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för|vakuum        283        förvaltnings|utskott

the argument; ut från felaktiga ~ar to

start from erroneous premises; ~eftergivlig

~ indispensable condition; (lat.) [conditio]

sine qua non; skapa ~ar för to provide

(furnish) opportunities for, to afford

opportunities for, to open up possibilities (means)

of, to offer opportunities (openings) for, to

prepare the ground for; tyst ~ tacit

assumption (condition), necessary implication

för|vakuum pre-vacuum; partial vacuum;

~valkning (text.) first light fulling

förvals|a to rough-down, to bloom, to cog,

to break down; ~par roughing [-down] stand,

pony-rougher; ~sträcka roughing train;

~verk roughing mill, rougher, [-breaking-[-down]-] {+breaking-

[-down]+} mill; (Br äv.) cogging mill

förvalta to administer, to manage, to conduct,

to carry on; to hold [securities in trust]; to

discharge (exercise, perform) [duties]; ~ ett

bo to administer an estate; ~ ett ämbete to

discharge (exercise, perform) [the duties of]

an office; ~ de tillgångar administered assets

förvaltare manager, head, administrator,

superintendent, agent, caretaker, custodian; (jordbr.)

steward, farm-bailiff, (Br äv.) land-agent;

(dödsbo) trustee; (konkurs) receiver; (lager-)

store-keeper; (mil.) Garrison Sergeant-Major,

Staff Sergeant-Ma]or ist Class, Conductor,

(US) Chief Warrant Officer; (vid Flygvapnet,

Br) Warrant Officer, (US) Chief Warrant

Officer; ~ av beslagtagen egendotn sequestrator;

(äv.) receiver; jfr dödsbo~, ekonomi~,

fastighets~, konkurs~, magasins~, med~,


förvaltarskap trusteeship; ~s|råd (FN) [the]

Trusteeship Council [of the United Nations]

förvaltning administration, management; (stats-)

public administration, Government services;

att ansvarsfrihet beviljas styrelsen för dess ~

under år 1964 that the Board of Directors be

discharged from liability for their

administration of the Company during 1964; frågan om

ansvarsfrihet för styrelsens ~ under 1964 the

question of discharge for the Board of

Director’s (för förening äv. the Council’s)

administration in 1964; avgiva redovisning för ~ en av

bolagets angelägenheter to render an account of

the management of the company’s affairs

(business); avträda till ~ av boutredningsman

to surrender for administration by

Administrator; deponera för ~ (bank) to deposit

(place) in (upon) trust; det riskvilliga kapitalets

~ the stewardship of riskY-assuming capital;

~en av bolagets angelägenheter the

administration (management) of the Company’s

affairs; granska räkenskaper och ~ to examine

the accounts and administration; självständig

~ independent administration; styrelsens ~

av bolagets angelägenheter the board of directors’

(the board’s) administration of the affairs of

the company; talan mot styrelseledamot å ~

action against a director (a member of the

board of directors) in regard to the

administration of a company; till vård och ~ (bank)

for purposes of safe custody and servicing

(securities service); vård och ~ av värdepapper

safe custody and servicing of securities, safe

custody service, custody of securities, fidu-

ciary business; fees for various trust services;

the trust services offered by banking institutions;

jfr arméintendentur~, armétyg~,

boutredningsmanna~, civil~, egendoms~, flyg~,

förmögenhets~, hamn~, hov~,

kommunal-~, marin~, stads~, väg

förvaltnings|apparat administrative

organization (machinery, ~apparatus), administration,

administration machinery (apparatus);

~arbete administrative work; ~avdelning

Administration Department; ~avgift

administrative fee; (förvaring) safe-keeping fee, safe

custody fee (charge); ~berättelse (eg.)

Administration Report, Report on the

Administration [of]; (styrelseberättelse) Annual Report,

Report of the [Board of] Directors, Report of

the Directors and Account, Report of

Directors and Statement of Accounts, Report of

the Directors and Balance Sheet [31st

December, 1964], Report to the Shareholders of ...;

(US äv.) President’s Report to the

Stockholders ; beviljande av ansvarsfrihet åt

styrelseledamöterna för den tid ~berättelsen omfattar

discharge of the directors from ali personal

liability in respect of the period covered by

the annual report; ~bestämmelse;

uppmjukning av ~bestämmelser relaxation of

administrative directives; ~bolag trust (holding,

managing, controlling, management,

administrative) company (US corporation); investment

(financial) trust (company, business),

cooperative fiduciary; (Br äv.) trustee company;

~byggnader administration (administrative)

buildings; ~direktion; Försvarets F~direktion

the Administration Board of the [Swedish]

Armed Forces; (US äv.) the Committee for

Administrative Coordination, Swedish Armed

Forces; ~ekonom administrative economist;

~enhet administrative (administration,

management) unit; ~erfarenhet administrative

experience; ~företag managing (trust, trustee)

company; ~gren branch of the

Administration; ~kontor administrative office;

~kostnader costs (expenses) of administration

(management), administration (administrative,

management) costs (expenses, expenditure,

charges); allmänna ~kostnader general

administration charges, general administrative

expenses, management (administrative) expenses,

expenses of management (administration),

overhead costs (charges, expenses), overhead,

general (working) expenses; ~myndighet

administrative authority; ~objekt subject of

administration; ~omkostnad; allmänna

~omkostnader se allmänna förvaltningskostnader

här ovan; ~område (konkr.) administrative

district; (abstr.) [administrative] sphere

(sector); ~revision management audit; ~råd

supervisory (governing) board (body),

administrative council, executive committee;

(bolagsstyrelse) board of directors;

(centralbanksstyrelse) board of governors; (institution

etc.) board of trustees; ~rätt (jur.)

administrative law; ~skäl; av ~skäl for

administrative reasons; ~teknisk; ~tekniskt

genomförbar administratively practicable;

~till-lägg additional administrative charge;

~utgifter administration expenditure; ~utskott

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