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kil|formig 411 klagan
-wedge bolt; ~for mig; ~for mig transistor
wedge-type transistor; ~lås wedge-lock
kiln (brännugn) kiln
kilo [gram] kil~, kilogram[me]; ~gramkalori
kilocalorie; ~grammeter kilogrammetre;
~meter kilometre; (US) kilometer; (förk.)
kil., km., kilo., kilom.; pl. kms.; ~watt
kilowatt; ~wattimme kilowatthour; (förk.)
KWh, K.W.H., kw-h, kw-hr; ~voltampere
kilo voltampere, (förk.) KVA
kilrem V-belt; ~s|drift V-belt drive
(transmission); ~s|skiva grooved pulley;
~s|-transmission V-belt transmission (drive)
kilrep se kilrem
kilspår key way (groove); ~s|dragmaskin
key-way slotting machine; ~s|fräsmaskin
key-seating milling machine; ~s|stickmaskin
key-way slotting machine
kimrök carbon black
Kina China; (folkrepubliken) the People’s
Republic of China; (nationalistrepubliken) the
National Republic of China; k—bark cinchona
(Peruvian) bark; ~missionen the China
kines Chinese, Chinaman; ~eri pedantry, red
tape; blankett~eri [a] profusion of forms
kinesisk Chinese; (i sammansättningar ofta) Sino-;
den ~a nationalistregeringen the Chinese
Nationalist Government; iC~a folkrepubliken se Kina;
~t papper China (Chinese) paper; ~-indisk
Sino-Indian; ~-sovjetisk Sino-Soviet
kine|tik kinetics; ~tisk kinetic; ~tisk energi
kinetic energy
kinin quinine
kinokamera cine movie, motion picture)
kinon quinone; ~fenol quinone-phenol;
~-i minfärgämne quinone-imine dye
kiosk kiosk; (tidnings-) newspaper-stall,
newsstand; (för godsaker) sweet-stall; (för frukt)
kipp se kipphyvel; ~apparat chipping
apparatus; ~hyvel shaping machine
kirgis, ~isk Kirghiz; K~iska Socialistiska
Sovjetrepubliken the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist
Republic, the Kirghiz S. S. R.; K~istan
kiroprakt|ik chiropractic; ~iker (—or)
chiropractor; chiropractic; ~isk chiropractic
Kiruna; ~ Geofysiska Observatorium the Kiruna
Geophysical Observatory
kirurg surgeon ; jfr bl. a. hjärn~, hjärt~, nerv~,
plastik~, sjukhus~,
tand-kirurg|förbund; Internationella K~förbundet the
International Federation of Colleges and
Societies of Surgery; ~förening; Brittiska ~
the Royal College of Surgeons [medlem av:
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons,
(förk.) F. R. C. S.]; ~i surgery
kirurgisk surgical, (did.) chirurgical; ~
behandling surgical treatment; ~t ingrepp [surgical]
operadon; ~a instrwnent surgical instruments
kis pyrites, pyrite-ore; ~bränder calcined
(roasted) [iron] pyrites, purple-ore, pyrites
residue, Blue-Billy
kisel silicon; metallisk ~ metallic silicon; ~art
variety of silica; ~atom silicone atom;
~brons silicon bronze; ~dioxid silica, silicon
dioxide; ~förening silicon compound;
~gal-meja siliceous calamine; ~gummi silicone
rubber; ~gur kieselguhr, infusorial earth,
fossil meal; ~halt silicon content; ~haltig
siliceous, siliciferous; ~harts silicone resin;
~järn silicon (siliceous) iron, ferrosilicon;
~kalk siliceous limestone; ~karbid silicon
carbide, carborundum; ~karbidsten
silicon-carbide brick; ~karbidugn silicon-carbide
furnace; ~legering silicon alloy; ~likriktare
silicon rectifier; ~manganjärn
ferro-silico-manganese; ~metall metallic silicon; ~
papper flint paper; ~sand siliceous sand;
~sandsten siliceous sandstone; ~sinter
gey-serite, siliceous sinter; ~skiffer flinty slate;
~sten siliceous stone; ~stål silicon steel;
~syra silicic acid; ~syredamm silica dust
kistglödgning box (close, pot, black) annealing;
~s|ugn; ~s|ugn för metaller box annealing
kisugn pyrites furnace
kitt cement; (glasmästar-) putty; eldfast ~
fireproof cement; ~a to cement; to putty; ~tal
objektiv cemented lens
kittel (tvätt) copper, boiling-pot, cauldron;
tub; (te- etc.) kettle; ~flickare tinker
Kjöbenhavn; Aj S~s Handelsbank the
Commercial Bank of Copenhagen
klack heel; (tekn.) boss; (på bottenplät) facing
[on bedplate]; ~a to heel, to nail (attach, put
on) the heel; ~beslag heel (half) tip;
~byggningsmaskin heel building machine;
~front-beskärmaskin heel breasting machine;
~-frontkniv breasting knife; ~frontslip maskin
heel-breast scouring machine; ~fräsmaskin
heel trimming machine; ~järn whole heel
tip, ring tip; (äv.) heel-plate, heel-iron;
~läder heel leather (stuff), heeling, lifting; ~ning
heeling; ~press heel press, heel compressing
machine; ~prickningsmaskin heel pricking
machine; ’ ~ring signeetring;
~slipnings-maskin heel scouring machine; ~spik heel
nail, attachment (heel) pin;
~spikningsma-skin heel nailing (attaching) machine;
~stiftningsmaskin [top lift] slugging machine;
~ställning heel pitch, pitch of the heel;
~stöd heel support; ~svärtningsmaskin
heel blacking machine; ~varmpolermaskin
heel burnishing machine; ~överdrag heel
kladd (koncept) rough draft (copy), first draft;
(skiss) sketch; (anteckningsbok etc.) note book,
scribbling-block (-pad), scratch-pad,
waste-book, blotter, rough-book, jotter; (dagbok)
day-book, log; skriva ~ to make [out] a rough
draft (copy), to draft, to jot down
klaff flap; (anat.) valve; (text.) swell, box
binder; ~bord folding (gate-leggeä) table;
~bro bascule (balance) bridge; ~fel (med.)
valvular disorder; ~pump semi-rotary wing
pump; ~sluss gate lock; ~strålkastare
shutter projector; ~ventil flap valve
klag|a to complain [jör to; över of, about], to
make complaints, to prefer a complaint, to
appeal; (jämra) to lament, to wail, to moan,
to grumble, to whimper, (US si.) to beef;
~an (jur. etc.) complaint, charge, claim,
appeal; (jämmer) lament [ation], wail [ing],
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