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muskel|förlamning 557 mynt
cle cell, myocyte; ~förlamning muscular
paralysis, myoparalysis; (lättare) muscular
paresis, myoparesis; ~inflammation
myositis; ~kramp muscular cramp, myospasm;
~reumatism muscular ~heumatism;
~sammandragning muscle contraction;
~sjukdom myopathy; ~slapphet muscular
relaxation (sjuklig enervation); ~smärta muscular
pain, myalgia; ~sträckning sprain, myotasis;
~styrka muscular strength; ~styvhet
muscular stiffness; ~stärkare muscle developer;
~svag weak-muscled, myasthenic; ~svaghet
muscular weakness, myasthenia; ~vävnad
muscular tissue
muskot nutmeg; ~blomma (skal) mace;
(kärnor) nutmeg; ~fett nutmeg butter; ~nöt
nutmeg; ~olja nutmeg (myristica) oil; ~smör
nutmeg butter
musk|ovit (min.) muscovite, potash mica; ~u-
latur musculature
muslin (text.) muslin; bomulls- cotton muslin;
~s|gardin muslin curtain
mussel|fiske mussel-fishery; ~förgiftning
mussel poisoning
mussera to sparkle, to effervesce; sparkling wine
mutagen; ~a ämnen mutagenic substances
mutation mutation, (äv.) change
mutations|expert mutation expert; ~forskare
mutation scientist (researcher, research
worker); ~mink (pälsverk) mutation mink;
~teori mutation theory
mutor bribes; (fam.) hush-money, palm-oil,
palmgrease; (äv.) kick-back, fixing money,
golden grease; (pol.) slush-fund, pork barrel
mutsedel (för inmutning) prospecting licence,
licence to work a mining-claim
mutter [screw] nut; fyrkant— square nut;
~bricka washer; ~smidesmaskin upsetting
machine; ~säkring nut locking;
~åtdra-gare; pneumatisk ~åtdragare pneumatic nut
mutualism (nat.ek.) mutualism
mycelium mycelium
myckenhet; varans ~ the quantity of the goods
myelogisk; ~ leukemi (med.) myeloid leukemia
mygg gnat, midge, mosquito [pl. -es]; ~medel
anti-mosquito preparation, mosquito
deterrent; jfr insektmedel
mykolog mycologist, fungologist; ~i
mycology, mycetology, fungology; ~isk [-mycol-ogic[al]-] {+mycol-
myllja subst, mould; (humus) humus; (matjord)
top-soil, (äv.) tilth; (skogsvet. äv.) mull [layer];
II verb; ~a igen to fill in with earth;
~nings-harv seed-covering harrow
mymeson (kärnfys.) mu-meson, muon
München Munich
myndig (respektingivande) authoritative,
masterful; (jur.) of age; bli ~ to come of age,
to attain [the year of] one’s majority; vara ~
(jur.) to be legally competent, to be of
[legally competent] age, not to be a minor,
not to be under age, to have attained one’s
myndighet (offentlig) authority, (äv.)
administrative (government) agency, agent of the
administration (government); pl. authorities,
(äv.) [the] administration (government);
(makt) power [over, to]; (bemyndigande)
authority, competence, competency;
(respektingivande uppträdande etc.) authority,
authori-tativeness; (myndighetsålder) majority, full age;
behöriga ~er competent (proper) authorities;
beslut av offentlig ~ [a] decision of a public
authority, [an] official decision; bolaget är icke
ansvarigt för följderna av ~s åtgärd, strejk,
lcck-out, upplopp eller krig eller i övrigt av
omständighet utanför dess kontroll the Company
shall not be liable for the consequences of
any measures of the Authorities, strikes,
lock-outs, riot or war, or any other circumstances
beyond its control; civila ~er civil
authorities ; de ansvariga ~erna the responsible
authorities; de engelska reerna the British authorities;
de ~ er, som handhar den ekonomiska politiken
the monetary authorities; den dömande ~ en
the judiciary; the judicial power; den
exekutiva ~en the executive; den lagstiftande ~en
the legislature; the legislative power; eller
annan ~ or some other body (authority);
söka, kära eller svara inför domstol eller annan ~
to sue or bring or defend actions in a court
of law or before any other authority; Europeiska
Kol- och Stålgemenskapens Höga M~ the High
Authority of the European Coal and Steel
Community; kommunala ~er [the]
corporation, local government (authorities),
municipal authorities, municipality; konsulära ~er
consular authorities; statliga ~ er
Government (Central Government, State) authorities;
valutavårdande (penningvårdande) ~er monetary
authorities, [the] authorities who are
responsible for the external value of the currency;
våra kunder bland ~erna our customers among
the public services; äga utöva ~t befogenheter
to be authorized to exercise (to be vested
with) the powers of an authority; överstatlig ~
supranational authority; jfr bl.a.
beskattnings-~, bostads~, förvaltnings~, hälsovårds~,
immigrations—er, kontroll~, licens-erna,
militär—er, orts—er, registrerings~,
skatte—er, tillsynings~, tull—er, valuta—erna;
~s|bevis certificate of majority (legal
competence); ~s|förklaring declaration of
majority (emancipation of minor); ~s|missbruk
malfeasance; ~s|ålder majority, full age
myndling ward
mynning (flod- etc.) mouth, entrance, estuary;
(på skjutvapen) muzzle; (tekn. etc.) mouth,
orifice, opening, aperture, hole, slot, outlet,
inlet, gap, vent, venthole; kanon~ gun-muzzle,
muzzle of a gun; ~s|hastighet (projektil)
muzzle velocity; ~ s] hylsa muzzle protector;
~s j propp muzzle-cover, tampion
mynt coin, piece of money; (-system) coinage,
monetary system; (ett lands valuta) currency;
(utländska valutor) foreign exchange; falskt ~
counterfeit coin; försämra ~ to debase coins;
gångbart ~ current coin, legally acceptable
(valid) coin, legal tender; i svenskt ~ in
Swedish currency; in- och utländskt ~
(valutor) domestic and foreign currencies
(monies, coins); ~, mått och vikt money,
weights and measures; prägla ~ to coin money;
slå ~ av (fig.) to make capital out of, to
cash in on,to capitalize [sth.]; utländska ~
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