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radiotelefon        706        raggar|film

penhamn) the Radio Receiver Research


radiotelefon|mobile, stationary] radiotelephone,

radiophone; (särsk. Br) wireless telephone;

bärbar ~ walkie-talkie; ~anläggning [mobile,

stationary] radiotelephone installation; ~era

to telephone by radio; ~förbindelse

radiotelephone circuit (connection; communication),

radio link; ~i radiotelephony, radio telephony,

(förk.) RT; (äv.) radiophony; ~installation

radiotelephone installation; ~isk

radiotele-phonic; ~ist radio (wireless) telephonist

(operator); ~ i [system radiotelephony system;

~länk radiotelephone link; ~station

radiotelephone station; ~säkerhetscertifikat safety

radiotelephony certificate

radiotelegraf radiotelegraph; ~era to wireless,

to radio; ~i radiotelegraphy; (särsk. Br)

wireless telegraphy, (förk.) W/T, WT, W. T.,

w.t.; ~i|mottagare radiotelegraph receiver;

~installation radiotelegraphic installation;

~isk radiotelegraphic; ~ist radio (wireless)

operator; (flyg., sjö.) radio officer; (äv.) radio

telegraphist; ~istförbund; Internationella ~

ist-förbundet the International Federation of Radio

Officers; ~konvention radio telegraph

convention ; ~station radiotelegraph station,

radio (radiotelegraph and radiotelephone)

station; ~säkerhetscertifikat safety

radio-telegraphy certificate

radio|telegram radiogram, radio (wireless)

telegram (message); ~teleskop radiotelescope;

~tellur radiotellurium; ~terapeut

radiotherapist, radiotherapeutist; ~terapeutisk

radiotherapeutic[al]; ~terapi radiotherapy;

~terminal radio terminal; ~tid radio time;

~tidssignal radio time signal; ~tillbehör

radio (wireless) accessories; ~tjänst

broadcasting service, radio communication;

(flygplats ) radio control service; R~tjänst (Sveriges

R~); se under ~; ~torium radiothorium;

~torn radio tower (mast); ~trafik radio

(wireless) communication (correspondence);

(äv.) broadcasting service; radio traffic;

~trafikområde (flyg.) radio communication

area; ~tystnad radio (särsk. Br wireless)

silence; (äv.) security blanket; ~tändrör

(mil.) proximity fuse (fuze); ~union;

Europeiska ~unionen the European Broadcasting

Union, (förk.) EBU; Internationella

vetenskapliga ~unionen the International Scientific Radio

Union, (fr. förk.) URSI; ~utrustning radio

(wireless) equipment (installation, set);

~utställning radio show, wireless exhibition;

~utsända to broadcast; ~utsändning

broadcasting, radio (särsk. Br wireless) transmission,

(US äv.) radio casting; (konkr.) broadcast;

kommersiell ~utsändning commercial

broadcasting; (äv.) commercial; stereofonisk

~utsändning stereophonic broadcast[ing];

~varning radio warning; ~version radio [-(broadcast[ing])-] {+(broad-

cast[ing])+} version; ~vågor radio (wireless)

waves; ultrakorta ~vågor ultra-short radio

waves; ~överföring radio transmission

(communication) ; ~övervakning radio


radium (kem.) radium; ~atom radium atom;

~behandling radium treatment; ~behållare

radium container, platinum tube; ~bromid

radium bromide; ~central radium centre;

~element radium element; ~emanation se

radon; ~fond radium fund;

~förpacknings-bord radium-packing table; ~halt radium

content; ~haltig containing radium;

~karbonat radium carbonate; ~klinik radium

clinic; ~klorid radium chloride; ~kur

radium cure (treatment); ~metall pure radium;

~salt radium salt; ~stråle radium ray;

~strålning radium radiation; ~sulfat radium

sulphate (US sulfate); ~terapi radium therapy;

~tub radium tube; ~ärr scar from a radium


radi|us; ~ us vektor (matem.) radius vector;

~är radial

radmotor in-line engine

radom (radar.) radome

radon (kem.) radon; (tidig.) radium emanation,

niton; (nytt förslag) emanon

rad|papper lined (black-line) paper;

~plantering row planting, planting in rows (lines);

~pris line rate [for advertisements];

~punktsvets straight-line spot weld; ~rensare

(hästhacka) horse [-drawn] hoe; (skjuthacka) sliding

hoe; ~skift (skrivmask.) line feed (shift);

~skiftararm line space lever; ~spridning

(av gödsel) drilling [of fertilizer]; ~språng

(TV) interlace; ~så to drill; ~sådd strip

seeding, drilling, sowing in rows (drills,

furrows); ~såning drilling; [-—så[nings]maskin-] {+—så[nings]ma-

skin+} seed (US grain) drill; ~tolk line gauge;

~verk (för etiketteringsmaskin) ranging device

raffelstopp (text.) flock wool

raffia- se rafia-

raffinad refined copper (sugar); ~eri refinery;

jfr ö]je—eri, skifferolje—eri; ~eri|ingenjör

refinery engineer; ~eri|kapacitet refinery

capacity; ~koppar refined copper; ~socker

refined sugar; ~värde refined value; ~ör


raffiner|a to refine, to purify; (pappersmassa)

to mill; ~ad asfalt (olja) refined asphalt (oil);

~ing refining; elektrolytisk ~ing electrolytic

refining; ~ingsavfall refiner waste;

~ings-ugn refinery furnace [for non-ferrous [-metals]; -] {+met-

als]; +} ~vals; ~ och tor kväls refining and

drying cylinder; ~valsverk refiner, refiner

(refining) mill; (för regenerat) reclaim mill

raffin|os (kem.) raffinose; ~ör[kvarn] refiner,

refining (perfecting) engine

rafia|bast raffia; ~fiber raffia [fibre]; ~palm

raffia palm; ~papper raffia paper

rafräschissör sprayer, scent spray, atomizer,


ragga (ung.) to pick up girls

raggar|bil (ung.) neckmobile; (äv.) hot rod,

hopped-up (juiced-up, souped-up, stepped-up)

job, juiced-up jalopy, soup job; (gammal bil

äv.) jalopy, flivver, junk heap, heap of junk

(rust), rattletrap, wreck, beat-up job; ~e

(ung.) hot-rod teen-ager (hoodlum, tough,

hooligan, ruffian), [a] member of the hot-rod

set; (äv.) hot-rodder, rodder, rod jockey,

back-yard mechanic, gowboy; [juvenile]

street-rowdy (-tough), member of a street gang;

~film (ung.) hot-rod film, film about hot-rod

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