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producent|kooperation 679 produktions|kredit
interests; ~kooperation producers’
cooperation; ~land producing (producer) country;
~organisation; Brittiska samväldets
~organisa-tion the British Commonwealth Producers’
Organization, (förk.) BCPO; ~pris producer
(producer’s) price; ~prisindex producer price
index; ~reklam producer advertising; ~
strejk producers’ strike; ~varor producer[s’]
(industrial, business) goods
producera to produce, to manufacture, to make,
to turn out; (odla) to grow, to produce,
(särsk. US) to raise; ~ sig to appear [in
produksjonsteknisk (no.); P~
Forskningsinstitut (Oslo) the Research Institute of
Production Engineering
produkt product; (fabrikat äv.) manufacture,
make; (koll. jordbruksprodukter etc.) produce;
eldfasta ~refractory products; engelska ~er
British products; förädlade (bearbetade)
~er processed (manufactured) goods
(materials); föga förädlade ~products in the
early stage of processing; högförädlade ~er
highly processed goods (products,
merchandise); halogenerad ~ halogenated product;
halvfärdiga och färdiga ~er semi-finished
(semi-manufactured, work in progress, work in
process) and finished goods; högkvalitativa ~tfr
high-quality products; inhemska ~er domestic
products, home manufacture; offerera en ~
to offer a product, to quote for (on) a product;
offert på en ~ offer of a product, quotation
for (on) a product; smidda och pressade ~ er
forged and pressed products;
verkstadsindustriens ~er engineering products, products of
the engineering industry; jfr bi~,
brutto-national~, fabriks—er, handels—er,
industri~, jordbruks—er, konst~, livsmedels—er,
vektor—; ~arkitekt industrial designer;
~beredning processing; ~chef product
[development] manager; ~flöde (arbets.)
flow; ~forskning product research; ~grupp
group of products, product group
produktion production, manufacture; (volym)
output, ~utturn; (särsk. jordbruks-) produce;
(författares) work [s]; (äv.) yield, profit;
begränsning i ~ contraction in production; forcera
~en to speed up production; i vår löpande ~
in our current production; inskränka ~en
to reduce (curtail, cut) production (the
output) ; inskränkningar i ~en har vidtagits
production has been cut down; intermittent ~
intermittent production; lönande (lönsam) ~
profitable (economic) production (operation);
målsättning för ~ output target; nivåskillnader i ~
och konsumtion disparities in the level of
production and consumption; ~ en har mer än
fyrdubblats the production (output) has risen
more than fourfold; ~ i full skala full-scale
production; ~ och byte production and trade;
~ per skift output per shift; ~ per man och
skift output per man-shift; rationalisera ~en
to rationalize production; öka ~en to increase
(step up, speed up, expand) [the] production;
jfr bostads~, elkrafts~, export~, freds~,
industri~, kraft~, mass~, neutron~, serie~,
virkes~, värme~, [-överproduktions]-]
analys production analysis; ~
apparat productive ~apparatus (machinery,
process), means (tools) of production; (äv.)
potential; the working population is organised
according to its function in the productive process;
~avdelning Production Department; ~bana
(tillverkning på löpande band) production line;
(operationslinje, transfer maskinlinje) transfer line;
~begränsning restriction of production;
~behov production requirement;
~beredare process engineer; (äv.) methods
(planning, work study) engineer [for process [-layout]; -] {+lay-
out]; +} ~beredning process (operation,
production) planning, production control, (särsk.
US) process (production, industrial)
engineering, (äv.) routing; ~beredskap production
preparedness; ~beräkning (skogs, etc.) yield
calculation, determination of yield;
~bevakning production control, scheduling [-[planning]; -] {+[plan-
ning]; +} progressing; dispatching; planning;
~bonus production bonus, (äv.) gain
sharing ; ~centra pl. production centres; ~chef
Production Manager (Director), Head of a
Production Department; ~diagram flow
sheet; ~direktör production manager;
duglig productive, capable of production,
efficient; ~element element of production;
~enhet production (output, productive) unit,
unit of production (output); ~expansion
expansion of output; ~faktor factor of
production, productive (productional) factor;
(pl. äv.) productive resources; ekonomisk
användning av ~yaktörerna economic employment
of the productive resources; ~förbud ban
on production; ~fördelar advantages of
production; ~förening producers’ co-operative
society; ~företag manufacturing company
(business); ~förhållanden conditions of
production, production conditions; ~förmåga
productive (production) power (capacity), [rate
of] productivity, [production] potential, ability
(capacity) for work, efficiency; ~geolog
production geologist; ~gren branch of industry,
sphere of production, line of business;
grupp production group; ~hastighet se
produktionsindex production index [pl. indices];
Industriförbundets ~ the production index of
the Federation of Swedish Industries; ~tal
index numbers of production pl.; det industriella
~talet för Västeuropa the index number for
the West European industrial production
produktions|ingenjör production engineer;
~inriktning pattern of production,
production policy; ~inskränkning restriction of
production, production cutback; ~kampanj
production drive; ~kapacitet production
capacity (potential); jfr ~förmåga; tillskott
i ~kapacitet increase in production capacity;
~kapital productive (instrumental) capital;
~kontroll production control;
~kontrollanläggning production control installation;
~kostnad; ~kostnader cost[s] of production
(manufacture), production (manufacturing)
cost[s] (expenses); (självkostnad) prime cost,
cost price; bruttonationalprodukt till ~kostnad
gross national product at factor cost;
~-kostnadsberäkning costing; ~kraft
productive power; ~kredit productive credit,
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