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maka 516 mall
maka subst, (jur.) spouse; (hustru) wife;
underhäll till hemskild ~ separation allowance
makadam macadam, crushed (broken) stone;
~beläggning (med ytbehandling)
surface-dressed water-bound macadam; ~isera to
macadamize, to tarmac; ~isering
makassarolja Macassar oil
make (äkta make) husband, (jur.) spouse, (om
djur) mate; (like) match; (en av ett par)
fellow, pair; ~s förlust av giftorätt [a] husband’s
forfeiture of the property held jointly with
his wife
Makedonien Macedonia
makrill mackerel; ~stim school of mackerel
makro|analys (företagsek.) macroanalysis; ~
bild macrograph; ~biotik macrobiotics;
~ekonomi (företagsek.) macroeconomics;
~etsning macroetching, deep etching; ~
evolution macroevolution; ~fag (cell)
macrophage; ~fotografi macrophotography; ~
fysik macrophysics; ~graf i macrography; ~
kemi macrochemistry; ~kosmos
macrocosm; ~molekyl macromolecule;
~mutation macromutation; ~nukleus
macronucleus; ~porositet macroporosity; ~ segring
macrosegregation; ~skopisk macroscopic[al];
~struktur macrostructure; ~tom
(instrument) macrotome
makt power, might; (styrka) force, strength;
(väld) brute force; (myndighet) authority;
(stat) power; (herravälde) power, dominion,
sway, control, supremacy, hegemony,
ascendancy, hold; den dömande ~en the judicial
power; (domstolarna) the judiciary, the courts;
den lagstiftande ~en the legislative power;
(riksdag etc.) the legislature; de som har sen
those in power, the powers that be; genom
omständigheternas ~ by force of circumstances;
högre ~ act of God, force majeure, cause
beyond|one’s] control; kampen om sen the
struggle for power (supremacy); komma till
sen to attain (come into) power; krigförande
~ belligerent, belligerent nation (state,
country, power), country at war; neutral ~ neutral
power; vanans ~ [the] force of habit; väpnad ~
armed force; Väst serna the Western powers
makt|balans (pol.) balance of power;
~befogenhet authority, [full] powers; ~faktor
factor of power; ~fullkomlig despotic,
dictatorial; ~fördelning distribution of power,
division (separation) of powers; jfr
~förhållande ; ~förhållande relative strength of
the different powers; ~förskjutning shift of
power, shifting of the balance of power;
~havande ruler; pl. äv. those in power,
the powers that be; ~koncentration
concentration of power; ~medel instrument of
force, forcible means, resource; bruka ~medel
to use (employ) force; ~missbruk abuse of
power; ~område sphere of authority (power,
control), domain; ~politik power politics;
~politisk of power politics; den spolitiska
balansen the balance of political power;
~påliggande important, urgent;
(ansvarsfull) responsible; ~sfär sphere of influence;
~spel gamble for power; ~språk fiat, dictate;
~ställning position of power, powerful
(dominating) position; ~utveckling [a great]
increase in (of) [one’s] power; ~ yttring
manifestation (display) of power;
~övertagande assumption of power
makul|atur waste paper; (tidnings-) returns,
over-issue (crushed, crumpled, folded, baled,
flat printed) news; (korrektur-) waste
proof-sheets, mackie paper (sheets); (fig.) trash;
~aturark waste sheet, sheet of waste paper,
waste; (boktr.) spoiled sheet; ~era (dokument
etc.) to cancel, to destroy, to deface, to
obliterate; (bränna) to cremate, to burn; (rekl.
äv.) to kill; (äv.) to invalidate; ~ering
cancellation, defacement, obliteration; ~
erings-anordning cancellation device;
~eringsre-gister cancellation (destruction) file
mala (tekn.) to grind, to mill; (pulverisera)
to crush, to pulverize; (pappers.) to break
[up, in], to beat, to mill
Malacka Malaya; jfr Malajiska Federationen;
~halvön the Malay Peninsula; ~sundet the
Strait of Malacca
malagas|kisk, ~sisk (madagaskisk) Malagasy,
Malgasy; Malagash; (äv.) Madagascan, of
Madagascar; (off.) of the Malgasy (US
Malagasy) Republic
Malagasyrepubliken the Malgasy (US
Malagasy) Republic
malaj|isk Malay, Malayan; M~iska Federationen
(hist.) the Federation of Malaya; (äv.) the
Malayan Federation, the Independent State
of Malaya, Malaya, Malaysia, Lankasuka;
sisk gummiaccis Malayan rubber cess; M~iska
halvön the Malay Peninsula; ~opolynesisk
Malayo-Polynesian, Austronesian; M~sien se
Malaysia; M~staterna the Malay States
malakit (min.) malachite
malaria malaria; ~fall case of malaria, malaria
case; ~hemsökt; shemsökta områden
malaria-infested areas; ~smitta malarial infection
Malawirepubliken (tidig.: Nyasaland) the
Republic of Malawi
Malaya se Malajiska Federationen
Malaysi[a Malaysia; ~a|federationen the
Federation of Malaysia; (äv.) Malaysia; m—sk
Malaysian; (off.) of the Federation of Malaysia
malbarhet grindability
mal|behandlad moth-proofed; ~behandling
Mal|diverna the Maldives, the Maldive Islands;
(off.) the Sultanate of the Maldive Islands;
m—divisk Maldivian; ~ediverna se
malein|atharts maleic resin; ~syra maleic acid;
~syreanhydrid maleic anhydride
malettobark mallee (mallet) bark
malgaskisk se malagaskisk
mal|gods milling produce; ~grad degree of
grinding; (pappers.) degree of beating, beadng
degree; ~ grad~provare (pappers.) beaten
stuff tester; ~holländare (pappers.) se
Mali|federationen (hist.) the Federation of
Mali [: the State of Senegal and the Sudanese
Republic]; ~republiken the Republic of Mali
mal|kroppar, -kulor (målning) grinding
(crushing) balls
mall template, templet, pattern; jfr bredd~,
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