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uppsägnings|bar 1084 upptagande
given; ~ av kontrakt notice of termination
of contract; ~ av utlånade pengar calling in of
money lent; ~ skall ske (obi.) notice of
redemption shall be given; utan föregående ~
without previous notice
uppsägnings|bar se uppsägbar; ~blankett
form for notice of withdrawal [of money];
~datum (obligationer) call date; ~ersättning
severance pay, severance (dismissal, terminal)
wage; ~klausul cancellation clause; ~konto
se ~räkning; ~lån loan at (subject to) notice;
~räkning deposit account subject to [two
weeks’ (14 days’)] notice, short-term (short
notice) deposit account, time deposit;
check-och ~ räkning short-term deposit accounts;
~rätt right to give notice; (i fördrag vanl.)
right of termination (denunciation); (äv.)
option; right of cancellation, cancellation
privilege; ~tid [period (term) of] notice,
period (term) to give notice, period (term,
time) allowed for giving notice; (bank) notice
of withdrawal; time limit; the period of notice
should be related to an employee’s length of service;
to be subject to a minimum notice of withdrawal
of 21 days; efter ~t idens utgång after expiration
of time for giving notice; laglig ~tid notice
according to law; rimlig ~tid reasonable
notice; ~t,idens utgång expiration of the period
of notice, fulfilment of the notice period;
utan iakttagande av ~ tidén without observing
the term for giving notice; överenskom?nelsen
löper med tre månaders ~tid the agreement is
(will be) subject to three months’ notice
uppsätta to put up, (resa upp) to raise; (kontrakt)
to draw up [a contract]; (teaterpjäs) to stage
[a play]; (tekn.) to set up, to make-ready,
to prepare; (tel.samtal) to set up, to connect,
to complete, to put through [a call], to
establish [a connection]; (programledning äv.) to
line up; (propp i jack) to insert; (montera)
to mount, to fit [up], to install, to erect, to
assemble, to put together; (beskicka) to feed,
to charge; (stolpe) to erect [a pole]; (antenn)
to fit, to erect, to rig [an aerial]; (tekn. äv.)
to clamp; jfr upprätta; ~ en handling to prepare
(draw up) a document; ~ ett kontrakt to draft
(draw up) a contract; ~nde; ~nde av
överlåtelsehandlingar conveyancing, drawing up of
deeds of transfer (conveyance, assignment);
~re (montör) [engine] fitter, mechanic [ian],
assembler, erecting machinist, erector; (stål.)
charger, dumper
uppsättning (konkr.) set, supply, stock; (äv.)
collection, range [of samples], preparation,
line-up; (av handlingar) drawing up, setting
down in writing; (teat, etc.) get-up; (tekn.)
equipment; installation, erection, assemblage,
mounting, fitting [up]; jfr montering; (av
antenn äv.) rigging; (av teleförbindelse)
establishment, connection; (av programledning) line-up;
full ~ av full set of; ny ~ av new supply of;
rektangulär ~ (tekn.) rectangular alignment
uppsättnings|färgapparat (text.) cop dyeing
apparatus; ~kostnad cost of erection
(assemblage ; installation; set-up); ~maskin
(tändstickstillv.) frame-filling machine; ~mål
blast furnace top; (dubbelslutande) double
sealing mouth
uppsöka to search, to track, to seek (hunt) out;
(om televäljare) to hunt
upptaj[ga] to take (carry, bring) up, to pick up;
to lift up, to take out; (en sak) to take [a
matter] up; (kabel från sjöbotten) to recover,
to remove, to pick up, to raise; (öppna) to
open; (knut) to undo; (adoptera) to adopt;
(mottaga) to receive; (i en förening) to admit;
(lån) to take up; (order) to obtain; (avgift)
to collect, to levy, to make; (i avräkning) to
include, to show; (anteckna) to put down;
(angiva) to set forth, to list, to specify, to
enumerate, to include; (i ordbok) to include;
(i en lista) to schedule; (inspela på band etc.)
to record; (suga åt sig) to absorb;
(signaler) to receive, to pick up; (plats) to take
up, to occupy; (äv.) to appear [in a list]; to
aggregate; de i Er faktura av den 30 ds ~gna
motorerna the engines specified (included) in
your invoice of the 30th inst.; dessa delar ~ ~
på s. j 2 i katalogen these parts are listed on
p. 52 in the catalogue; i kolvar är ~gna i ordern
the order comprises 5 pistons; för att ~gas
till prövning och godkännande in order to be
considered and accepted; handelsavtalet ~s inte
några leveranser av bussar the trade (commercial)
agreement does not allow for any deliveries
of buses (does not include the delivery of
buses); målet skall ~gas på nytt (jur.) the case
is to come on again; posten är inte ~gen på
Er lista the item is not entered on (not
included in) your list; ~ga ed to administer an
~ath; ~ en fråga to raise a question; ~ en
kredit to negotiate a credit; ~ en marknad för
to develop (work up, make, create) a market
for [an article], to push an article, to open up
a new market; ~ en tillgång för högt (lågt) to
overvalue (undervalue) an asset; ~ ett lån
to raise (contract, float) a loan, to borrow
money; ~ ett lån mot inteckning to raise a
mortgage [on a house]; ~ ett lån på den
schweiziska kapitalmarknaden på jo milj. Sfrs.
to float a loan on the Swiss capital market
for 50 million Swiss francs; ~ frågor till
utredning och diskussion to initiate studies and
discussions of questions; ~ för granskning to
entertain; claims cannot be entertained unless made
within five days from receipt of goods ;
förhandlingar med to enter into negotiations with;
yga försäkran to administer an affirmation;
~j- i nummerföljd to be entered in numerical
order; ~ konkurrens med to enter into
competition with; ~ korrespondens to initiate
correspondence; ~ någon till ko?~panjon (delägare)
to take a person into partnership; ~ radialtryck
to absorb radial pressure; ~ga sjöförklaring to
extend (note) a protest; ~s till behandling to
come (be taken, be brought) up for discussion;
~ga till rättslig behandling to bring into court;
~ verksamhet to start (commence) business;
~ga vittnesmål to take evidence; ~ värme to
absorb heat; utlägga eller ~ undervattenskabel
eller sjömärke to lay or pick up a submarine
cable or navigation mark
upptagande; ombesör|a ~t av protest [the cashing
establishment shall] have the protestdrawn up;
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