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mynt|a 558 mål|bredd
foreign coin[s] (monies, exchange[s]);
(bank-avdelning) exchange (foreign notes and coins)
department, foreign money exchange; ~a
verb to coin, to mint; (prägla) to stamp;
~armband bracelet made of linked coins;
~bricka cash tray; ~cirkulation circulation
of money; ~direktör (ung.) Master of the
Mint, Mintmaster; (Br) Deputy Master [and
Comptroller] of the Mint; ~enhet monetary
unit, unit of currency; ~fot monetary
standard, standard of currency, specie basis; dubbel
fot bimetallism; enkel fot monometallism;
fast fot fixed standard; ~förfalskare
counterfeiter; ~förfalskning counterfeiting [the
coin of the realm]; ~förordning
mint-regulation; ~försämring debasement of the
coinage; ~guld coinage-gold; ~justerare
assayer of the mint; ~kabinett; Kungl.
M~-kabinettet the Royal Cabinet of Coins and
Medals; ~konvention monetary convention;
~kännare numismatist; ~lag coinage law
(act); ~legering coinage alloy; ~maskin
coining press; ~metall metal for coining
(coinage), bullion; ~märke mint-mark;
~-mätare slot (prepayment) meter; ~ning
coining, coinage, minting; ~ningskostnad
mintage, cost of coining; ~ordning
mint-regulation; ~paritet parity of exchange
(coinage); ~plants planchet; ~press coining
press; ~proberare [chief] assay-master;
~-prov assay of coins; ~prägling stamping
[of coins]; ~påse cash bag; ~reform
monetary reform; ~regale [the] privilege (right)
of coining; ~räknare (maskin) coin counting
machine; ~räkning coin counting;
~samlare collector of coins, numismatist;
~samling collection of coins, numismatic collection;
~silver coinage-silver; ~skåp coin cabinet;
~slag currency, [species of] coin; (valör)
denomination [of coins]; försäkringen skall vara
tecknad i rembursens ~slag insurance must be
issued in the currency of the [documentary]
credit; lokalt ~slag local currency; ~sort se
~slag; ~sorteringsapparat coin sorter;
~standard se ~fot; ~stycke coin;
~stämpel die; ~system monetary system, coinage;
~tabell table of coins; ~union monetary
union; ~verk mint; Kungl. "Af~- och
Justeringsverket the Royal [Swedish] Mint and
the Department of Weights and Measures;
(Br motsv.) the Royal Mint; the Standards
Department of the Board of Trade;
~vetenskap numismatics; ~våg coin-balance,
precision balance; ~värde coin- (nominal, face-)
value; (metallvärde) bullion-value; ~värdets
fall debasement (deterioration) of [the]
coinage; ~väsen se ~system; ~växlare,
~växlingsapparat coin changer
myo|graf (med.) myograph; ~graf i myography;
~grafisk myographic; ~logi myology; ~m
(med.) myoma; ~pi (närsynthet) myopia,
short-sightedness; ~sin (kem.) myosin
myr bog; (äv.) marsh, moor
myr|ia meter (längdmått) myriametre;
~istica-fett nutmeg butter; ~istin (kem.) myristin;
~istinsyra myristic acid
myr|malm bog iron [ore]; ~mark marsh, wet
pine moorland
myr|mekofil; ~mekofila växter myrmecophilous
plants; ~obalanextrakt extract of myrobalan;
~onsyra myronic acid; ~osin (enzym)
myrra myrrh
myrsyra formic acid
myrten myrtle; ~olja myrtle oil, myrtol; ~vax
myrtle wax
myteri mutiny; undertrycka ett ~ to suppress
(quell) a mutiny; upphetsa till ~ to instigate
a mutiny; —St mutineer
mytologi; nordisk ~ Norse mythology
myx|om (med.) myxoma; ~omatos
(kaninsjuka) myxomatosis; ~ödem (med.)
mål (jur. etc.) case, lawsuit, suit, action, (äv.)
cause; (sport etc.) goal, (vid löpning)
winning-post, (mil.) objective, target, (i lekar) home;
(friare, fig.) goal, (destination) destination,
(syfte) aim, purpose, object; (för ett program
etc.) target; (kvot) quota; (talförmåga) speech,
faculty of speech; way of speaking; (dialekt)
dialect, accent, tongue; (mål mat) meal;
avskriva ett ~ to dismiss a case; avvisa ett ~
to reject a case; fakta i ~ case history (record);
förlora (vinna) ett ~ to lose (win) a case;
the case has been proved against them; i ~tal
mellan X. och Y. in the case of X. v. [: versus]
Y.; i ~trängt ~ without due (legal) cause,
unjustifiably, unnecessarily; inträda som part
i ~at to become a party to the proceeding;
militära ~ military targets; ~ets
handläggning the trial (judicial examination) of the
case; ~at tillhörande fakta pertinent case
history; ~at är uppskjutet i avvaktan på vidare
rannsakning the case is under remand; ~at är
utsatt att förekomma den 9 mars the suit (case)
is filed for the 9th of March; nedlägga ~et
to withdraw the case (suit), to stop (stay)
proceedings; nästa ~ påropades the next case
was called; parterna i ~at the parties litigant;
pröva ett ~ to try a case; styrelsen äger föra
talan i ~ rörande bolagsbildningen the board of
directors may plead in actions concerning the
formation of the company; jfr bl.a. besvärs~,
civil~, konkurs~, patentinvändnings~,
patent~, skuld-mål|a to paint; ~ ade glasfönster stained glass
windows; ~ ad skylt painted sign
målangivning (mil.) target designation;
~s|-metod (mil.) target-designating system
målar|borste paint (painter’s) brush; ~burk
paint-pot; ~duk artist’s canvas; ~e
(hantverkare) painter [and decorator], decorator,
house-painter; (konstnär) painter, artist; jfr
bl.a. sprut—e; ~e|förbund; Svenska
M~e|förbundet the Swedish Painters’ Union; ~inna
[woman] artist (painter); ~linjal painter’s
rule; ~mästare master painter
(house-painter), proprietor of (partner in) a
[house-]painter’s business, house-painter
employer ; M~mästarnas Riksförening i Sverige
the National Swedish Association of
House-painter Employers; ~rulle paint[er’s] roll;
~skrin sketching-holdall; ~verkstad
painter’s workshop
mål|bogsering target towing;
~bogserings-linor towropes for aircraft targets; ~bredd
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