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klipp|nings|maskin 414 klubb|medlem
klipp|nings maskin; hår~ningsmaskin hair
clippers, hair-cutting machine; ~nät
(sträckmetall) expanded metal (steel, aluminium etc.);
~spik cut nail; ~transistor chopper;
~verktyg shearing (cutting) tool
klira (hand.) to clear
klister paste, adhesive, [rubber] cement; (äv.)
fixative solution, sticky mass; tryckhäftande ~
pressuresensitive adhesive; akasia~ gum
arabic; dextrin— dextrin (dextrine) adhesive;
~kokare size boiling pan; ~penna glue
pen, sticker; ~remsa adhesive (gummed,
Scotch) tape; emballera med ~remsor to tape;
~remsa med reklamtryck advertising tape
klistr|a to paste, to glue; (äv.) to cement, to
seal, to laminate; ~a affischer to post (stick
up, set up) bills (placards); ~a upp to paste up;
~ad kartong pasteboard; ~ing pasting; (äv.)
lamination, laminating; ~ingsmaskin (text.)
dressing machine; (pappers.) pasting machine
klo (äv. tekn.) claw, clutch, jaw
kloak (mindre) drain; (större) sewer; (fig.)
cesspool, sink; ~betäckning sewer cover;
~brunn cesspit, cesspool, gully; (äv.) septic
tank; ~galler sewer grating; ~ledning
[main] sewer, conduit; ~nät sewerage system;
~pump sewage pump; ~reningsverk sewer
purifying plant; ~rensare sewerman;
~rensning drain (sewer) cleaning; ~rör (mindre)
drain-pipe; (större) sewer [tube]; ~siam
sludge; ~system sewage disposal system,
sewerage [system]; ~vatten sewage;
~vattenrening sewage purification
klocka (ring~, kyrk etc.) bell; (ur) clock,
(fickur) watch; (dykar-) diving bell; jfr bl. a.
ackumulator~, alarm~, atom~, gas—
klock|are parish clerk, sacristan;
(kyrkvaktmästare) verger, sexton, (äv.) beadle; (organist)
organist, organ-player; ~boj bell buoy;
~bägarkultur (arkeol.) bell-beaker culture;
~formig bell-shaped; ~gjutare bell-founder;
~gjuteri bell-foundry; ~gjutning
bell-founding; ~glödgugn; ~glödgugn med
strålningsrör radiant-tube, bell-type annealing
furnace ; ~isolator bell insulator; ~kedja watch
chain; ~metall bell metal; ~radio clock
radio; ~ringning [the] ringing of bells;
~slag stroke of a bell \ur clock);
~spinnmaskin cap spinning machine; ~stapel
bell-frame; ~termostat clock thermostat; ~torn
belfry, bell-tower; ~ugn bell[-type] furnace;
~ventil bell, (US) plunger
klo|grävmaskin grab excavator (dredger);
~koppling clutch coupling, jaw (dog) clutch
klor chlorine; aktivt (fritt, verksamt) ~ available
chlorine; flytande ~ liquid chlorine; ~al
(trikloracetaldehyd) chloral; ~alhydrat chloral
hydrate; ~alos chloralose; ~aluminium
(aluminiumklorid) aluminium chloride; ~amin
chloramine; ~ammonium ammonium
chloride; ~anilin chloraniline
klorat chlorate; ~fabriksmaskiner chlorate
works machinery; ~kross chlorate crushing
klor|atom chlorine atom; ~avgasning
chlorination; ~bensol chlorobenzene;
~bensol-sulfonsyra chlorobenzenesulphonic acid;
~- blekning chlorine bleach[ing]; ~cyan
cyanogen chloride; ~dioxid chlorine dioxide
klorer|a to chlorinate; ~ande; ~ande rostugn
chloridizing roasting furnace; ~ing
chlorination; ~ingshärdighet (färgäkthet) colour
fastness to chlorination; ~ingsmedel
chlorinating agent
klor|etyl ethyl chloride; ~förening chloride
compound; ~gasblekning (pappers.) gas
bleaching; ~halt chlorine content;
~hydro-kinon chlorohydroquinone; ~härdighet
fastness to chlorine
klorid chloride; jfr bl. a. ammonium~, amyl—
klor|it chlorite; ~kalcium calcium chloride;
~kalium potassium chloride
klorkalk chloride of lime, chlorinated lime;
(äv.) bleaching powder; ~lösning (ofta)
bleaching liquor; ~lösningsanläggning
bleach mixing plant; ~s|kvarn mill for
chloride of lime; ~s|upplösare dissol ver for
chloride of lime
klor|kautschuk chlorinated rubber;
~kautschuklack chlorinated rubber enamel;
~kväve nitrogen trichloride; ~mycetin
Chloromycetin ; ~natrium sodium chloride;
~nitro-bensol chloronitrobenzene; ~nitro metan
chloronitromethane; ~nitrotoluol
kloro|form chloroform; ~formera to
chloroform; ~förmering chloroformization; ~fyll
chlorophyll; ~fyllkropp chloroplast,
chlorophyll-corpuscle; ~pren chloroprene;
~pren-gummi chloroprene rubber; ~s chlorosis
klor|platinsyra chloroplatinic acid; ~promazin
chlorpromazine; ~silver silver chloride;
~sulfonsyra chlorosulphonic acid; ~svavel
sulphur chloride, chloride of sulphur; ~syra
chloric acid; ~vatten chlorine water; ~väte
hydrogen chloride; ~vätesyra (saltsyra)
hydrochloric acid; ~zink zinc chloride
kloster convent, cloister; (munk) monastery;
(nunne-) convent, nunnery; ~jord convent
land, land belonging to a religious house;
~kyrka chapel of a convent, abbeychurch;
~skola convent school
klot (bokbind.) cloth, buckram; (boll) ball;
(glob) globe; inbunden i ~ in cloth (buckram),
cloth-bound, buckram-bound; svart ~ (sjö.)
black ball; bokbindare bookbinder’s cloth:
~band cloth-binding, buckram-binding, cloth
boards; inbunden i ~band cloth-bound; ~boj
spherical buoy; ~formad globular [in shape];
~rygg (bokbind.) cloth back
klots block, wedge; ~a to secure by wedges;
~broms block brake; ~kontakt butt contact
klove (tekn.) vice, (US) vise
klubb club; (arbetar-) local union; exklusiv ~
exclusive (select) club; jfr bl. a. automobil~,
bok~, diskussions~, foto~, Haag—en,
idrotts~, kennel~, valuta~, verkstads—
klubb|a club; (grövre) bludgeon, cudgel;
(krocket-) mallet; ishockey—tf ice hockey stick;
~avgift club dues; ~försäkring (tidigare
använd term för redares ansvarighetsförsäkring)
protection and indemnity insurance; ~hotell
residential club; ~hus club house; ~lokal
club premises; ~match club match;
~meddelanden club announcements; ~medlem
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