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land|avträdelse 477 landsorts|press
land; ~avträdelse cession of territory;
~baserad land-based; (äv.) shore-based;
L~-brugsraadet (Köpenhamn) the Agricultural
Council; ~bruksteknisk; Norsk
L~bruks-teknisk Förening the Norwegian Association
for Agricultural Engineering; ~flygplan
landplane; ~fritt; fritt Stockholm ex quay
Stockholm; ~gräns land-frontier; ~gång
gangway; (flyg.) entrance ladder; ~höjning
land elevation; ~krig land-war, land
warfare; ~massa (geol.) land mass; ~mina land
mine; ~märke (sjö.) landmark
landning landing, (äv.) alighting; lodrät start
och ~ (flyg.) vertical take-off and landing,
(förk.) VTOL
andnings|avgift landing fee; ~bana (flyg.)
landing strip, runway, airstrip, strip; ~fyr
landing light; ~fält landing field (ground);
~hastighet landing speed; ~hjul landing
wheel; ~karta landing chart;
instrumentinflygnings- och ~kartor Instrument Approach and
Landing Charts ICAO [: International Civil
Aviation Organization]; ~ljus landing light
(flare); ~märke ground (landing) mark;
~plats landing ground; ~strålkastare (flyg.)
landing light; ~sträcka landing run; ~ställ
undercarriage, landing gear; ~system; b
Undersystem Instrument Landing System, (förk.)
ILS; Standard Beam Approach, (förk.) SBA;
~tillstånd landing permit, permission to
land; ~vinkel angle of descent; ~yta
landing area
land|område territory; ~permission shore
leave; ~rensning (flottn.) salvaging grounded
logs after a drive; ~rötning (lin) dew retting
lands|antikvarie (ung.) County Custodian of
Antiquities; ~arkiv provincial (county)
archives (record office); ~arkivarie provincial
(regional) archivist; (äv.) county
record-keeper; L~banki; L~banki Islands the
National Bank of Iceland; ~bibliotek regional
landsbygd rural area[s]; bostadsbyggande på ~rø
nonurban (rural) home (residential)
construction; new farm residential construction; flykten
från roen the movement of population from
country to city; the migration of
country-people into the towns; ~ ens bebyggelse rural
settlement; ro ens elektrifiering rural
electrification ; Riksförbundet för Elektrifieringen på
L~en, REL the National [Swedish]
Association for Rural Electrification; Riksförbundet
L~ens Folk, RLF the National [Swedish]
Farmer’s Union
lands|bygds- rural; ~del province, part of the
country; ~fader father of the country,
paternal monarch; ~farlig dangerous to the State;
~fiskal district police superintendent [and
public prosecutor]; (US) district attorney,
sheriff, undersheriff; ~fiskalsdistrikt [the]
district of a police superintendent, police
superintendent district; ~flyktig subst, [an]
exile; adj. exiled, in exile; ~fogde (ung.)
County Police Superintendent [and Public
Prosecutor]; ~förbund; Norges
Arbeidterapeuters L~förbund the Norwegian Association
of Occupational Therapists; ~förening;
Norges kooperative Lförening the Norwegian C
-operative Union and Wholesale Society;
Papirgrossisternes L~förening the Norwegian
Wholesale Paper Merchants’ Association;
~förbund national federation (league);
förening national association (society, league,
union); Frisinnade hf öreningen (hist.) the
National Liberal Organization; ~förrädare
traitor; ~församling rural parish; ~förvisa
to banish, to exile; ~förvisning banishment,
landshövding [County (Provincial)] Governor,
Governor of a County (Province); (Br äv.)
Lord Lieutenant [of a county], His (Her)
Majesty’s Lieutenant [of and in the County
of ...]; Sheriff; His (Her) Majesty’s
Lieutenant for the County of London; the Lord
Lieutenant for the County of Warwickshire;
Vice-Lieutenant for the County of Kent; ~residens
[the] official residence of the [County, [-Provincial]-] {+Pro-
vincial]+} Governor, Governor’s Residence;
(äv.) County Hall
lands|insamling national (nation-wide)
subscription; ~kamp international match; ~
kamrer [are] (ung.) County Treasurer
(Accountant) ; ~kansli county secretariate];
~kanslist county clerk, county secretariat[e]
landskap (landsdel) province, county, shire
landskaps|gräns provincial (county) boundary;
~karta county map
lands|kommun rural district (community); (US
äv.) township; Svenska L~kommunernas
Förbund the Federation of Swedish Rural Districts;
~kontor county accountant’s department;
~kontorist county accountant
landskyddad; delvis ~ partially landlocked
lands|kyrka country (parish, rural) church;
(national-) national church; ~lag (jur.)
national law code; (sport) national (international)
team; L~låge ~ for Reiselivet i Norge (no.) the
Norway Travel Association; ~man [fellow-]
-countryman, compatriot, fellow-citizen;
mål dialect; ~målsarkiv; L~måls- och
Folkminnesarkivet (i Uppsala) the Uppsala Institute
for Dialectology and Folklore Research;
~möte national congress
landsomfattande nation-wide, national;
försäljningsorganisation national sales organisation;
~ program [a] national (nation-wide)
program [me]; ~ reklamkampanj (annonskampanj)
national advertising campaign
landsorganisation national organization
(federation, association, union, society); L~en i
Sverige, LO the Swedish Trade Union
Confederation; L~ens Utredningsavdelning the
Research Section of the Swedish Trade Union
Confederation; L~ens Kvinnoråd the Womens’
Council of the Swedish Trade Union
Confederation; Amerikanska ~en the American
Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial
Organizations, (förk.) AFL-CIO; Brittiska
~the Trades Union Congress, (förk.) TUC;
Skotska roen the Scottish Trades Union
landsort province, country; i ~en in the country
(countryside, provinces)
landsorts|kontor provincial [branch] office,
provincial (country) branch; ~press pro-
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