ~land country of sale (origin);
~ledare sales manager; ~ledning sales
management; ~likvid sales proceeds (returns),
proceeds of a sale, amount realized by a sale,
returns from sales, realization proceeds;
~lokal salesroom; ~läge sales situation;
~metod sales method; (pl. äv.) marketing
(promotional) methods; ~monopol sales
monopoly; ~mål sales objective; ~möjlighet sales
opportunity (possibility), prospective
(potential) market; ~nota sales slip (record, ticket,
certificate), sales-note; (äv.) [bought and] sold
note, contract (broker’s) note; ~offert offer
[for sale]; ~ombud sales (selling) agent
(representative); ~omkostnader selling
expenses ; ~område outlet, sales area (district);
~order selling (sales) order, order
(instructions) to sell; ~organisation marketing (sales,
selling) organization, [producers’] marketing
board; central ~organisation central selling
(sales) organization; landsomfattande
-organisation national sales organization; ~organisatör
sales organizer; ~personal sales staff
(personnel) ; ~plan marketing (sales, selling)
scheme (plan); inköps- och ~plan merchandising
scheme; ~planering; inköps- och ~planering
merchandising; ~politik sales (selling, mar-
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