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våg|plattform 1169 vård
(charge) for weighing, weighing; ~plattform
weighing platform
vågrät horizontal, level; (äv.) flat; true to spirit
level; ligga ~t to be level, to be true to spirit
level; ~svetsning horizontal weld[ing]
våg|rör travelling-wave tube; ~rörelse wave
(undulatory) motion, undulation; svaga
~rörelser ripples
vågsedel weight note (slip, return), bill
(certificate) of weight, weighhouse (weighing-house)
vågserie wave-train, train of waves
vågskål scale [pan], pan [of a balance], tray;
(fig.) scale[s]
våg|ström wave current; statisk ~,ström static
wave current; ~stöt wave action; ~topp
crest of a wave (swell)
vågtunga pointer
våg|typ type of wave; ~tåg se ~serie;
~utbredning wave propagation;
~utbredningsingenjör wave propagation engineer
vågvagn scale car
våld violence, [brute] force; (~s|handling) act
of violence, violation; (jur.) assault and
battery; (angrepp på stat etc.) aggression;
(makt) power; (inträng) trespass; begå ~ to
commit acts (an act) of violence; (jur.) to
be guilty of assault and battery; med ~ by
[brute] force, by violence, forcibly; göra ngt
med ~ to do sth. violently (forcibly, by main
force); med ~ undanhålla to deforce; skador
genom yttre ~ injuries from external [-[mechanical]-]
violence; öva ~ to use (resort to)
violence, to commit acts (an act) of violence;
öva ~ mot ngn to lay violent hands on sby,
to use force against sby; ~kräktning forcible
våldsam violent, vehement, fierce, forcible,
intense, severe; tremendous, terrific, terrible;
profuse; en ~ stigning a steep rise; ~t stigande
priser sky-rocketing prices; i ~ma vändningar
in vehement terms; utsätta ngn för ~ eller
skymfande behandling to subject s.o. to violent
or insulting treatment; ~ död violent death;
~ konkurrens violent (fierce, cut-throat)
competition; ~het violence, vehemence;
fierceness; (busaktighet) rowdyism; (om hetta etc.)
intensity; (om smärta) severity; (pl. äv.)
vålds|gärning se ~handling; brott innefattande
~gärning crime of violence; ~handling act
(deed) of violence, violation, outrage; ~hot;
under ~hot under duress; this working under
duress is daily becoming more and more intolerable
and unacceptable to the employees ; ~politik policy
of violence (aggression); ~regemente
despotism, coercive rule; ~verkare perpetrator
of an outrage, assaulter, assailant; (orosstiftare)
rioter; (äv.) bully, hooligar, rough; beväpnad
~verkare gunman, armed robber
våldtäkt (jur.) indecent (criminal) assault, rape;
(på minderårig) statutory rape; ~s|förbrytelse
rape; ~s|försök assault with intent to [-[commit]-]
rape, attempted rape; (äv.) indecent
assault ; ~s|man person guilty of rape, rapist,
raper, [woman] violator; (äv.) defiler; sexual
vålla (föranleda) to cause, to occasion, to ; be
the occasion for (of); (vara orsak till) to be
the cause of, to be to blame for; to be guilty
of; (åstadkomma) to bring about (on), to lead
to, to work; (framkalla) to give rise to, to
provoke, to produce, to result in; (bereda)
to give, to call forth, to evoke; (äv.) to entail,
to involve; to engineer; to induce; to inflict;
their diplomacy resulted in war; skada ~d av
flygplan damage caused by aircraft, aircraft
damage; skada ~d genom stöld damage by
pilfering; ~ ngn besvär to give sby trouble,
to be a trouble to sby; ~ ngn kostnader to put
s.o. to expense; ~nde/~aktsamhet) negligence,
carelessness, neglect, piece of negligence
(carelessness); oversight, omission, default; (icke
med vilja) inadvertence; (fel) fault, blame,
wrong, error; (ansvar) responsibility, blame;
(skuld) guilt, guiltiness, culpability; breach of
duty; (orsak) cause, motive, ground,
occasion, reason; (äv.) intent, intention; den
~nde the offender, the guilty party, the culprit;
the person causing the loss (damage); the
originator, the author; the instigator; genom
eget ~nde self-inflicted; genom avsändarens eget
~nde by the sender’s own fault; grovt ~nde
gross negligence; utan eget ~nde through no
fault of one’s own, [brought on] by no fault
of one’s own; (äv.) undeserved, unmerited,
unprovoked; ~nde till annans död (mord, dråp)
homicide; (icke kriminellt dråp) non-criminal
homicide; (dråp) manslaughter; (genom
olyckshändelse ) homicide by misadventure; (genom
vårdslöshet) manslaughter by negligence,
negligent homicide; (utan brottsligt uppsåt)
excusable homicide; för ~nde till annans död for
(on a suspicion of) causing another person’s
death, for manslaughter; ~ndebrott (jur.)
criminal negligence; (lat.) culpa
våning (bostadsenhet) flat, residential flat,
maisonnette, maisonette, (US) apartment; (nat.ekon.)
dwelling (housing) unit, dwelling; (etage)
story, storey, floor; på första ~en (på
botten-~en) on the ground (US first) floor; på ändra
~en (en trappa upp) on the first (US second)
vånings|byte exchange of flats (residence,
dwellings); (mera tekn.) exchange of
dwelling-units; ~hus block of flats; ~jakt
flat-hunting, house-hunting; ~press
multiple-platen (multi-daylight) press; ~rost
(emalj-tekn.) double (triple) decking rack; ~säng
’etage’ bedstead; bunk bed
vårbruk spring farming (operations)
vård (sjuk- etc.) nursing, care; (behandling) care,
treatment, cure; (äv.) welfare; maintenance;
management, charge, custody, guardianship;
keeping; preservation, conservation; he has
entrusted the management of his affairs to .. . ;
family welfare; skötsel och ~ (tekn.) care and
maintenance; ta ~ om godset to take due and
proper care of the goods; till ~ och förvaltning
(bank) for purposes of safe custody (keeping)
and servicing (securities service); for [the]
purpose of safe custody; care of stock and
collection of dividends; care of bonds, cutting
[of coupons] and collection of registered
interest when due; ~en av valutan the
safe-guarding of the value of the currency, the
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