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strömming 909 student|förening
strömming Baltic (small) herring
ström|mängd amount of [electric] current;
~mätare amperemeter, ammeter;
currentmeter; ~mätning current measurement;
~mätområde effective (accurate) current
range [of a meter]; zoning flow, stream,
current; circulation; likformig ~ning uniform
flow [of water]; lugn ~ning quiet flow;
turbulent ~ning turbulent flow
strömnings|fält field of flow (potential lines);
~hastighet flow rate, rate (velocity) of flow;
~indikator current flow indicator; ~lära
[fluid] flow engineering, fluid mechanics,
hydro-dynamics; ~maskiner turbo (rotor
dynamic) machinery; ~motstånd flow
resistance; ~mätare flow meter; ~nät flow net;
~potential streaming potential; ~tillstånd;
stationärt ~tillstånd steady state of flow
condition; ~tryck stream thrust; ~visare flow
ström|omkastning reversal of the current,
commutation; ~portar (vattenbygg.) safety
(single pair of) lock gates; ~reglerande;
~reglerande relä current-limit relay;
~reglerings område (svetsn.) zone of welding
current ranges; ~regulator current regulator;
~regulatorrör current regulator tube; ~relä
current (series) relay; ~rensning stream-bed
cleaning; ~riktare static current changer;
(kvicksilver-) mercury arc converter; (äv.)
static converter, inverter, rectifier; ~riktning
current direction, direction of current [flow],
set of current; [current] inversion;
~riktningsvisare current direction indicator;
~-skala current scale; ~skena (tredjeskena)
conductor (third, current-collecting, live,
contact) rail, conductor [line], busbar;
~skene-isolator third rail insulator; ~skenesystem
third-rail system; ~skydd (el) current
protection; ~slutare circuit closer, connector;
~slutning closing of a (the) circuit; ~spole
current coil (element), series coil; ~spänning
voltage, tension; ~spänningsdiagram
current/voltage (I/E) diagram; ~sträcka; rak
sträcka (flods) reach [of river]; ~styrka
current, current intensity (strength), amperage,
intensity (strength) of current; ~ställare
[change-over] switch; elektronisk ~ställare
electronic switch; roterande ~ställare rotary
switch; ~ställare med snabbrytning quick-break
switch; ~stöt current rush ([im]pulse, surge,
peak), impulse, transient; ~stötförhållande
dial-pulse frequency; ~stötrelä latch-in relay;
~sugare (el) interphase transformer;
~sättning [set of] current, direction of current, set;
~-tidkurva (elektrobiol.) strength-duration
(time-intensity) curve; ~tillförsel power
(current) supply; current is supplied by means of.. . ;
~transformator current transformer (förk.)
C.T.; (av stav typ) bar-type transformer; (med
~beroende förmagnetisering) auto-compounded
current transformer; (med styrd
förmagnetisering) compound-wound current transformer;
keramiskt isolerad ~transformator
ceramic-insulated current transformer; kompoundfylld
~transformator compound-filled current
transformer; luftisolerad ~transformator air-insulated
current transformer; oljefylld ~transformator
oil-filled current transformer; ~täthet (el)
current density; ~täthet i jonstråle density of
an ion beam; ~täthet i elektronstråle density
of an electron [ion] beam; tvätten broken
water; ~ventil (el) rectifier; ~visare current
vector (phaser); ~våg (el) electrodynamic
balance; ~vändare commutator, current
reverser, reversing switch, [current-] reversing
key; ~vändning reversal of current; ~värde
current value; svärme resistance-heating
(Joule’s) effect, Joulean dissipation;
~värmeförlust ohmic loss; ~växlingar alternations;
hökning current rise, rise of current
strö|ning strewing, sprinkling; ~pulver
[sprinkling] powder; ~sked sugar sifter,
dredging spoon; ~skrift pamphlet; (äv.)
brochure; (relig.) tract; ~socker castor
(caster) sugar; (äv.) powdered (granulated)
sugar; Morv duff
stuage [broken] stowage
stubb stubble; ~brytare stump grubber (puller),
uprooting machine; ~brytning stump pulling
(extraction, clearing); (med dynamit) stump
blasting; ~diameter diameter at
stump-height; stump; (äv.) stool; charts
wood rosin; ~höjd stump height, height of
the stump; ~klippning (av hår) crew cut,
cropping; ~skott stump sprout, coppice
shoot; ~sprängning stump blasting, blasting
of stumps; ~terpentin [steam-distilled] wood
stubin fuse, fuze, quick match; jfr ~tråd;
detonerande ~ detonating fuse; snabbrinnande ~
instantaneous (fast-burning) [igniting] fuse;
svart dubbelvävd ~ black double-woven fuse;
vattensäker ~ waterproof fuse; ~ring fuse
coil; ~sprängkapsel blasting cap, detonator;
~tråd fuse [cord], firing tape, priming wire,
quick match, lanyard; ~trådstång [a pair of]
fuse pliers; ~tandning fuse initiation
stuck (bygg.) stucco, plaster-stucco, parget;
~arbete stuccowork, plaster [ing]; ~atur
stucco [work]; ~atör plasterer, stucco-worker;
~gips plaster of Paris; (äv.) stucco plaster;
~ massa plaster mortar; ~tak plaster (stucco)
student (ung.) [university] student; (äv.)
undergraduate; ~betyg matriculation certificate;
(Br) General Certificate [of Education], (förk.)
GCE; ~bostad student’s (students’) room[s]
(flat, living quarters), (fam.) digs pl.; (äv.)
[students’] hostel, hall of residence; Stiftelsen
Stockholms S~bostäder the Stockholm Students’
Housing Foundation; ~brev certificate of
matriculation; ~examen [examination for
the] school-leaving certificate; matriculation
[examination]; final [secondary school]
examination; final (leaving) examination [at a
secondary school]; higher school certificate
examination; (Br) [examination for the] General
Certificate [of Education], GCE at ‘A’ level;
ta ~examen to matriculate; (Br äv.) to take
the General Certificate; (äv.) to take the
Matriculation examination; ~fabrik
cramming shop; ~förbund; Estniska Simförbundet
the Estonian Students’ Union; SLU:s
S~förbund the Students’ Union of the Centre Party;
~förening students’ union (association, club);
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