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realisations|vinstbeskattning 713 reciprok
~vinstbeskattning capital gains taxation;
~vinstskatt capital-gains tax; ~värde
bargain (clearance) value
real|isera (varor) to sell off (out), to clear
stock [s]; to liquidate [stocks] at cut prices;
(tillgångar) to realize, to convert [assets] into
cash, to dispose of, to sell; (förverkliga) to
realize, to execute, to implement, to carry out
(into effect), to fulfil, to accomplish, to
perform; viserad vinst realized profit; ~iserbar
(säl|bar) realizable, saleable; (genomförbar)
practicable, feasible; ~isering realization,
execution, implementation, carrying out (into
effect), fulfilment, fulfilling, accomplishment,
performance; ~ ist realist; ~istisk
businesslike; ~itet reality, fact; ~itetsdebatt
debate on realities
realkapital real capital; fast ~ fixed assets;
~bildning accumulation (formation, growth)
of real capital; öka ~bildningen to increase
the rate of accumulation of real capital;
~utrustning; den svenska ~utrustningen the
total Swedish capital equipment; ~volym
volume of real capital; relationen mellan ~ och
produktionsvolym [the] relation [ship] (ratio) of
the volume of real capital to the volume of
real|katalog systematic (classified) catalogue
(US catalog); ~klass se ~skoleklass; ~kredit
credit secured by [mortgage on] real property,
credit (loan) on real property (estate), credit
on property, real estate (property) credit (loan);
~kunskaper factual knowledge; ~lexikon
se ~encyklopedi; ~linje (skol.) science
(modern) side; gå ~linjen to be on the science
(modern) side; elever på ~linjen (särsk. US)
pupils (students) majoring in science and
mathematics; ~lön real wages pl.; (äv.) real
pay (salary); ~löneutveckling development
(trend) of real wages (salaries); ~politik
practical politics; (ty.) realpolitik; ~register
systematic register; ~skola (ung.) modern
school, [the] lower department (stage) of a
grammar (secondary) school, lower grammar
(secondary) school; ~skolebetyg se ~betyg;
~skoleexamen se ~examen; ~skoleklass
modern-school (lower grammar-school) class
(form); ~skolelärare modern-school (lower
grammar-school) teacher; ~säkerhet real
Security; (äv.) security on [real] property,
security on real estate, [a] security consisting
of a tangible or saleable asset, security in
movable and immovable property, security
in different forms of property; låna ut pengar
mot ~säkerhet to lend money on real security;
~tillgångar tangible assets; ~union
legislative union; ~vetenskaper pl. concrete
(positive, exact) sciences; ~värde real (actual, true,
effective) value; (mynt) intrinsic value;
(värdepapper) market (realizable) value;
~värdebeständig (eg.) of invariable real value;
(inflationssäker) inflation-proof; (indexbunden)
index-tied, (äv.) index-linked, index-based;
~värdepapper pl. shares representing real
values; (äv.) shares in companies with large
capital resources
rea|motor jet (turbojet) engine; ~park (innehav
av ~flygmaskiner) jet fleet; ~pilot jet pilot;
~plan jet plane (aircraft, airplane);
robot-bestyckat ~plan rocket-bearing jet fighter;
~skolplan jet training aircraft
reassur|adör reinsurer, reassurer; (äv.) accepting
office ; jfr kontrakts—adör; ~ans reinsurance,
reassurance; ~anskontrakt reinsurance treaty
(contract, agreement); ~era (försäkr.) to
reinsure, to market [risks]
rea|torped hydrojet; ~ålder jet age
rebefrakta to recharter, to subcharter; ~re
rebus picture puzzle, rebus
recellulosa regenerated cellulose
recens|ent reviewer, critic; ~era to review,
to criticize; ~ion review, critique; jfr
film-—ion; ~ionsexemplar review (reviewer’s,
advance) copy, copy for review
recent (geol. etc.) recent, holocene
recentior (univ.) freshman
recept (med.) [doctor’s] prescription; (kok. 0.
fig.) recipe; enligt ~ according to prescription;
(fack. äv.) magistral; expediera ett ~ to make
up a prescription; skriva ~ på ngt to prescribe
sth., to write [out] a prescription for sth.;
utlämnas endast mot ~ only dispensed on
doctor’s prescription; ~arie (på apotek)
dispenser, (äv.) prescriptionist; ~arieexamen
dispenser’s (prescriptionist’s) examination;
~avgift prescription charge; ~belagd
subject to prescription; ~belagda läkemedel drugs
sold on prescription; (äv.) ethical preparations
(drugs); ~blankett prescription form; ~bok
recipe book
reception (högtidl. mottagning) reception; (hotell)
reception [desk]; ~ist receptionist, reception
clerk; ~s|chef [head, chief, senior] reception
clerk, receptionist; (US) room clerk;
~s|område (elektrobiol.) receptive field
recept|iv receptive; ~ivitet receptivity,
receptiveness; ~kopia copy of prescription; ~or
(fysiol.) receptor; ~ur dispensary
recett box office returns; ~föreställning benefit
recherchör (på kreditupplysningsavdelning) credit
recidiv relapse, recurrence, return of one’s
complaint, recrudescence, fresh attack; få ~
to have (suffer) a relapse (return); ~ism
recidivism, tendency to relapse; ~ist
recidivist; (äv.) habitual criminal
recipient (tekn.) receiver
reciprocitet reciprocity; bristande ~ lack of
reciprocity [in the mutual business between
two banks]; diplomatisk ~ diplomatic
reciprocity; med förbehåll för ~ subject to
reciprocitets|affär reciprocity deal (transaction);
~avtal reciprocity agreement (treaty);
~basis; på ~basis on a basis of reciprocity, on a
reciprocal basis; ~bestämmelse reciprocity
stipulation; ~fråga question of reciprocity;
~klausul reciprocity clause; ~kontrakt
(försäkr.) reciprocal (reciprocity) treaty; ~
krav demand for reciprocity; ~statistik
reciprocity statistics, statistics on business
reciprok reciprocal; (kem.) reversible [-[reaction]-]
; ~t värde (matem.) reciprocal
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