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tryck|mätare 1034 tryck|tapp
printer; ~mätare pressure gauge (indicator),
manometer, (US äv.) chuck gage;
(vakuummeter) vacuum gauge; (dragmätare) draught
meter; (blästermätare) blast meter; ~mätning
pressure measurement
tryckning (typ.) printing, impression;
press-work; (bearbetn. i trycksvarv) spinning; (äv.)
pushing, pressing; godkänt för ~ good (O.K.)
for printing; ny ~ reprint; under ~ in the
press; boken är under ~ the book is being
printed, the book is in the press
trycknings|kostnader printing costs (expenses),
cost[s] of printing; ~prov printing test;
~tillfälle; vid ~tillfället at the time of
printing; ~tillstånd se trycktillstånd
tryckolja pressure oil; (äv.) stamping oil, sizing
tryckolje|brännare pressure-jet oil burner;
~smörjning pressure-fed oil lubrication;
~styrinrättning forced oil control gear;
~styrning forced oil control
tryck|omfång; beräkna ~omfång (bok) to cast
off; to estimate amount of printed matter
that copy will make; ~område (vid borrning)
range of pressure (thrust); ~order printing
(print) order ; jfr ~tillstånd; ~origram paper
master for spirit duplicators (machines); ~ort
place of publication; (firmauppgift) [printer’s]
imprint; ~packning aerosol packing
tryckpapper printing paper; (äv.) book paper;
(tidningspapper) newsprint; jfr antiko, boko,
illustrations~, konst~, kopparo
tryck|passning push fit; openna automatic
(mechanical, push, repeater) pencil; ~platta
(i koppling) clutch drive plate, [clutch] pressure
plate; (för kamaxel) camshaft thrust plate;
(äv.) thrust (compression, load, toggle) plate;
~plåt end (clamping) plate; förnicklad ~plåt
nickel-faced stereo; kasserade ~plåtar dead
plates; renfräst ~plåt routed plate; opolera
to burnish, to polish under (with) pressure;
~press printing machine (särsk. US press);
~propeller pusher propeller, pusher-type
airscrew; ~prov (tekn.) pressure
(compression, hydrostatic) test; (typ.) specimen of
printing, sample, proof; ~prova to test;
(bilring) to test for correct pressure; ~provning
pressure (hydrostatic) test[ing]; ~pump force
(pressure) pump; dubbelverkande ~pump
double-acting force pump; sug- och ~pump
reciprocating (lift and delivery, lift and force, lifting
and forcing) pump; opunkt pressure
(feeding) point; (fysiol.) pressure (touch) spot;
~på-knappen-kontor push-button office;
~påkänning compressive (compression,
pressure) stress, compression (compressive) strain;
opåle bearing pile; oreducerare pressure
reducer; oreducerventil pressure reducing
valve; tvåstegs oreducerventil two-stage
(dual-stage) regulator; ~reglerings slid (ångtekn.)
regulating feed valve; ~regulator pressure
control (regulator, governor); (sammanbyggd
med oluftsrenare) transformer; ~ring
clamping ring, thrust collar; orivprovning
compression cutting test; ~rulle pressing roller;
~rör discharge (forcing, delivery) pipe,
pressure tube (pipe); (i kompressor) pressure (air
discharge) pipe; (på pump) delivery pipe;
~rörsledning [high] pressure pipe line, [high]
pressure discharge pipe; ~rörsreaktor
pressure tube reactor
trycksak [piece of] printed matter, printed paper,
[specimen of] print (printing); (pl.) printed
matter, printed papers, (äv.) booklets,
brochures, pamphlets etc.; (angivelse på
postförsändelse, Br) Printed Paper - Reduced Rate;
Printed Matter (Paper) Rate; Book Post;
(US) Second (Third) Class [Mail]; jfr
korsband; sända som ~er to send as printed matter;
de separat sända ~erna the printed matter sent
under separate cover; vi ber Er sända oss ~er
över denna produkt please send us pamphlets
of this product
trycksaks|beställning printing order; ~enhet
shot; ~försändelse [packet of] printed
papers; okampanj mailing scheme;
~omslag wrapper; ~porto printed matter (paper)
tryck|sats (typ.) [type] matter, [composed] type,
type set up, material set up in type; (äv.)
copy; plate[s]; ~sida (i bok) printed page;
(på pump etc.) delivery side; (på propeller)
driving side; avstängningsventil på ~sidan
discharge stop valve; osintring pressure
sintering; (äv.) hot pressing; ~skada (vet.) chafe;
~skala pressure scale; ~skillnad pressure
difference, difference in pressure; ~skiva
pressure disk; (filter) thrust washer (plate);
(press) pressure pad; (bil) pressure plate,
thrust disc, clutch [pressure] plate; ~skrov
(ubåt) pressure (strength) hull; ~skruv thrust
(pressure) screw, thrust bolt; ~skåp (på
turbin) turbine casing; oslang pressure
(expansion, delivery) hose
trycksmörj|a to lubricate with a grease gun;
~ing forced-feed (forced, automatic)
lubrication, pressure [feed] lubrication, pressure
oiling; (äv.) shot-lubrication system; fet ~ kopp
för ~ning pressure grease cup;
~ingsappa-rat pressure oiler, [forced-feed, pressure-feed]
lubricator, [compression] grease gun, oil gun;
~ingssystem forced (forced-feed)
lubrication system
tryck|spruta (fet ~ spruta) grease gun;
~spänning compression (compressive) stress, stress
under compression; ostag push rod; ostamp
press ram; ~steg pressure stage; ~stegring
pressure rise (increase), rise in pressure,
increase of pressure; ostil; med ostil in
block letters; ~strö mbrytartyp push-bar-type
switch; ~strömställare pressure
(push-but-ton, toggle) switch; ~strömställare med
bour-donrör Bourdon pressure switch; ostuts
pressure connecting piece; ~styrka se ~kraft;
~stål chasing (spinning) tool; ~stång push
(lifting) rod; strut; ~ställare pressure (toggle)
switch; ~stöt pressure surge; ~svarv bulging
lathe; ~s värvning pressure turning;
~svetsning [autogenous] welding with (by) pressure;
(i fast fas) pressure (resistance, solid-phase)
welding; (vid smidning) forge welding;
~svängning se ovariation; ~svärta printing
(printer’s) ink, ink, black printing ink;
fördelning av ~ svärta distribution of printing ink;
~system pressure system; (transportör)
blowing system; ~tank pressure tank;
~tanks-reaktor pressure tank (vessel) reactor; ~tapp
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