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konjunktur|cykel 427 konjunktur|rytm
situation in Sweden belong [the plans for]...;
splittrad ~ [a] diversified economic situation;
är ganska splittrad the picture presented
by the business trend is somewhat diffused
konjunktur|cykel business (trade) cycle;
~diagnos analysis (interpretation) of business
conditions and price movements; odynamik
forces of economic expansion; ~dämpande
business- (economy~, boom-)restraining,
business-curbing (-curtailing, -checking, -stifling,
-suppressing, -restricting, -dampening);
~dämpande åtgärder anti-inflationary steps; verka
odämpande to have a restraining effect on
the economy [of a country]; ~dämpning
[a general] business decline (recession);
recession, decline in business, reversal,
backsliding; ~expansion expansion of business;
ofaktor element (factor) in the economic
situation; ofluktuationer cyclical fluctuations
[in business], fluctuations in the economic
situation; (marknad) fluctuations of the
market, market vacillation; ~forskning research
into trade cycles; ~förbättring improvement
in the economic trend; ~förlopp trend of
economic activity; (äv.) economic (business,
trade) cycle; det internationella förloppet the
course of international business developments;
the international business cycles; ~förlust
loss owing to fluctuations of the market;
~försvagning|economic, business] recession,
recession in business, business decline, decline
in economic activity, [a temporary] falling off
of business activity, [a mild] tapering off of
economic activity; ~försämring recession,
deteriorating business conditions;
~förändring change in the trend of economic activity;
change in the economic trend; ogestaltning
the shaping of the economic situation; the
general economic picture; oinflytanden
cyclical influences; oinjektion injection of credit
for the purpose of stimulating (maintaining)
economic activity; (fam.) [a] shot of credit;
~institut institute of economic research,
economic (business, business-cycle) research
institute, economic (business) trend [research]
institute; K~institutet the National [Swedish]
Institute of Economic Research; Meddelanden
från Kroinstitutet Reports from the Institute
of Economic Research; oinvesteringsfond
trade equalization account[s]; Kojournalen
the Statistical Survey of Current Economic
Trends; ~kurva economic trend; den
underliggande ~ kurvan the basic (true, underlying)
trend; uppgången i ~ kurvan the upturn in the
business trend; ~känslig; ~känsliga råvaror
raw materials sensitive to economic
fluctuations; ~läge state (trend) of the market,
economic (business, trading, market) situation,
economic picture, business conditions (trend),
market condition; en växande ~jämnhet i ro läget
a growing disparity in the business situation;
»K~läget hösten 1964» (tidskrift) The
Economic Situation in the Autumn of 1964;
ro/äget i stålsektorn the general trend in steel
(the steel sector); ~jämnheter i roläget lack of
uniformity in the business trend; ~mekanism
economic mechanism
konjunkturmässig cyclical; the cyclical peak of
residential building; det är fråga om en ~ rörelse,
icke en grundläggande trendförskjutning it is a
question of a temporary fluctuation in the
trend, not a basic change in its direction;
~ baisse cyclical depression; ~ betydelse
importance as an indicator of the economic
trend; ~ erfarenhet experience of past
economic trends (past trade cycles);
faktorer factors reflecting the underlying
economic trend; ~ försämring non-seasonal
deterioration in business activity; ~t bar
utgifterna blott ökat obetydligt expenditure shows
(the expenses show) only a slight upward
trend; ~t icke önskvärt undesirable from the
point of view of maintaining economic
activity; rot och strukturellt on grounds of
both the underlying economic trend and the
fundamental facts of the situation; ~
stagnation [a] stationary phase in the trend; ~
underton [the] underlying tone in economic
activity; ~ uppgång increase due to the
growth in business activity; ~t uppåtgående
tendens tendency for activity [in given [-industries]-]
to increase on grounds of a general
improvement in business; ~ utveckling at
skatteintäkterna movement (change) in the
yield of taxes as a result of the economic
trend; ~ ökningstendens general tendency
towards a rise in economic activity
konjunktur|mönster economic pattern;
onedgång|economic, business] recession, [a]
general business recession, economic (business)
decline, decline in business (economic activity),
depression, business (trade) depression, [-[business]-]
slump, slowing down of economic
activity, contraction, business (economic)
contraction, [major, minor] crisis; (US äv.)
downward drift, downdrift, letdown, drop-off;
lindrig ~nedgång mild recession; ~nivå level of
activity, business (economic) level; utöva ett
starkt tryck på ronivån to exert a powerful
influence on the level of activity; ~omslag
turn of the market; ~omvälvning complete
change (break) in the economic trend;
~opti-mism optimism in regard to the [probable]
economic trend
konjunkturpolitik economic policy; policy of
stimulating economic activity; konjunktur- och
utrike~politik economic and foreign trade
policy; aktiv ro counter-cyclical policy; monetär ~
policy of monetary stimulation; aktiv monetär
~ counter-cyclical monetary policy
konjunkturpolitisk from the point of view of
economic activity (of the economic trend),
relating to economic activity (to the economic
trend); aktuella roa avsikter intention to take
steps to change the existing level of economic
activity; akuta roa bekymmer immediate anxiety
about the course of economic activity;
centralbankens roa möjligheter the possibilities of the
Central Bank to influence the trend of
economic activity; roa injektioner - se
konjunkturinjektion; ~t ~intressant uninteresting from
the point of view of the economic trend;
0(2 åtgärder measures for stimulating economic
konjunktur|problem business cycle problem;
orapport market report; orytm business
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