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korttids|drift 445 kostnad
sure [to radiation], single-dose irradiation;
~drift short-time operation[s] (duty);
~försäkring short-period insurance; ~lån
short-term loan; ~parkering short-term parking;
~perspektiv short-time perspective;
~placerare short-term investor; ~prov accelerated
test; ~ström (el) short-time current [of a
switching device]; ~sysselsättning
short-time working; ~växel short draft
kortvarig short, short-lived, brief, transitory,
evanescent, fleeting; ~ sjukdom short (brief)
illness; ~t straff short-term penalty; ~het
shortness, briefness
kort|varor haberdashery, haberdasher’s goods,
small-wares; (äv.) dry-goods; ~ varuhandlare
haberdasher; (äv.) general dealer; ~våg short
kortvågs|band short-wave band; ~behandling
short-wave diathermy (treatment);
~bestrålning short-wave treatment (radiation,
irradiation); ~diatermi short-wave diathermy;
~mottagare short-wave receiver; ~område
short-wave range; ~pejl high frequency
direction finder, (förk.) HF/DF; ~station
short-wave [broadcasting] station; ~sändare
short-wave transmitter; ~sändning shortwave
transmission (broadcasting); ~terapi
short-wave therapy
kortväga short-distance, short-range
korund (min.) corundum
korv sausage; varm ~ (vanl.) hot dog; (äv.)
hot sausage; ~fabrik sausage factory;
~fabrikant sausage maker; ~gubbe; varm ~gubbe
[a] hot-dog (hot-sausage) man (seller, vender,
vendor); ~skinn sausage skin;
~stoppnings maskin sausage filler; ~tillverkning
sausage manufacture (making); ~varor
pork-butcher’s meat, sausages
kosinus (geom.) cosine
kosmetik cosmetics, cosmetology; ~er
kosmetisk cosmetic; ~t medel cosmetic [-[preparation]-] {+[prepa-
kosmetolog cosmetologist; (äv.) beautician;
~i cosmetology
kosmisk cosmic; ~ farkost cosmic ship; ~fysik
cosmic physics; ~t stoft cosmic dust;
strålning cosmic radiation; ~ strålningsneutron
cosmic-ray neutron
kosmism cosmism
kosmo|biologi exobiology; ~goni (läran om
världsalltets ursprung och härkomst) cosmogony;
~gonisk cosmogonic[al]; ~graf
cosmographer; ~grafi (världsbeskrivning)
cosmography; ~grafisk cosmographic[al];
K~grafiska Sällskapet i Uppsala the Uppsala
Cosmographical Society; ~logi (läran om världsalltet)
cosmology; ~logisk cosmologic[al]; ~naut
(rymdresenär till jorden) cosmonaut (mots.:
astronaut); ~polit cosmopolitan, cosmopolite,
citizen of the world; ~politisk cosmopolitan;
~politism cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitism;
~rama cosmorama; ~s cosmos; ~tron
cosmotron, proton synchrotron
kost food, diet, fare; blandad ~ mixed diet;
kalkfattig ~ diet [s] deficient in calcium; ~ och
logi board and lodging (residence); mager ~
[a] poor diet, scanty (slender) fare; husmans—
plain fare
kost|a to cost, to fetch, to amount (go, come)
to; (äv.) to be; (kosta på) to spend [on];
den ~arfj i inköp the cost price is £5; det ~ar
för mycket it is too expensive, it costs too
much; det ~ar ingenting there is no charge,
there is nothing to pay, it does not cost
anything; det måste ha ~at honom en förmögenhet
it must have cost him a fortune; ~a på sig
to go to the expense of; ~a vad det ~a vill
at all costs, whatever the cost, no matter
what the cost, at any price; vad ~ar det?
how much is it? what is the price [of it]?
~bar (värdefull) precious, valuable; (dyr)
expensive, costly; ~frakt cost and freight,
(förk.) C & F, CF; ~förändring change of
diet; ~håll fare, diet, board
kostnad (äv. jur.) cost; (utgift) expense [s],
expenditure, outlay, disbursement; (debitering)
charge; (arvode) fee; (äv.) price, non-capital
outlay [s]; alla ~er, som äro förbundna med ali
expenses incidental to; avlastarens ~er the
shipper’s charges [on the goods]; beräknade
~er estimated expenses (expenditure);
beräkning av den marginella ~en marginal costing;
bestrida (betala) ~erna to defray (pay, bear,
meet) the expenses (costs); de med bolagets
bildande förenade ~erna the preliminary
expenses; the expenses incurred in the formation
of a company; direkta ~er direct costs;
diverse ~er sundry expenses, incidentals,
sundries; (bokför.) petty cash, sundries; efter
avdrag för ~erna after deducting the expenses;
efter krav å ~er charges forward; fasta ~er
fixed costs (charges), overhead expenses
(charges), overheads; få sina ~er täckta to
have one’s expenses paid, to recover (get back)
one’s expenses (outlay); för en ~ av at a
cost of, at; för rörelsen främmande ~er costs
unrelated to (unconnected with) the business;
gottgöra ~er to refund expenses; havd ~
costs incurred [by]; höga (stora) ~er heavy
expenses (expenditure); improduktiva ~er
unproductive costs; inklusive alla ~er all costs
included; komparativa ~er (nat.ek.)
comparative costs; ~erna erläggas av mottagaren
charges to be paid by consignee (addressee,
receiver, recipient), charges forward; ~erna
för bränsle och råmaterial the cost of fuel and
raw material; ~er för nyemission cost of a new
capital issue; ~en för permittering av arbetare
the cost of laying off workers; ~er för
sjukhusvård hospital costs; ~ per styck piece
cost, cost each (a piece), cost per piece (unit),
unit-cost; ~erna skall debiteras oss the costs
to be debited us, the costs should be charged
to our account (be entered [placed] to our
debit), charges to us; ~en skall gäldas av
statsverket the cost shall be defrayed out of
public funds; ~ å rättegången skall stanna å
statsverket costs of the proceedings shall be
börne by the Crown; marginell ~ marginal
cost; med avdrag för ~er less expenses, charges
deducted; medföra ~er to involve
expenditure; med hänsyn till ~erna in deference to
the costs; ~skäliga ~er excessive costs; på
mottagarens ~ och riskY at consignee’s expense and
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