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mandel|musslor 518 mantalsskriv|a
paste; ~musslor (bakverk) almond patties;
~olja almond oil; ~rivmaskin almond
grinding machine
mandioka manioc, cassava
mangan manganese; järn— ferromanganese;
~at manganate; kalium—at potassium
manganate; ~blände alabandite; ~borat manganese
borate; ~brons manganese bronze; ~dioxid
manganese dioxide; ~fattig poor (low) in
manganese; ~förening manganese
compound; ~granat manganese garnet,
spessar-tite; ~halt manganese content; ~haltig
manganiferous, containing manganese;
~-hydroxid manganic (manganese) hydroxide
mangani|fosfat manganic phosphate;
~förening manganic compound; ~hydroxid
manganic hydroxide; ~klorid manganic chloride
manganin manganin
mangani|salt manganic salt; ~sulfat manganic
mangan|it manganite; ~jodid manganous
iodide; ~järn ferromanganese; ~karbid
manganese carbide; ~kisel ~hodonite;
~klorid manganese chloride; ~ klorur manganous
chloride; ~koppar cupromanganese;
~legering manganese alloy; ~malm manganese
mangano|acetat manganous acetate; ~fosfat
manganous phosphate; ~förening manganous
compound; ~hydroxid manganous
hydroxide; ~jon manganous ion; ~karbonat
manganous carbonate; ~klorid manganous
chloride; ~oxid manganous oxide; ~salt
manganous salt; ~sulfat manganous sulphate
manganoxid manganese oxide; ~ul manganous
mangan|peroxid manganese peroxide; ~rik
rich (high) in manganese; ~salt manganese
salt, salt of manganese; ~spat ~hodochrosite,
manganese spar; ~stål manganese steel;
~sulfat manganous sulphate; ~sulfur
manganous sulphide (sulfide); ~superoxid
manganese peroxide (dioxide); ~syra manganic
acid; ~vitriol manganese vitriol
mangel mangle; maskindriven ~ power-driven
mangle; hushålls— household mangle; ~korg
mangl|erska mangier; ~ing mangling; (fig.)
drawn-out negotiations
man) gårdsbyggnad farm-house, main building,
dwelling house; ~hål (tekn.) manhole;
~hålslock inspection cover
manifest (pol.) manifesto; (sjö. etc.) manifest,
ship’s manifest, loading manifest; jfr frakt~,
post—; ~ation manifestation [of]; ~era to
manifold (papper) manifold
manikur manicure; ~era to manicure; ~ist
Manilla Manila, Manilla; ~-fördraget the
Manila Treaty; m—garn Manila yarn; m—
hampa Manila hemp; m—kartong Manila
cardboard (board); m—matta Manila mat;
m—papper Manila wrapping (paper, tissue),
jute paper
manioka manioc, cassava; ~stärkelse cassava
manipul|ation manipulation; device, trick;
drägliga ~ationer fraudulent manipulation;
~ator (tekn.) manipulator; (kärnfys. äv.)
master slave; ~era to manipulate, to handle
mank|era to fail [to come, to be present etc.];
~o short-shipment, short delivery; (vikt)
short weight, underweight; shortage,
deficiency, loss; deficit, defect; (fat) ullage,
vacuity; (kassa) cash short; avdrag för ~o
(fat) allowance for ullage
man|lig male, masculine, man; avlida utan ~liga
bröstarvingar to die without male issue; to die
leaving no male issue; ~ligpersonal male staff;
~lucka manhole cover
mannagryn semolina, wheat-groats; ~ s]malen;
~s|malet kaffe medium-ground coffee
mannekäng fashion model, model, mannequin;
(skyltdocka) [tailor’s] dummy, (modelldocka)
lay figure; (konst) manikin; M~ernås Svenska
Huvudorganisation the Swedish Central
Organization of Fashion Models; ~uppvisning
fashion show (parade, display, showing),
mannequin parade, style show
mannes mann|hålnings verk Mannesmann
piercing mill; ~rör Mannesmann pipe
mann|it (kem.) mannitol; ~os mannose
manodepressiv manic-depressive
manometer pressure gauge (US gage),
manometer; (på ångmask.) steam-gauge; jfr acetylen~,
avisar~, hydraul~, ingas~, lågtrycks~,
olje-~, syrgas—; ~filter pressure gauge filter;
~tryck gauge pressure; ~ventil
pressure-gauge valve
mansard|fönster dormer window; ~rum
mansard room; ~tak mansard (curb) roof
manschett cuff; (tekn.) sleeve; lös ~ detachable
cuff; ~arbetare white-collar (black-coated,
clerical, office) worker; ~brott (fam., jur.)
white collar crime; ~knapp cuff-link;
~proletariat white-collar (black-coated) proletariat
(workers); ~yrke white-collar (black-coated,
clerical) profession (job)
manskap men, personnel; (sjö. äv.) crew, ship’s
company, complement; (armé) other ranks,
[commissioned] officers, non-commissioned
officers and other ranks; (flotta) ratings;
(flyg.) airmen; jfr bl.a. brand~, hjälp~,
räddnings—; ~s|barack workmen’s cabin
(hut); ~s|rulla muster roll, crew list
mans|kör male [voice] choir, men’s choir, men’s
glee club (society); ~timme man-hour
mantal assessment unit of land; (Br hist.) hide
mantals|adress census registration address;
~assistent Assistant Registrar; ~avgift se
~pengar; ~blankett census-return form,
census-paper, census form; ~bok
census-register; ~direktör (ung.) Chief Registrar;
(för hela riket, Br) Registrar-General;
~förteckning se ~längd; ~kommissarie Chief
(Principal) Registrar; ~kontor
census-registration office, registry (registrar’s) office, (US)
census bureau; ~längd register (schedule) of
population; ~pengar capitation tax, poll-tax;
~register census-register
mantalsskriv|a to register for census purposes;
kyrko- och ~as to be registered for parish and
census purposes; ~en; här i riket ~na
utlänningar persons registered in this country as
resident aliens; senast boende och ~en Kungsgatan
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