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special|kort 862 speditör
cial correspondent; ~kort special card; (foto)
special photo; (sjökort) large-scale (special)
chart; ~kran special crane; ~kunskaper
specialist knowledge; ~laboratorium
specialized (special) laboratory; slack special
varnish; ~lag special law; ~lagstiftning
special legislation; genom en ~lagstiftning
through special legislation, by special
legislative measures; ~ledning special circuit (line);
~legering special alloy; slicens special (äv.
individual) licence; ~lån special loan; ~lärare
(ofta) Associate Professor; (äv.) special [-[subject]-]
teacher (instructor); ~lärarinstitut
special teachers’ institute; ~maskin special-type
(special-purpose, specialized) machine;
~maskintillverkning manufacture of special
machinery; ~möbler special [-type] furniture;
~mönster special pattern (design);
~nummer special issue (number, edition); snyckel
special key (skruvnyckel spanner); soffert
special (exceptional, particular, preferential)
offer (quotation); soptiker specialist optician;
S~-Optikernas Riksförbund, SOR the Swedish
Association of Specialist Opticians; Stockholms
Förenade S~optiker the Stockholm Branch of
the Swedish Association of Specialist
Opticians; sordbok specialized (technical)
dictionary; sorder; de tillverkar maskiner mot
norder they make machines to (according to,
against) special orders; ~post special
(separate) item; spress special-type press; ~pris
special price; ~produkt special product,
speciality, specialty; farmaceutiska ~produkter
pharmaceutical specialities; sprofil (stål.)
special section (shape); ~prov special test;
rabatt special discount (allowance); lämna
~rabatt to allow [a firm] a special discount
[of 5 % for an order of 4,000 yards of
Wil-lesden canvas]; ~risk special riskY (hazard);
~rättighet [special] privilege (priority); ~rör
special pipe (tube); ~sand special sand;
~sjukhus special hospital; ~sjökort se
skort; ~skatt special tax (duty); ~skola
special school; ~skydd special protection;
~slipmaskin special-type grinding machine;
~stål special (alloy, high-grade) steel; ~svarv
special-type lathe; stariff special tariff,
specific rate; staxering special assessment;
~television closed-circuit television; ~tilldelning
special allocation; ~tillstånd special permit
(licence); still verkad specially made
(manufactured); ytillverkad för Er made specially
(specially made) for you; stillverkare
specialist producer; ~transportör special
conveyor; ~trupp (mil.) task force; (pl. äv.)
special auxiliary troops; stull special duty;
~undersökning special investigation
(examination, inquiry); ~undervisning special
education (teaching), remedial (auxiliary)
teaching; Svenska Förbundet för Syundervisning the
Swedish Association for Special Education;
the Swedish Section of the Nordic Special
School Association; suppdrag special task
(duty, charge, commission, mission,
assignment, appointment, mandate, order);
~upplaga special (separate) edition; ~utbilda;
~utbildad arbetare semi-skilled worker;
~utbildning special training; ~utredning special
investigation; ~utrustning special (extra)
equipment, extras pl.; sutskott special
(select) committee; ~utställning special
exhibition (show); ~vagn special[-type] vehicle
car; ~varor special[ized] (shopping) goods;
~verktyg special [purpose] tool; ~värdering
special valuation (estimate); ~väveri special
weaving mill; S~väveriernas Förening r.f.
(Helsingfors) the Special Weaving Mills’
Association; ~vävnad special fabric;
~yrkes-skola special vocational school; ~översättare
specialist translator
speciell special; particular, specific; ~a
kostnader particular charges; ~ reserv special
reserve; ~a risker special (extraneous) risks
specificer|a to specify, to itemize, to
particularize, to detail; icke sad unspecified; nedan
sade varor the articles specified below; som
icke kunna sas not specifiable; sade kostnader
specified (itemized) costs; sad räkning specified
(itemized, detailed) account (invoice); sing
specification, specifying
specifik specific; ~ energiförbrukning specific
energy consumption; ~ fuktighet specific
humidity; ~ kapacitet specific capacity;
ledningsförmåga specific conductivity; st motstånd
specific (volume) resistance, resistivity; s†
rullmotstånd rolling friction coefficient; ~t
relativtal specific rate; ~a tullar specific duties;
~ vikt specific gravity, (förk.) S. G., s. g.,
sp. gr., SG, G.; (äv.) density; specific weight;
genom bestämning av den ~a vikten by specific
gravity measurements; ~ viktmätare
densimeter, (US) densitometer; ~ viskositet specific
viscosity; ~ volym specific volume; st värme
specific heat; syta specific surface; ~ation
specification; detailed description; en maskin
med följande ~ationer a machine with the
following specifications; enligt nedanstående ~ation
as per specification below; ~ation över
specification of; ~ationsförslag tentative specific
cation; ~ationssymbol (databehandl.) specifier
spedi|era to forward; stion forwarding
(shipping) [of goods]
speditions|avdelning forwarding department;
~avgift forwarding (shipping) charge;
~-bransch; inom ~branschen in the forwarding
line of business; ~chef traffic manager;
~firma forwarding agency (agents, company,
firm, business), forwarders, shipping agency
(agents, business); ~föreskrift forwarding
instructions pl.; ~företag se ~firma;
~försäkring forwarding agent’s liability insurance;
~gods goods [to be] forwarded; ~handel
carrying (forwarding) trade; ~konto
forwarding account; ~kontor forwarding (shipping)’
office; ~kontorist shipping (forwarding)
clerk; ~kostnader forwarding charges,
costs-of forwarding; snota forwarding invoice
(bill; account), bill of carriage; ~provision
forwarding commission, agency fee;
~räkning se snota; suppdrag shipping
(forwarding) order; sutgifter costs of
forwarding; ~varor goods to be forwarded; ~villkor
pl. terms of forwarding, forwarding terms
speditör forwarding (shipping) agent[s],
forwarder [s], carrier [s], dispatcher [s]; jfr
speditionsfirma; intyg från ~ att varan ~återkalleligen
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