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aktiebolagslag 11 aktieägare
general counsel, standing counsel, corporation
aktiebolagslag (Br) [the] Companies Actk’1948];
(US) General Corporation Law; den svenska
~en the Swedish Companies Act, 1944; (US)
the Swedish Stock Corporation Act, 1944;
registrera ett bolag enligt ~en to incorporate a
company by registration under the Companies
Act, to register a company under (pursuant
to) the Companies Act
aktiebolags|register Register of Joint Stock
Companies [kept by the Royal Swedish Patent
and Registration Office]; (bolagsförtcckning i
uppslagsverk etc.) company index; (ämbetsverk;
Br) the Companies Registry; firma~,
förenings-eller ~register registers of trading firms,
associations or joint-stock companies;
~registreringsbevis Certificate of Incorporation;
~registrerings verk Registrar of [Joint Stock]
Companies; ~rörelse; banker ore Is e
joint-stock banking; ~vinster company
(corporate) profits
aktiebrev (namn-) share certificate, (US) stock
certificate; (innehavar-) bearer share, share
(stock) warrant [to bearer], (US) stock
certificate to bearer; (interims-) scrip; (med
kupongark) share certificate cum coupons (talon and
coupons attached); 2 certificates of (covering)
j shares each; ~en ställas till innehavaren the
share certificates are issued to bearer; de ~
ä nya aktier, som belöpa ä ~ å gamla aktier
the certificates for new shares covering the
certificates for old shares; de gamla ~en
skall icke medföra någon annan rätt för ägaren
än att utbekomma å dem belöpande del av det vid
försäljningen influtna beloppet the old share
certificates shall not vest any other right in the
owner than the right to draw a relative
proportion of the proceeds of the sale; ett
~ om fem aktier a certificate of (covering)
five shares; 1/5; rätt till talan för ~, ställt till
innehavaren, skall inom samma tid styrkas medelst
~ets företeende hos styrelsen the right to vote
in respect of share certificates to bearer shall
be established within the said time by the
production of the respective certificates;
transportera ett ~ to transfer a share certificate
[to a p.]; (äv.) to endorse a share certificate;
utställa ett ~ på to issue a share certificate
on (in the name of); vara behörig att å
innehavarens vägnarförfoga över ~et to be empowered
by the holder (owner) to dispose of the share
certificate on his behalf; ~papper (tekn.)
bonds, bond paper
aktiebörs stock exchange; ledande internationella
~er principal international stock exchanges
aktie|certifikat share certificate; ~emission
share (stock, capital) issue, issue (issuance) of
capital (shares, stock); ~emissionsnämnd
(Br) Capital Issues Committee; ~fond
(avdelning) Stock Department; ~fondsbevis
(ung.) participating unit certificate, share
investment fund participating certificate;
~förvärv acquisition of shares; ~inbetalning
payment for shares; ~index share index
aktieinnehav holding of shares, share holding;
(US) holding of stock, stock holding; den
med ~ förbundna risken the riskY involved in
holding shares; obligations- och ~ bond and
share (stock) holdings, investments, security
holdings; statens ~ shares held by the State;
~are shareholder; stockholder
aktieinvesteringar investments in shares, share
(stock; equity) investments
aktiekapital share (paid-up, joint-stock) capital,
[joint] stock; (US) capital stock, stock
capitalization; det vid stämman företrädda ~et the
share capital represented at the meeting;
inbetalt ~ paid-up capital, true equity capital;
nedsätta ~ et to reduce the share capital; totalt
~ stock, capital stock; ~skatt capital duty; to
draw up a statement of the nominal share capital in
order to determine the amount of capital duty payable
aktie|kupong [share] coupon; ~kurs price of
shares, share price; kurvan för ~ kurserna pekar
tydligt nedåt the curve for the share price
indices points distinctly downwards;
~kurs-lista (Br) share list, (US) stock list; (för
industriaktier) industrial list; ~köp stock
(share) purchase; ~köpare pl. share-buyers,
buyers of shares; ~lån loan against shares;
~majoritet share majority, majority [share]
holding, controlling interest; to have a
controlling interest in a company; ~mantel share
certificate, stock certificate, share warrant; 2
certificates of (covering) j shares each; ~mantel
med kupongark share certificate cum coupons
(talon and coupons attached); ~marknad
share (stock) market; ~marknadsutveckling
stock market trend; ~noteringar share prices
(quotations); stam~noteringar equity share
prices; ~paket block (parcel) of shares;
~-placerare investor in shares, investor;
~placering share investment, investment in shares;
avkastning på ~placeringar yield on (income
from) investments in shares; ~portfölj shares
held; share portfolio; ~post block (parcel)
of shares; share-holding, holding of shares;
~register (oftast) transfer book; (äv.) share
register, stock register, stockholders’ ledger,
shareholders’ register; (US äv.) stock book;
~sammanläggning (vid ändring av
aktiekapital) share consolidation, consolidation of
shares; ~slag class (type) of shares (stock);
~spar klubb investment club; savings club
for share (stock) purchases; ~spekulation
stock speculation (venture); ~stock share
capital; capital stock; (stamaktier) equities,
ordinary shares; common stock; ~tecknare
share subscriber, subscriber (applicant) for
shares, share applicant; ~teckning
subscription for shares, (US) capital stock
subscription; ~teckning med villkor conditional share
subscription; avsluta ~teckning to close the
subscription list[s]; ~teckningslista
subscription list; ~tjänst; Stiftelsen tjänst
Aktietjänst, a unit trust; ~transaktion share
transaction (deal); ~typ class of share;
~utbyte exchange of shares; ~utdelning share
dividend; dividends on shares; ~värden values
of shares, share values; ~ägande
stock-owning; share-owning, [the] owning (holding)
of shares; utvidgat ~ägande broadening stock
aktieägare shareholder [of a company];
stockholder; (aktiebolagslagen) member of a com-
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