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prägel|tryck 690 pseudo|nym
embossing (stamping) press; stryck (typ.)
embossing, die stamping
prägl|a (mynt) to coin, to mint, to stamp;
(slå) to strike [off]; (äv.) to emboss, to size;
(plast.) to hob; (fig.) to stamp, to mark,
to impress, to imprint; to characterize; to
influence, to colour; (nybilda ord) to coin;
~a mynt to coin money; sad oblat stamped
wafer; ~at papper embossed (grained) paper;
~are stamper; ~ing (tekn.) die stamping;
hobbing, hob sinking; (av mynt) coining,
coinage, embossing; (av nya ord) coinage;
präglings|arbete embossing, stamping, coining;
skalander embossing calender, embosser;
~kostnader (för mynt) mintage; ~maskin
stamping (embossing) machine; ~maskin för
adressplåtar citograph; splatta embossing
anvil; spress stamping press (machine), die
press; (mynt-) coining press; (plast.) hobbing
press; ~seamp [embossing] die, hob; ~seans
stamping die; ~seämpel (plast.) hob;
~-verktyg stamping tool; sår year of coinage
präst clergyman, (fam.) parson, (jur.) clerk in
holy orders; (kyrkoherde) rector, vicar;
(innehavare av pastorat) incumbent; (katolsk) priest;
(protestantisk) clergyman, pastor; (frikyrklig)
minister; (fängelse~, fält- etc.) chaplain; (allm.)
minister of religion; kvinnliga ser women
clergymen (ministers); (äv.) female ministers
of religion ; jfr arbetar~, sjukhus—; ~betyg,
~bevis extract from the parish register;
birth certificate; (äv.) identity paper[s]
(certificate); ~dräkt clerical dress (garb); (äv.)
vestments pl., canonicals pl.; förbund;
Svenska Psförbundet, SPF the Swedish
Association of Clergymen; sgård vicarage, rectory,
parsonage; (skotsk,frikyrko-) manse; (katolsk)
presbytery; (äv.) ecclesiastical residence;
~-gårdsjord glebe; slöfte vow; smöte clerical
conference; ~seånd clergy, priesthood;
~-tionde tithes pl.; stjänst living, benefice,
incumbency; syiga to ordain; svigning
ordination; syälde hierocracy, theocracy
pröva (försöka, prova) to try [out], to attempt,
to endeavour, (äv.) to prove; (testa) to test;
(undersöka) to examine, (äv.) to review, to
study, to find; (stat.) to test; (examinera)
to examine, to test; (övertänka) to consider;
(anse, finna) to deem, to judge; (utsätta för
prövningar) to try; ansökningarna skola
vederbörligen ~s the applications shall (are to, will)
be given due consideration; efter vad som ~s
skäligt depending on what is deemed
reasonable ; kredit mot pant som ~s i och för sig innebära
fullgod säkerhet credit on security which in
itself is found fully satisfactory; praktiskt ~
to put [sth.] to practical tests, to test [sth.]
practically (in practice, in operation); ~s beslut
icke hava tillkommit i föreskriven ordning if a
resolution is found not to have been passed
according to the prescribed rules; ~ ett
alternativ to study an alternative; ~ ett mål (jur.)
to try a case; ~ ett ärende to submit an
application for the decision [of the Foreign
Exchange Authorities]; ~ i engelska to sit for
an English paper (test, examination), to be
examined in English; tvistemålet skall med
exklusiv behörighet m (handläggas) av skiljedomstol
the dispute is exclusively cognisable by an
arbitral body; välvilligt ~s [the application
will] be given favourable consideration
prövning (förhör, undersökning, granskning)
examination, test, testing, trial, scrutiny,
consideration [of claims etc.]; (stat.) test;
(hem-sökelse) trial, affliction; ankomma på styrelsens
egen ~ tö depend [up] on the decision
(resolution) of the Board of Directors; to have
to be considered at a meeting of the Board
of Directors; förnyad ~ reconsideration;
reexamination; ta upp ärendet till förnyad ~
to reconsider the matter, to take the matter
up again (for reconsideration); tagas under
förnyad ~ [the application will] be reconsidered
(considered further; considered again);
underkasta mål förnyad ~ to retry a case; muntlig ~
oral examination (test), oral; (äv.) viva voce
[examination]; saklig ~ expert examination;
skriftlig ~ written examination (test); efter
avlagd skriftlig ~ (i betyg) after taking (passing)
a written test; ta upp ett fall till ~ (jur.)
to bring a case before the court[s]; underställas
för ~ to be decided upon [by the authorities];
vara föremål för ~ av domstol to be under
consideration by a court, to be the subject
of a final decision to be rendered by a court;
vid ~ av fråga om in examining a question of;
jfr arbetss, behovss, inträdess, kompasss,
oms, reklams
prövnings|avgift application (licence) fee;
service charge, handling cost; (äv.) transfer licence
cost; sinstans (jur.) reviewing authority;
smedel testing agent; (fig.) criterion [pl.
criteria, criterions]
prövningsnämnd (beskattn.) tax appeal board
(committee), (äv.) [board of] assessment
supervisors ([principal] clerks); [local]
valuation court, (i Skottland) valuation appeal
committee; (allm.) board of examiners
(review, supervisors), examination (examining-)
board (body, commission), review board,
examining (investigating) agency, judging
(adjudicating committee); (utställn. etc.) jury;
Mellankommunala Psen the Inter-Municipal
Tax Appeal Board; sens kansli the office[s]
of the tax appeal board (committee);
Stockholms Städs Ps the Stockholm City Tax
Appeal Board
prövnings|rätt discretionary power [s]; the Board
of Trade have a discretionary power to prevent the
registration of any company with a name which
the Board thinks undesirable; diskre tionär sr ät i
discretionary powers; fri sr ätt förbehålles (för
anbud) the Company do not bind themselves
to accept the lowest or any tender; ~system
se tillståndsssystem; ~tid reviewing period;
stillstånd (jur.) review (retrial) permit;
suttagning (stat.) purposive selection
prövotid trial (testing, probationary) period;
(villkorlig frigivning) parole period
P.S. P.S.; postscript
pseudo{- pseudo[-]; (äv.) false, pretended,
spurious, counterfeit, similar but not genuine;
sdementia pseudodementia; ~morfos
(min.) pseudomorphosis; sneurasteni
pseudo-neurasthenia; snym pseudonym, assumed
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